Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Round 1: Nick Gamastar vs Sophie Gustav [ToA]

Kyla Foy

When she advanced, it was time for the brawl. The brawl was going to be pretty easy but a lesson for the 17 year old Sorcerer. He knew the first rule on protect your head and when her blade was held high, he first started off with blocking the hit above his head, then the right part of his body was hit and he took a step back, feeling the point of the blade get against his right side of his stomach. He felt a pain from the right side of his body just under his ribcage but he started to try to attack. He came with two overhead slashes, which was like one adding a bit more power to the next one, to build a sort of pressure and after that he went for her left arm. [member="Sophie Gustav"]
He wasn't experienced with fighting up-front as Sophie was. It was clear by his moves, and the fact he took a blow from such an easy move. Obviously he hid behind his tricks too much to rely on anything else. His mistake then. At least a scratch to the left meant now they were on even more of an even field. It would make up for the mark he left on her. His two overhead slahes were stronger than the last, Sophie needing to back her arms when the second one struck. At least it gave her some room when he tired to go for her arm. She blocked and tried pushing it away before making a swipe for his chest, hoping to at least make another cut across it. Failing that she followed with a few more attempted strikes for his left and right side.

[member="Nick Gamastar"]

Kyla Foy

The difference in saber experience were a big difference, she was most likely a general type of acolyte while he focused onto the force. He did his two powerful swiped at her from his overhead and she even had to back herself up with her arms, when his attack was blocked and pushed away, he knew that it was bad, except for escaping her, he would go straight at her, he would charge forward like a tackle and clinch with her using her waist to clinch around. It would give it pretty hard to actually slash, directly after that he threw his knee upwards and tried to knee her side but it wouldn't have that much power, the clinching was where his strength was currently at

a way of clinching but not executed like that atm, only the start of the grabbing.

[member="Sophie Gustav"]
When he charged for her Sophie half expected him to make for another overhead slash attempt. Instead he came in with his arms around her and locked onto her. She struggled only to feel a knee to the side. Thankfully it wasn't the one she was cut on, but a knee to the side of her body was still painful. His mistake, however, was gettng that close. Unlike him Sophie hadn't used as much of the force in battle. That meant she still had enough to spare. With her free hand she focused, pulling out the emotions of memory needed to summon force lightning in her hands. She reached to his back and began to pour a small but efeective amount into him in the hopes of getting him off her. After that she would try to put some distance between them by kicking him in the chest.

[member="Nick Gamastar"]

Kyla Foy

He was giving the girl pain by her knee because of his extra weight, that didn't seem to work to well at the end. The small amount of lightning going against his back. He did feel it but it did give him a slight stun for a moment and she kicked him away with a push-kick. He took steps backwards, but just recovered himself as he didn't fall onto the ground. The last minute was on. She used lightning and that might have used a great amount of force energy also of the girl. He had hoped so at least as it was very dangerous if she was able to keep on using it against him. He held his blade in one hand and yelled, "Haaa!!" His burned hand stepped forward with the anger, he had residing within his body he would try to force-push the girl as far as possible away from him.

[member="Sophie Gustav"]
With the victory of release came the sudden feeling of the force pushing towards her. Sophie had enough time to brace herself, using her arms for sheilding, before flying across the room. He still had some fight left in him. At least now he was fighting more like a real sith. She landed on her feet, thankfully, but fell back from the sudden rush of being back on solid ground. She'd nealry hit the wall but thankfully didn't end up with anymore pains in the back. Sophie struggled back to her feet, still reeling from the wound on her side, before seeing how far [member="Nick Gamastar"] had pushed her. He had the same idea of ganing distance between them. Sophie, however, worried this was part of another ploy of his, and began to advance. She kept her blade up and held vertically as she did, readying for any sudden move he might make.

Kyla Foy

This damned fighting style. Why would a Sith Sorcerer showcase, his saber skills when he knows that it will not give him the upper-hand. Why fight like a Marauder, where the percentage of winning was tiny. What did this Sith Lord, Darth Ayra want to see from him skill wise? Why did he even show any compassion for this Jedi? This might be an ex-jedi now, who had joined the Sith. She even mocked his own fighting style and now thought her style to be the correct way to fight? He should've attacked her with his full capacity and crushed her in seconds, no matter the cost, Darth Praelior would fix him up anyway, in those situations.

When he released his Force Push onto the girl she was flying off and the hit she would take wasn't meant for her back, it was for her injured knee. His breathing became heavier, inhaling and exhaling long and slow. His right burned arm was hanging and resting, a multifunctional attack it had been. It was the only thing that was for certain. Nick's eyes looked towards the girl her knee, as he didn't seem to do anything only resting for a period of time.

