Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rudrig Academia

Rudrig, a world of peace and learning - a world where all were disarmed before entry, and even the peacekeepers of which declined the use of weaponry that could kill. Home to the largest academy of higher learning in sane-space, Rudrig was always a world of ups and downs - while seemingly idyllic, with its gleaming towers of learning, its beautiful ponds, and the multitude of species that gathered within it, all for the sake of learning... it harbored an underbelly, criminal organizations dealing in spice and other drugs, selling to rich young adults, whose lives would inevitably be ruined.

But this was not the story of that criminal underbelly, this was the tale of a Diathim, off on her own, to visit the gleaming Academy City. Why had she come to this gleaming city was obvious - the curiosity of the angelic being meant a desire to learn, not only within the Jedi ways or the Force, but of many things - so what could better than a planet dedicated only to learning?

Clad in the thick robes and a coat that could cover even her wings, Lahi looked a tad conspicuous with an almost complete lack of her features being shown, only her glowing eyes exposed. For now she was sitting alone, enjoying watching the people go about their days, discussing the news of the week - something about the Republic, a few of them seemed concerned, others laughed about it. It was interesting, but it was not as if she could just ask what was going on randomly.

She did at least have a datapad now - a gift from a friend, but she was much too busy reading about the Bladderbird, and the unique nature of its spherical and yet flight capable body. Apparently the immense creature constantly filled itself with a gas that was lighter than air, to allow them to maintain their massive spherical size while still maintaining full controlled flight. A true wonder, Lahi swiped through pictures of various bladderbirds, only to quickly put the datapad down as she came upon an image of a dissection, "Ew, why need show."

((Figured I'd make a peaceful thread for the academic types, or just those who want to learn, to meet up and have a good time. Don't care who joins, or what faction ;) ))
When first landed at the world of academics, or so some people called it, Doctor Ponds had a huge struggle of determining what was a weapon, and what was not. For starters his bags of powders, flowers, and oils couldn't be considered weapons unless mixed right, and that was the same with a lot of things. As for his robe, a small belt could also be used as a weapon, and finally his mask, which, all in all he was lucky to keep.

Before the doctor had managed to get very far, he was easily lured into buying an overly priced datapad, not even a few meters away from the local shops. With a new piece of intelligent storage at his hands, he walked about as his determination drove him to find the proper classes he was assigned to. Before long, the voice of a disgusted voice in earshot.

The distance was closed quickly, though not too secretively. Ponds left a massive trail of tiny old cloth behind him, like a bird's feathers wearing from old age. Towering behind the stranger in a suit so awkwardly smelling with both age, gore, flowers, and oils, the figure looked down it's massive beak and lay eyes on whatever it was the stranger seemed to concerned about.

A bladderbird. He had encountered those twice, and both times it was only to steal some feathers. Those of which he had now in his feather storage of a hat. "Dissection of the bird is not as gross as you may imagine," Spoke a first gravely voice, almost as if it was on the edge of being claimed by an android. "instead of viewing it as a project someone cut open, picture it as an opportunity to learn of the creature's magnificent study. It will help if you're in the medical field."

[member="Lahi Te'ala"]
The covered up youth jumped just a little, wings pulling against the coat she wore over them - but luckily she remained in her seat, and the coat stayed on, as she turned to look at [member="Jartani Ponds"], the strange bird-masked man even more covered up than she was, which was something she could at least find in common with him. She did wrinkle her hidden away nose however, at what he said about the dissection she had seen, but there was no reason to be rude to someone else likely here to learn and understand - especially not one who looked so terribly interesting to her.

"I not fan of the greatest caliber, of blood-stuff." She actually seemed a little embarrassed by her own speech patterns, next to the well spoken bird masked man, but she didn't let it stop her from speaking, "Not-medical, more-history." She did have an interest in medical studies, of course, but those courses required hours of prerequisite courses, months of learning she hadn't had. And words she didn't completely understand - so instead the young Diathim had signed up for history courses - and a language course as well, though she did not advertise that fact. "Just like looking fauna-flora. Reading-biology. So much out there."

