Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Skirmish Rumors-- SJC/TSE


Right, so, Tulan had a lot of problems. He barely stuttered out a cry of being compromised, before a giant brute came forward, and thrust a whole-ass spear at him.

A spear.

Tulan barely had time to move, the Bisento crashing into the bar he was near. Tulan drew his Disruptor, dropping to a knee to fire- before the brute kept coming, throwing his weight into Tulan. Tulan's grip on the weapon faltered, and he was sent flying, across the bar. He was sent into the dimly-lit men's room, the door comically swinging.

No gun, what did he have..?

Scrambling to his ankle, Tulan removed his fighting knife.

He brought it up to his chest, holding the blade towards the door, waiting for the inevitable return of the big ugly brute.

His back hurt.

Probably from being thrown into the bathroom, and all.

Ra's Ra's
Active Member
Objective: Dueling Tulan Kor Tulan Kor
Post: 2

As the Kaleesh just bull-rushed the Human he expected him to be down so he drew his Lig Sword to simply finish him off, however as he open the door he is surprised by a freaking fighting knife coming to take his left eye, Ra's manage to barely deflect the knife with his left palm as he try to use a takedown against his opponent, this one won't go down easy.
Location | Starport Generic Café

Objective | Uh Oh pt. 2

Writing With | AMCO AMCO

Nida had been warned about Adrian. Not him specifically, but of silver-tongued devils who told you what you wanted to hear, anything to lure you in before yanking the rug out from beneath your feet.

From her mother, that warning had come about men. From the Jedi, she’d been endlessly cautioned about keeping her head around Sith. The dark side was powerful, alluring, and corruptive. It was to be avoided at all costs.

Surely the cost to know more would not be so steep? Her intrigue would slowly begin to overtake her wariness of the kindly Sith Lord, though suspicion still simmered wildly in her mind. Where she came from, how her life as a slave came to be, who her parents were—none of these questions had been answered by her mother or any other relatives. Perhaps they simply did not know, or maybe they wanted to shield her.


Nida swallowed thickly, finding a lump in her throat. Her head was swimming, and she knew that he was doing something to her, but she couldn’t name it. Nor did she try and fight it, because she did not know how. Darth Prospero’s words were cryptic and heavy with secrecy, and the curiosity over what he knew overtook her.

“Yes. I want to know the truth. Please tell m-me what you know, Adrian.”

She inhaled sharply, waiting for the freighter to hit.
Near: Amani Serys Amani Serys
Post #1


The copper currency landed in the can at her feet. A dent in the can's side warped the scribbled word "CReDiTs" but people didn't read it anyway. A mass of rags given vague human shape slumped against a wall got the message across. Focused on his datapad the man who deposited the credit walked on at a clipped pace, and though he wouldn't see Ruek still raised a hand in thanks.

She looked like nothing more than a galactic vagrant, clad in thick layers of rag-sewn capes dotted with assorted plates of rusted durasteel. Even the round large-rimmed hat she wore had tears across its edges. Tears that were quite handy to peek through while one's head was down.

She peered through the gaps and at the people buzzing about the dock. Everyone busy to get to the next destination, worried about luggage and tickets and money for the fare. Mostly. Few persons stuck out as they quietly inhabited the spaces they stood. Were they waiting for it? Interactions were few and inbetween. Still the hunter kept her guard up. When the time came she would be ready.

She gently caressed the rifle barrel stowed under the thick "costume," its shoulder stock rested on her collarbone while its muzzle tapped her foot. If things went awry with the exchange her job was to eliminate long-range interference then pursue those closer. It would be fun, this time, without a helmet to aid in the calculations. Before she assumed her role as vagabond she'd spent time meditating on her assignment. White stripes were drawn around her right eye in the shape of a wing, an invocation to those birds of prey who ruled the skies with their keen vision. The plates of trashed durasteel too were adorned with primitive runes, merely curious little pictures to an outside observer. At least this time she couldn't get a write-up for improper uniform.


Another credit. Ruek snaked a hand from underneath a layer of rags and gave thanks.

Dueling: Ra's Ra's

Big guy. Strong guy. Height advantage. Small space. Enclosed.

