Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Round & Round We Go! [CIS Dominion of Dirha]

"Yep, this was definitely the right way. Come o--oh my gawsh!" Ginnie squealed, in mid-climb. She was nearly at the Bridge, and the climb had been nearly vertical for what felt to the 13 year old like miles. @[member="Darth Metus"] and @[member="Commander Calico CC-247"] must've had some sort of pluck to fill the line with communications of pants and @[member="Phoebe Draclau"], but Ginnie didn't mind as much as she thought she might. Hey! She was thirteen! In another year or three Isley might let her get a date! "No offence to my brother's Special Somepony, but what the deuce are you guys goin'on about in a war zone for? Is this how you guys keep the jitters off? Gawshdarnit I just blow things up! It's easier! And doesn't hit impressionable young ears! Ooo! Unless! Unless Isley, will you let me date when Im 14?! Can I? Can I?"

The order to get the h-e-double-hockey-stick out of the ship came as Ginnie poked her pink helmeted head out of the last conduit. "There they are! Fire! Fire!" Came the shrill voice of a last-ditch officer. Ginnie yanked her head back just in time to save it from an overwhelming amount of blaster fire. "@CC-827 Tauranov, how much do you weigh!? How much, how much!?" She yelled, shoving herself back down the conduit and pushing off. "How mu--aw never mind! Hang on to me, Trooper! Isley, where's the evac point!?" The little girl's voice was firm and confident. She grabbed Tau, kicked off the side of the conduit and started a 30 story free fall down to the exit point. Looking up to the ceiling, she fired her grappling hook and a series of line struck the side of the wall. Through the commlink, the Troopers and Isley would hear the sound of a girl giggling and yelling a hearty "Yahoo!!!" As she swung herself and Tau down and into the outer shell of the ship.

"Fire in the hole!" Hefting a grenade at the interior hull, Ginnie tossed herself to the ground as the mighty conflagration popped and sizzled through the metal and sheeting. "S'go! Run! Ru-wait, where's Isley? Isley, where are you!?" Ginnie didn't come out in the same place she'd entered, and even though the child was competent in a war zone, she had a lot to learn yet. "Omigosh! Omigosh! Omigosh!"

Wait! Her helmet had a Big Brother Tracker! A positioning system! She started flicking through the Helmet's programs, and there it was. "Found you." Firing at the slim remnant pockets who hadn't yet had the courtesy to die, the thirteen year old booted it toward the Evac Point. Once she had line of sight on her brother, the girl booted her jetpack and veered for him, stumbling on her landing and somersaulting head over heels toward another Trooper beside him. "Waugh! Evasive man-"@[member="CC-308 Maverick"]
"Die you scum, die!!!!!" Canal yelled out to trooper that he killed by putting a knife up his chin and Canal could see the knife that went through his tongue whenever the trooper opened his mouth that spilled out a lot of blood. Fifty men he fought, forty men he killed with no pity or mercy. Canal did receive some hits from enemy's blasters: one on his right side that hit his ribs, the second one was his left leg on his thigh, the third one was on the right side of his chest, and the fourth one on the left side of the back. But that didn't stop Canal at all. No, Canal was a tough son of a gun that couldn't be broken down so easily unlike the troopers he was facing that you could killed them with one or two hits.

This reminded Canal when he was on Kamino during his training at the academy that he scared all of his clones and instructor. They called him names like demon, damned monster, etc. This was because Canal is a masochist, he could feel pain but it was his drug, his steroids. You could shoot him point blank at his chest with no armor and he'll just stand as if though nothing happened to him.

The men could easily overwhelmed him but when they saw that four hits couldn't kill or stop Canal they were scared and didn't move or do anything until a couple shots made them come back to reality which killed them before they could do anything. He finally killed the last trooper by shooting him in the face with a shotgun. He glared at the siths and moved out to end their worthless lives.

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