Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rules Reminder - Political Posts

While we understand that political discussions are inevitable, especially given the recent election, we felt it pertinent to remind everyone of the General Rules:

8. All political, religious or social debates on real-life topics on the board are to be confined to the Water Cooler forum.

Please keep political opinions out of status updates - we aren't Facebook.
I must admit, I've always hated rules like this, not because there's anything wrong with them as such, but because it naturally presupposes that people are incapable of discussing serious matters without arguing. I agree, that often proves itself to be the case, but I'd like to think that most of us are civil, relatively intelligent, highly literate individuals, capable of expressing themselves without it becoming a shouting match.

I completely understand and acknowledge the reason for the rule, by the by, and wholly accept it, but it does entirely worry me when we have to start thinking that way.
Tirdarius said:
I must admit, I've always hated rules like this, not because there's anything wrong with them as such, but because it naturally presupposes that people are incapable of discussing serious matters without arguing.

[member="Tirdarius"] Some people are. Depending on my mood I am one of them. If the world cant agree if a dress is blk & blue or gold & white then I dont think politics will be anymore different.

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden

Well I for one believe that these factions should have but one purpose.


[member="Fabula Caromed"]

Sadly :( But we're adults. We should be able to deal with the absence of civility by demonstrating what it looks like. As a good Comedian once noted: if you're offended, that's fine. Be offended! Nothing happens! :p

Connor Harrison

[member="Tirdarius"] Wishful thinking. It's a shame we just can' a little civil when topics like this come up. Respect opinion, respect each other, and move on together. It's why I avoid threads like those, but had to agree here and say why.
It’s been a rule since the start.

Many of us came from a forum which had some fairly toxic real-world discussions. We didn’t want that here.

People seem to take disagreement as the same as trolling or attacking which is unfair. The election thread has been pretty good so far, so just keep it civil. Attack the ideas, not the person.
Darth Vitium said:
Not everyone on the site is an adult.
Darth Vitium said:
To clarify my earlier comment, I meant not everyone on the site is over the age of 18.
Sometimes people over 18 STILL aren't adults.

Lord knows I have my own moments where I turn into an obstinate obnoxious little twit.

I just ask, if any of you happen to catch me on one of those days, try to gently point it out to me. Maybe even give me a Snickers. I try to at least own and make up for my brief, occasional bouts with immaturity. >_<
I just want to say thank you to the staff for reminding folks of this. The rule is a good one (imo). It doesn't prevent people from discussing these things- it just puts it in a place where the folks who want to discuss it can find it and participate, and the folks who do not want to be involved can choose to avoid it without having to avoid the site completely.

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