[member="Trextan Voidstalker"]
[SIZE=9pt]“This is a good robe. Look how well it fits him.” The Dug scuttled closer, long whiskers swaying with each step. Those hazel green eyes shot over to Trextan. Okay, they [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]did[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] look good on him; seemed to fit well. Granted, seeing him standing there dressed as he was still had the slight issue of being distracting. Things were so much easier when she had first met him back on Polis Massa when it didn’t really matter on his proximity or the way he looked at her. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]The shopkeeper’s voice drew her attention again, “Well made means good use still. Still worth twenty credits.”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]“It doesn’t have holes on it but it still smells likely the Bantha it likely had been draped over.” [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]“What’s a little bit of smell?! Blends you into the desert so the [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Womprats[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] don’t get you.”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]“I’ll give you thirteen credits, then.”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]The entire matter was done in a span of a few seconds with sharp words tossed back and forth. Not that the Dug didn't notice the shiny cybernetic Trextan had. He might be able to get more money for the filters.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Turning towards Trextan, she gave a short nod. R4 gave a small toot, moving beside the Jedi to get a closer look. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]“Twenty five credits for this filter.” The Dug followed up, handing her one. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]“Just like new, barely used. You will find no better elsewhere.” Considering it was Tatooine and the amount of sand there was, could be a viable claim. However, Choli was quick to inspect this as well. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]“Barely used?” A dark brow rose, the woman taking it to shake it close to her ear and listen for any loose particles. To her surprise, she didn’t hear anything shaking. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Huh, maybe he [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]was[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] right. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]“This is a good robe. Look how well it fits him.” The Dug scuttled closer, long whiskers swaying with each step. Those hazel green eyes shot over to Trextan. Okay, they [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]did[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] look good on him; seemed to fit well. Granted, seeing him standing there dressed as he was still had the slight issue of being distracting. Things were so much easier when she had first met him back on Polis Massa when it didn’t really matter on his proximity or the way he looked at her. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]The shopkeeper’s voice drew her attention again, “Well made means good use still. Still worth twenty credits.”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]“It doesn’t have holes on it but it still smells likely the Bantha it likely had been draped over.” [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]“What’s a little bit of smell?! Blends you into the desert so the [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Womprats[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] don’t get you.”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]“I’ll give you thirteen credits, then.”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]The entire matter was done in a span of a few seconds with sharp words tossed back and forth. Not that the Dug didn't notice the shiny cybernetic Trextan had. He might be able to get more money for the filters.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Turning towards Trextan, she gave a short nod. R4 gave a small toot, moving beside the Jedi to get a closer look. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]“Twenty five credits for this filter.” The Dug followed up, handing her one. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]“Just like new, barely used. You will find no better elsewhere.” Considering it was Tatooine and the amount of sand there was, could be a viable claim. However, Choli was quick to inspect this as well. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]“Barely used?” A dark brow rose, the woman taking it to shake it close to her ear and listen for any loose particles. To her surprise, she didn’t hear anything shaking. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Huh, maybe he [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]was[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] right. [/SIZE]