Sage Bane
Gazing into the abyss
Location: Ran-shok Droid Factory, Fresia
Fresia, a planet recently conquered by the One Sith, was a haven for industry. Not only was the Core World planet the headquarters for Incom and its many factories, but also home to many new upstarts, smaller companies that hoped to take advantage of Fresia’s many skilled workers, and of course, cheap labor. One such company was Ran-shok, a maker of droids. Today, Ran-shok had graciously allowed one of its droid factories to be the location of a match for the One Sith Tournament of Knights. After all, if Ran-shok could grease the wheels in order to score a contract to produce droids for the One Sith’s many armies, what did a bit of wanton destruction of one of their factories matter?The foundry itself was a massive dome-like structure, about a half a mile long, and highly automated, using machine and droid labor exclusively. Ran-shok saw no reason that the daily droid manufacturing shouldn’t take place around the two Knights. In that sense, the opponents would have to navigate around the hundreds of conveyor belts and moving robot assembly arms, all amid the deafening roar of the burning forges and the clank of metal hands sorting disembodied parts. The finished droids were kept in storage alcoves adjacent to the factory floor, and deep underneath the factory was its energy core. Surprisingly, no part of the factory itself was off-limits to the opponents, the foes could fight anywhere inside, and cause as much mayhem as they were able.
The two tournament contestants would be escorted into the factory at opposite ends, cuffed by One Sith soldiers, until they were safely locked inside. Once the two Knights were on their marks, they were uncuffed and set free to find each other, and to go to war, the only warm bodies among those of the cold metal soldiers.
[member="Warok the Defiler"] | [member="Darth Valdra"]
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