Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rules Reminder: Starships & New Major Factions

In general, look at it from this perspective.

It takes a lot of time, money, manpower, effort, and space to build and maintain a warship. A brand new major faction, with their three planets, simply doesn't have the manpower and money to take care of the upkeep for large warships (read: 1,001+ meter ships). Now sure, some people might say "Why such a hard cut off? Shouldn't it be a progressive strain?", to which I say "Of course". However, at SWRP the goal is to keep such rules as limited as possible in order to leave writers to do as they see fit. Ideally, such a faction would stress the taxing of their shipyards and whatnot to make heavy cruisers, but that's something that ought to be left to the writers/faction, not mandated by rules.

The shipyard dev thread is more than just something to set up the physical space. It is a marker that signifies that the faction has invested wisely, is on the rise in all aspects, and is ready to take on the task of constructing and supporting large ships. It's ready to truly step up and play with the other galactic superpowers.

Just my two cents.

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