"Every step, is a step which leads you into a pit, it only depends if you know how to get yourself out of it."
He basically told the girl that if she didn't do something about her wound soon, it would become a greater burden on her. Her question should've been, was it a lie or not? When he saw her struggling and slowly advancing, he decided to go towards her. The pain which he felt post was the strike he got to the side of his body and actually the burning type feeling of a skin just being opened, together with his burned arm.

When he came close towards her, he held his blade with only but his left hand and placed his right hand in front of his face to guard his face. He rose his blade up, but suddenly his body turned in?! It wasn't a slash attack that he tried, attempted to kick the girl her injured knee. Her blade was longer than his kick range, his right and left side of his open and his head was only guarded with his burned arm.

[member="Sophie Gustav"]
Sophie knew she was struggling but she didn't want to hear from him about how to handle herself. He thought he was so high and mighty in his words but she didn't care for it. He was still only an acolyte like her. The day would be a sith master maybe then she'd heed his words. Until they he was just another obstacle in her way. She gave a sharp "Spare me your diatrive." before he'd advanced on her.

She was suprised by his sudden attack for her knee, she not having time to block it. He hit and she screamed from the vital spot. Dropping down she gripped her knee with one hand before looking up to [member="Nick Gamastar"] and, at that point, took more note of his wounded arm. Instead of going for his head she reached out with the force and began to grip his burnt arm. She focused and squeezed, trying to draw out the burning pain from it on him.

Kyla Foy

The battle was fierce somehow, but it wasn't engolved with darkness it seemed more children who were not having their time to play. His words did not reach her and he had to show her the reality. His foot risen up and a kick was given that contacted to her knee. She had her critical spot and he had currently one weakened and a burned right under-arm. She squeezed against it and a scream came from him, "AAaaah!!!" Tiny holes were popping from under his skin it was quite disgusting but from under there his blood appeared. It was extremely dangerous, it was dead skin on top of his own, but it did heck a hurt.

He threw after a short period of screaming another kick towards the girl her knee if it had hit he would follow up with a knee towards her gut. If the kick was enough to let him loose he would try to take distance.
[member="Sophie Gustav"]
Sophie had been pushing herself too much. She was too busy inflicting pain and not thinking about trying to take more advantage of her situation. She had him subdued with the force grip on his burnt arm and she could've used that, instead she let her emotions get the better of her and not see him take anothet kick to her knee before delviering another to her gut. She let out a winded sound before feeling herself roll on the ground. She fell on her front on the ground and tried to breath, catching her breath as she tried to pick herself up. She was getting exausted. Loosing blood. But so was he. This was going to be a gritty fight to the finish for sure. As she tried picking herself up Sophie looked to see what [member="Nick Gamastar"] would try next.

Kyla Foy

His lower arm was hurting like crazy. It was like a knife was constantly being stabbed into it, that type of sensation he felt! It was because the wind that came from the cracks of the old arena. "Ugh.." He took another step back and was trying to create a distance between them, If the girl had to walk on that painful knee, it would only help him. It was a boring strategy, but it could work.

[member="Sophie Gustav"]

(Next rp I will write about the blood)
He was backing away. And here Sophie half expected him to try something else. But she could tell what it was. Her knee was busted, even as she looked at it she could tell it wasn't good. She wouldn't be able to walk right or take a decent enough stance in a fight if it came down to it. She would need serious medical attention after this. But still, she had breath in her lungs and her saber in her hand. What little of the darkside she could still summon would be needed for something else. For now it was just a matter of getting to her feet. As she struggled to she noticed another of [member="Nick Gamastar"]'s daggers he'd dropped. She took it in her other hand, a means of using the enemies' weapon against him and all that. She slipped it in her pocket before trying to stand straight, only to waver and fall against the nearby wall. She used this, however, as support as she leaned against it while turning to face Gamastar, however far away he was from her.

"Give up?" she mocked at him.

Kyla Foy

He was making a distance and simply waited over there. His lungs expanding and decreasing in size while he was inhaling and exhaling. His eyes looked over towards the girl seeing that she was taking a dagger. He would have to remember that she most likely would use that for stabbing and returning a message to win the battle. His teeth were grinding against each other, he had to heal this wound, but if he did that he would have no force left to fight and drop down of exhaustion. This was a tight situation, the slow bleeding wound was irritating to have. He knew her wound was far more painful, but the Sith thought a lot about themselves. He nodded to himself thinking for a moment then he smiled, his plan was not sneaky but would help him gain time to regain his energy a tiny bit.

"Do you think such words influence me? I see your knee, you know it, I know it. You need to be taken care of or your next fight will be the last time you will walk on that leg."
He did this on purpose giving her a hard decision to make, putting a pressure on her.

"You will...collapse soon...Then what will you do your next fight?"
He put some extra pressure onto her shoulders also gaining for himself time.

