Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Work In Progress Royal Trade Lane (Hyperlane)




To connect newly added territory unto the rest of the Alliance controlled space as well give the new Capital, Fondor, a trade lane
Image Credit: Star Wars Role-Play Chaos Map, Edited Version
Canon: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Galactic Alliance (Major Faction)
Rimma Trade Route (Canon Hyperlane)
Corellian Trade Spine (Canon Hyperlane)
Corellian Run (Canon Hyperlane)
Hydian Way (Canon Hyperlane)
S-thread Booster (Technology)


Hyperlane Name:
Royal Trade Lane
Classification: Hyperlane Trade Route
Hexes Crossed: 9
Affiliation: Galactic Alliance
Starting Hex: Taloraan
Ending Hex: Denon
Route Points: Taloraan, Korbin, Ophideraan, Fondor, Bassadro, Teyr, Devaron, Kelada, Denon

Accessibility: The Royal Trade Lane is a publicly accessible hyperlane to allow the most amount of trade possible within Alliance space. Opening up new industries and markets to both help the systems that the Trade Route goes through and the greater Alliance Economy at large. With a connection point with the Starbird Trade Spine, this will only continue to promote growth and further expansion of the Galactic Alliance’s Southern expansion into the Expansion Region.

Description: With the new Capital of the Alliance moved to Fondor, the Markets have reacted accordingly and the Economy demands further integration of the newly accepted systems of the galactic south with the rest of the Core systems.


Fondor, the Capital of the Galactic Alliance and Denon the planet where the more unspoken and seedier aspects of corporatism and underworld financing occur.


The sudden appearance of the Dark Empire, along with the subsequent capture of three Core systems, had stunned the Alliance for a short moment. An emergency decree had been issued and the once jewel of the Alliance, Coruscant, would no longer be suited as the Capital. Fondor was chosen for both its historical importance to Jedi and the old Republic, and now resources had been sent to reconstruct the center of government of the Alliance. Unfortunately the trade routes that once supplied Coruscant with so much, Fondor maintains very few Trade routes by comparison. With the Dark Empire, Sith Order and Mandalorian Raids, it appears paramount that a new Trade Lane opens to allow once more the great wealth of the Alliance to flow into the great many star systems and birth a new trading hub on Fondor.


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