Palm went out, grabbed Tulan. Tulan felt his body stiffen, then relaxed as he was laid out across the ground. Tulan grit his teeth and wrapped his legs around the big guy's, trying to topple him to the ground with a jerking motion of his legs, trying to knock him off balance, and lift up his opposite leg- hopefully causing him to fall. The enclosed space of the bathroom made sure that Tulan had the advantage- being a small guy in a small space was better.

Tulan then realized he needed to keep him in the bathroom.
Active Member
Dueling Tulan Kor Tulan Kor
Post: 3

Using his superior wrestling skills and CQC bare hands training the Commando manage to force the brute in a violent fall against the ground which was powerful enough to shatter it in a loud sound , full of combat fury the Kaleesh try to stab him in the left flank as a feint, the real attack was the use of a force push with his left hand to send his opponent against the wall.
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Dueling Ra's Ra's

The blade went up for his left side. He went to block it with his own knife, but found himself looking at an open palm instead.

That was weird, weird right? Just open-

Oh crap.

Tulan was flung against the bathroom wall, violently impacting the tiled wall.

Hurt, hurt so bad. Breathing hurt.

Probably cracked a rib.

He laid still, breathing deeply. Hurt to move. A lot hurt. He laid there, breathing deeply, trying to collect himself.
Centin leaned against the back of the unforgiving chair of the spaceport tavern, the rough wooden surface digging into his shoulders at various uncomfortable angles.

They have to be here somewhere. Just which one is it? His thoughts focused on locating his fellow Concord operative within the bar as he settled into his seat, continuing to eye the other patrons. The query’s answer came quickly and rather unexpectedly to the Padawan as a large figure suddenly burst through the door, the entryway framing an imposing silhouette. He watched as the Kaleesh hurled a spear in the direction of the bar, nearly impaling a man seated at it. The man deftly avoided the attack and rose quickly to repel his attacker with blaster fire.

Oh… must be him then.

Centin then watched, mouth agape, as his newly recognized ally was plucked up and summarily thrown into the gentleman’s room by the hulking mass. The Padawan couldn't help but grin at the comedy of the situation. Well that’s one way to find him. He quickly rose to help the operative but stopped abruptly as a wave of pure radiance washed over him. The Grandmaster’s beacon diverted all of his attention from the present battle and a new course of action became clear. Confident in the Ranger’s ability, Centin left Tulan Kor Tulan Kor and Ra's Ra's to finish their duel uninterrupted, hastily exiting the establishment. He marched in the direction of the landing pad as his steps became more self-assured. That was the signal. Now I just have to follow it and wait for the others. He rapidly encroached on his destination, halting as he came within view of the now-active landing pad. Centin surveyed the areas occupants, waiting for his moment to strike.

The minute I see one of us, I move in.
Keeping an eye on everything was not always something Coren was good at. He was noramlyl left to his own devices and running into combat, lightsaber a blazing and calling on the Force as loud as he could. Right now though, there were other concerns out there, there was Elise, and he didn’t want to ruin the chance to locate and possibly rescue her. His lightsaber, with the mighty Starchaser Light crystal, would be found in the Force, but he hoped it was harder to locate than locating him. And with his own defenses down, he had to pick up his visual cues. Hearing the voices across comms, he could tell the Sith were here.

And when he heard Heavenshield call Coren gave a nod. “Nova team to Overwatch. If you can get her, and Rescue is in position, go!” He ordered, no other decision needed to be made. He was looking at his datapad, the coordinates were being shared and he nodded, intent on getting himself over there. As he looked around with the intent to move, he heard a voice.

Still broadcasting. “Me? I’m no one, just hoping to meet up with some friends… pushing out towards Terminus tomorrow.” He lied, trying to buy himself time and give Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield a chance to open fire and cause commotion. As he ruffled through the small satchel on his hip, his hand found his lightsaber. “Why is there such a high security on this world today?” He asked, his hand on his saber as he pulled false papers out and presented them.