[member="Sophie Gustav"]
Sophie was trying to regain what force energy she could as well. If her body failed at least she had that left. And she needed everything she could to outlast [member="Nick Gamastar"] while there was still time. Even as he spoke she smirked, chuckling past her pain as she heard him try to talk about her pains as limitations for the next fight. "You think I'm worried about that? Right now I'm wonder how much life you got left in that body of yours.If that even is the real one. For all I know you've been hiding in another room and I'm just fighting another illusion. But at lest I'll know I stood and fought while you hid behind your tricks."

Kyla Foy

"You are a bad liar."​

[SIZE=13.63636302948px]He told the girl as he took a step forward. His blade went onto his hand as he took took step after step closer. His eyes looked over towards her movements. She had the dagger and it could be thrown at him any moment. When he walked passed the few daggers which he made come to him a while ago. He took one also from the pile and placed it away another kept within his hand. He didn't move any further, instead, he stayed near his dagger and placed his blade in his burned hand.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.63636302948px]He started to throw daggers her way aiming near her footing, he wanted to force her to walk onto that knee, jump anything. The daggers went from as high as her knee to her ankles. Some didn't even go near her, they were going too far to the left or to the right, but some of them would. His breathing was heavy and this was the cause for not being that extreme dangerous in that situation. [/SIZE][member="Sophie Gustav"]
With the daggers apporching her Sophie braced herself while trying to think of how to defend herself. The best she had was using her saber and trying to swing it low enough to cut down whatever flew towards her. She'd managed most, and the ones that were too far were no problem, but one had managed to sink into her ankle. She screamed and leaned back against the wall more, feeling as if one leg was now usless to her. She gritted her teeth as she tried to stay standing before seeing how close [member="Nick Gamastar"] was.

Baring her teeth she growled "And you're too close!"

With the force guiding her throw she took the dagger she'd palmed and threw it for his right knee. She wasn't going to be the only one who'd need leg medication by the end of this. She would make certian of that.

Kyla Foy

He saw her taking out the dagger and there he was struck. He tried to jump to the side but the calf muscle was impaled by the dagger. The bleeding was starting out there, but he stood up. The pain was unbearable. He was getting absolutely crazy as they were unable to take too much distance from each other as walking was a pain. He stood up slowly once again. His eyes were showing a total breakdown in his mental capacity. He stood there only because the single deepest goal he had, "Chantique...I won't go down!"

With the pain, he got the unbearable pain of his calf the dark side of the force allowed him to just do the thing. He used his force pull to not let her lean against the wall before pushing her straight back against the wall.

[member="Sophie Gustav"]
The sudden hard knock against the wall from his force push had been enough to make Sophie fall to the ground. She fell on her front stright down before coughing up what air was still in her lungs. She felt a little dizzy. The loss of blood mixed with the pain she had from all the fighting and the injuries in her leg were too much. She tried looking up, her vision getting a bit blurry, but she could see [member="Nick Gamastar"] and how he seemed to be going mad from the fight. She could see it. He wasn't used to all of this sort of fighting. He was out of his comfort zone. Good. It had meant Sophie had one advantage over him in the end. She felt herself slowly starting to pass out, but if she was she wanted one more payback for this whole fight. With the last bit of strength in her arm she reached out with the force to the dagger wound she'd made on his knee. Just to spite him more she had done what she did before and reached out to the pain in his burnt arm, focusing to make it hurt more as much as possible with a smile on her face.

Kyla Foy

He had won this fight it had seemed. She finally went unconscious but the girl did something splendid and he couldn't deal with it. Her grip made the dagger pop out but attacked the muscles just around the calf which allowed it to not go deeper, but it did shed a few tiny muscles around it. It was even more painful than simply digging deeper. He fell onto the ground as she was on the ground unconscious. He screamed, "ONE!!!"

His vornskr's came to him in a high speed and they stood there as the guard dogs like they were always. He pulled off his shirt and onto his muscled slim body was a blue spot on where she hit him with the blade He took the dagger out of the wound and tightly wrapped it tightly around the leg after he was called the winner he would have to take care off it. There were other fights after him so he had time.

The match was over... The next objective was taking care of himself and after that he would heal the girl. When he had the energy.

[member="Sophie Gustav"]
[member="Alicia Drey"]
Seeing that his beasts were defending him Sophie gave up. She dropped her hand down on the ground and rested against the cold hard floor. She breathed, trying to regain herself while feeling herself start to pass out. She may lose the fight but at least she stuck it to him, after all the so-called power he claimed to weild he wasn't any better than her. Sophie had managed to roll herself onto her back and look up to the lights above the arena. As she passed out she felt like she was floating up towards them, her body like a feather being lifted up by the slightest air itself.

[member="Nick Gamastar"]

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