I'm Sexy and I Know It
Alrighty, folks. Yet again, there's been some "beat the crap outta me for phrik/cortosis" requests floating about so I figured it wouldn't be a bad idea to toss up another discussion like what we did with beskar. So, here goes.
The current rules are:
[SIZE=10pt]Cortosis (([/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt]Objective[/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt]: Perform a mining operation, a raid, an excavation, or steal to obtain cortosis ore from any of the following planets: Apatros, Obredaan[/SIZE], Katanos VII, Duro, Bal’demnic, or Bespin [SIZE=10pt]–OR—[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]suffer a devastating defeat at the hands of a Force User Character written by another [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]writer[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]. ))[/SIZE]
Phrik (( [SIZE=10pt]Objective[/SIZE] : Perform a mining operation, a raid, an excavation, or steal to obtain phrikite ore from any of the following planets: Gromas 16, Alderaan, Arkania, Rendili, Bastion, Wayland, Roche Asteroids, Seltos, Demonsgate [SIZE=10pt]–OR—[/SIZE]suffer a devastating defeat at the hands of a Non-Force User. ))
What the proposal would be is the following changes:
[SIZE=10pt]Cortosis (([/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt]Objective[/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt]: Perform a mining operation, a raid, an excavation, or steal to obtain cortosis ore from any of the following planets: Apatros, Obredaan[/SIZE], Katanos VII, Duro, Bal’demnic, or Bespin [SIZE=10pt]–OR— [/SIZE]inflict[SIZE=10pt] a devastating defeat on a Force User character and have them verify it[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]. ))[/SIZE]
Phrik (( [SIZE=10pt]Objective[/SIZE] : Perform a mining operation, a raid, an excavation, or steal to obtain phrikite ore from any of the following planets: Gromas 16, Alderaan, Arkania, Rendili, Bastion, Wayland, Roche Asteroids, Seltos, Demonsgate [SIZE=10pt]–OR— [/SIZE]inflict[SIZE=10pt] a devastating defeat on a Non Force User character and have them verify it.[/SIZE] ))
Thoughts? Questions? Comments? Ideas?
The current rules are:
[SIZE=10pt]Cortosis (([/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt]Objective[/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt]: Perform a mining operation, a raid, an excavation, or steal to obtain cortosis ore from any of the following planets: Apatros, Obredaan[/SIZE], Katanos VII, Duro, Bal’demnic, or Bespin [SIZE=10pt]–OR—[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]suffer a devastating defeat at the hands of a Force User Character written by another [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]writer[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]. ))[/SIZE]
Phrik (( [SIZE=10pt]Objective[/SIZE] : Perform a mining operation, a raid, an excavation, or steal to obtain phrikite ore from any of the following planets: Gromas 16, Alderaan, Arkania, Rendili, Bastion, Wayland, Roche Asteroids, Seltos, Demonsgate [SIZE=10pt]–OR—[/SIZE]suffer a devastating defeat at the hands of a Non-Force User. ))
What the proposal would be is the following changes:
[SIZE=10pt]Cortosis (([/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt]Objective[/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt]: Perform a mining operation, a raid, an excavation, or steal to obtain cortosis ore from any of the following planets: Apatros, Obredaan[/SIZE], Katanos VII, Duro, Bal’demnic, or Bespin [SIZE=10pt]–OR— [/SIZE]inflict[SIZE=10pt] a devastating defeat on a Force User character and have them verify it[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]. ))[/SIZE]
Phrik (( [SIZE=10pt]Objective[/SIZE] : Perform a mining operation, a raid, an excavation, or steal to obtain phrikite ore from any of the following planets: Gromas 16, Alderaan, Arkania, Rendili, Bastion, Wayland, Roche Asteroids, Seltos, Demonsgate [SIZE=10pt]–OR— [/SIZE]inflict[SIZE=10pt] a devastating defeat on a Non Force User character and have them verify it.[/SIZE] ))
Thoughts? Questions? Comments? Ideas?