She motioned to a chair in front of her, at the same table she was sitting at, in the nice little open air between the multitude of buildings, "Wish-see first hand, but not this moment, yes? Lahi." She both mixed her intentions and an introduction in one, motioning at her covered up self with the introduction, and giving a smile - or at least seeming to, with the way her eyes turned up, the actual smile hidden by a scarf, despite the temperate nature of the planet that made her outfit seem more than a little warm. "Student, you? Or teach?" She couldn't really tell how old her new company was, though the smell of his outfit reminded her of wise medicine-givers of back home.
[member="Lahi Te'ala"], the woman Ponds seemed to have the pleasure of meeting was quite an interesting one. Not just the speech patterns, his own were probably worst at a time, but more of what amateur looks had been placed at her features. Taking a seat as invited to, the doctor loosely adjusted one of his eyes to better focus on the woman at hand.

History. While the doctor had a past of it, he didn't see what terrible help it could do unless it was strategic to situations. He would have to look into it for late-night reading, if it was that special to some people. So special that people would go out of their way to get it published, anyway. He listened as the girl rambled on, before the question came out.
"I do not mark myself as one or the other, but rather both. For a student can learn, and a teacher can teach. I do both in different fashions, such as we all do when coming to a wide planet of academic properties. My name is Ponds. As for your history studies, I may have a few herbs you could mix as tea for a strengthened mind and memory." Without looking down, his gloved hands worked into his pockets to pull out a few leaves and oils of the sorts.
As the bird-doctor adjusted an eye, she couldn't help but stare a bit at the mask - she'd certainly never seen anyone who looked like this before, though she could understand wishing to mimic the birds -they could, after all, fly. A mark of a keen mind, obviously, to wish to fly and to look like those who did, she rather liked this man now, with how her thoughts had drifted.

"Learning and teaching both good, learning-teaching together even better. Is always more to know, or learn." The sudden offer of herbs seemed to surprise the DIathim, who shook her head gently, "Keep-tea. Memory is good, prefer learn as me. Struggle is good for learning." The Force would guide her and keep her focused, she had no need of outside aid, or at least not in that way - the Angel never assumed ill will or the like, instead refusing simply off the basis of not wanting help.

"You medicine-man, then?" She tilted her head, the offer of the herbs seeming to confirm it already, but the question asked all the same, "Is good, respected.:
At the refusal of tea, the man made no move to push it onto her. He didn't know what good struggling to keep everything crammed in a mind could do for a person, but there was always a chance to do that later on. He pocketed the small leaves away for later on, eyeing the woman before her. She sounded like someone who he could learn from someday, even if it wasn't his area of specialty.

"I've become fond of medicine, yes. I have some less exciting stories about my travels with it, however, I would think that someone with such a put together state of your own would have a better tale of their adventures." Leaving his hands at his lap, Ponds slowly tilted his head to the side to watch and listen to the woman, if she did have anything more special to say.
Lahi looked down at herself, and gave a stifled giggle, shrugging, "Dress more necessity, than because traveled well. Is that simple." However, the Diathim stood up, looking a bit proud of herself, "But have stories!" She raised a hand to the air, pointing up to the sky, then pointing at Ponds, "Long ago, far here, there planet, and it known as demon planet! And a young silly decided she wanted to explore 'demon planet', and so she flew to it, ignoring all rules!" A story from childhood, that Lahi was a little too proud to tell.

"So she fly, and land, and everything look good. But then singing happen! Singing-demons very scary, lures even strong-wills. But she strong-will, and smart. So she fly to it, because she feel need to, but then it stop-singing. Try to grab - but she faster! Demon-slow, fly-faster. So she push stone into ears, fly away!" The incredibly truncated story is honestly not all that well told, not at all a talent of Lahi's at least - and yet she still makes a showy bow of it.
He listened to the story, nodding his head very slowly to the details. He could understand that. However, the mention of demons got him wondering just what exactly kind of creature she had encountered. None the less, she gave a small clap and sat up in his seat. "A very nice story. You are very strong-willed indeed. What has you coming to this planet, if I may inquire?"
She hesitated for a few moments, biting at the lip under her pure white scarf, wondering if she should say or not, "Not just looking history-general. Want idea where look for... rare metal. Where mined, where used. Where can be taken. How used." She was hiding facts, she actually was, and she was incredibly bad at it, with how she looked away from Ponds. She didn't want her interest to be taken the wrong way, however - metals were often used for weapons, which she would clearly never use it for.

"Is not best-going, but perhaps will find, yes?"
[member="Lahi Te'ala"]

The Doctor nodded his head in understanding. It was clear there was a little nervousness going on, but having met this woman only a few minutes ago, it could be hard to say. After a small moment, he got up from his seat and gave a half bow. "I'm afraid I should be going. It was fine to meet you. Have a good day."

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