Vasylyshyn repeated the same slow nod, taking the seat. His glowing eyes matched those of the man across from him for a moment before snapping away. Vasylyshyn saw danger in those eyes. He saw anger in them, anger too. Looking around the bar, the young man felt something close to derision rising within him. He snorted, unable to stop himself from releasing some of the absurd humor he felt.
He looked back at the Zabrak, a fleck of a sneer showing in his eyes. "It's a crazy universe, isn't it?" He asked from beneath his black mask. Vasylyshyn felt lost, sitting here at this random cantina with a strange Zabrak in the aftermath of some petty squabble. Such an insignificant moment, a meaningless event. But it was all he had right now, and it was moments like this that defined one's life, that changed and shaped individuals. As he thought, his eyes grow increasingly distant, more lost and stern. To look into them was like to stare into an endless sea at twilight. Deep and mysterious, the face they fit into masked behind a black veil.