Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rules Reminder - Political Posts

Darth Vitium said:
Not everyone on the site is an adult.
According to Disney I'm an adult.. I'm 14 going on 15 in three months.. Oh.. my birthday is in three months.. O.O I just realized that..
Yarva Adisu said:
While we understand that political discussions are inevitable, especially given the recent election, we felt it pertinent to remind everyone of the General Rules:

8. All political, religious or social debates on real-life topics on the board are to be confined to the Water Cooler forum.

Please keep political opinions out of status updates - we aren't Facebook.
Oops.. Hope mine doesn't seem too obvious.. hopefully mine just sounds like someone crazy about God..

Ryn'Dhal said:
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Shaddap. Y'all love the kitty.

Now, gimme my nip. Right meow.
Just this.. ^ Lol XD XD XD

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