Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Round 1: Robot Parade (Warok the Defiler vs Darth Valdra)

Like a ocean of relief, he felt the pain completely disappear and he could think and act again, but the pain lingered, was it real? He looked up to see why the pain was gone and saw his spear pinning the Ewok to the beam and his cane falling from his crasp. He would not feel this pain again, never again, but a thought did creep into his mind and a smile slowly curled his lips.

He willed himself to press forward and pushed himself to his feet and used his speed, not by the Force, he had very little left and rushed his cane. He twisted the head and revealed the handle to his lightsaber and ignited the darksaber twisting to bring it to the Knight's throat to hopefully calm him and prevent him from ripping the doll in half. He then made a repetitive sound with his tongue pressed against the roof of his mouth like a parent makes when scolding a child, but scolding was far from what he was doing. In a rasped voice, still shaken and feeling the pain from before and wondering if he could have kids, he spoke, "Knight, you have a lot of power in you, power I would like to see you further. Enough of your anger, put the doll down and collect your thoughts and go patch yourself up. If I am not mistaken you will have another fight soon enough. I hardly think your actions and your use of your strengths and mind merit you losing. I concede and give you the win, you earned it. Maybe in return you will teach me some of what you know and I can teach you how to control the fire and wind better."

Lord Sabastian waited with his saber to the Knight's throat for his response and to see if he would accept the victory without more fighting.

[member="Warok the Defiler"] [member="Sage Bane"]
Warok giggled madly. What else was one to do when a blade was at one's throat? Strange, did the white-haired popinjay just surrender? Warok thought for a moment that he must have misheard. People typically didn't yield when they had their opponent at the end of a sword tip. Could it be a Sith ploy, to lure his confidence? Warok was not so trusting.

As the man finished with his speech, Warok promptly seized the end of the lightsaber in one gauntleted paw. The cortosis-durasteel weave grew scaldingly hot. Warok hissed at the pain and tightened his grip. He would rather a burned hand than a skewered trachea.

Still sitting down, he could not simply roll away. He doubted his ankle would even support his own weight, to say nothing of the steady trickle of blood leaking from his pierced side.

Instead, Warok chose for a more radical approach.

He bit the doll in half....with his teeth.

[member="Lord Sabastian"]
The little bastard was determined, or foolish like when he was younger. Though it could have been because they were Sith and sith weren't trusting, but as Sabastian had already thought, he would not feel the pain again. When he was Hakora he had focused on the lightsaber and one of his favorite forms was Tràkata, the form that utilized shutting off a lightsaber and turning it back on quickly.

He saw the doll moving towards the Ewok's mouth so he shut off his lightsaber and freed it from his grip. He then used the wood from the cane to strike at the hand with the doll to try and separate it from the Shaman and then his deactivated lightsaber found a resting place at the Ewok's temple where he was prepared to ignite the lightsaber in the Ewok's brain. He then bent down and whispered, the pain leaving his voice and his dark, cold voice returning. Whispering into the ear of the Ewok, he spoke softly with the hatred of a Sith bred through worlds of pain and opposition, "If you move even an inch I will put my saber through your brain and end your miserable life." With the wood he used the force to retract the tip and pressed it a little into the darkshear wound. "I gave you a chance, you who made me feel an unimaginable pain. I give you one last chance to accept the victory or I promise you will feel a pain you can't imagine."

[member="Warok the Defiler"] [member="Sage Bane"]
The blade emitter never came to rest at Warok's temple, mainly because Warok's hand was covered by a metal gauntlet. But also because he bit through the doll before [member="Lord Sabastian"] had even deactivated the blade.
As time went on, blood would continue to exit the wound. Sabastian had no noticed this, but it became clear when teeth met doll and nothing was felt. It would seem that during his fall the little, weak piece of hair had broken off. Moments like this why Sabastian was happy he did not use conditioner. The Ewok Knight was determined not to give up and as time passed not only did he lose blood, Sabastian was resting himself with little movements as the Dark Side fueled him.

His lips once again curled into a devilish smile, "A second offer was generous as we are the same side." His fingers on his right hand uncurled with only his thumb still holding the saber firmly as the familiar sound of Sith Lightning crackling and filling the air as he unleashed a storm of lightning on the Ewok before him to punish him for his distrust. Sith were never to be trusted, to their enemies. In the One Sith trust among brothers was vital or they would be no different than the Sith who fell before them.

[member="Warok the Defiler"] [member="Sage Bane"]

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