Aril Vrane Aril Vrane
Active Member
Dueling Tulan Kor Tulan Kor
Post: 4

After some seconds of composing himself after this brief but intense exchange of blows, the Kaleesh smile as he approach.
"Well don't worry soon your comrades will join you in death. " Mock the sadistic Kaleesh as he try to pull the commando back to him with the left hand via the force and try to cut his head off with the weapon, he must finish him off for good !
As soon as Elise’s force signature went out, Amani’s head swung up at attention. That was the sign. There was an almost uncontrollable urge for her to run straight towards it, but she knew full well the risks jumping onto the scene with reckless abandon would bring. If she compromised this mission, then it would be her fault all over again.

Not to mention the rather massive power disparity between herself and the Sith Lords who were currently accompanying the Grandmaster. It would be tantamount to suicide to jump in alone.

Instead she carefully headed in the direction of the resonance, giving a wide berth while trying to get a view of the situation. She awaited further action from her teammates, ideally the stronger ones. Too focused on the situation to notice the vagabond ( Ruek Tast Ruek Tast ) she passed right by, and halting in place as she recognized Centin Tillo Centin Tillo similarly positioning himself all the way on the opposite end of the platform. She knew full well he was going to do something stupid, probably the same thing she had initially wanted to do. Immediately she shot him a desperate look, and simply mouthed, Don’t.


A thunderous echo of marching steps invaded the starport as a formation of approximately a dozen storm troopers accompanied by 6 SE-K9 'Fang'
made their way toward the ships. Dark towering figures moved surrounding a lone marauder in the center of it all as they approached. Yellow eyes flashed once between the dark slits of the mask as they walked, Darth Void's personnel moved in step to the Sith's pace. Long, confident strides with Beskar plating the sabatoons, a black kama swaying behind their waist attached by a girdle carrying 2 lightsabers, a lightweight black stalker armor adorning their center with a hood attached to the top covering the neck and face. Beskar plating adorned the dominant right arm, the left remained unclad revealing a muscular arm with an armored glove.

With a mere nod from the marauder, the storm troopers dispersed and lined the perimeter of the starport with a War droid in between every other trooper with practiced ease as the Darth made her way to the platform. The Shadow Hand was present and all those in the force could feel it. It was their moment to utilize their presence to provide melee defense should it come to it. Void bowed her head once in the direction of the Shadow Hand Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis who was speaking to the Grandmaster before stepping out onto the platform in the center to look out across the water towards the construction site, the same one the Shadow Hand briefly looked to. Darth Void would pass the Sith Knights on guard duty Aril Vrane Aril Vrane allowing 2 storm troopers to stand behind to lend a hand at a moments notice. The scuffle with Ra's Ra's and Tulan Kor Tulan Kor didn't escape her watch as she placed herself in the center view of the platform. The force hungry marauder only had one thing in focus, and it was to provide support to the Shadow Hand. This would run smoothly, she would see to it if needed be.

Raising her masked head to look out into the distance, there was a droplet in the force of her own doing, a rippling effect that pulsated outward. A hungry darkness would invade and throb like a single heavy quivering thrum to warn the troops. 'We are not alone.' her words echoed in a low deep voice to her fellow Sith. A twitch in her left hand caused the Storm troopers to aim their blasters, the Wardroids stepped into position readying their rocket launchers. This would be the first line of offense.
None would escape without bloodshed. Void felt her before she saw her in the throng of it all, Darth Malevolum. She nodded once to her partner from the distance she was at. The first bait for the Jedi to focus on to distract their attention from the Shadow Hand and his transaction. They would feel the wrath of the hungering Void the Jedi hunter and feeder.

Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield
Kyra Perl Kyra Perl
Caedyn Arenais
Amani Serys Amani Serys
Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser
Centin Tillo Centin Tillo
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Knight of the Sith Empire
Aril reached for the identification papers and took them by force from the man's grip, addressing them with a careful glance. The knight would not bother answering the question that was asked of him. if anything, the stranger received a stern, hard look, an hateful glare of some sort. Something was completely off about this man and even the Force gave him a gut feeling about it. On any normal circumstance, perhaps he'd let him go but the stakes were far too high to treat this situation as if it was a normal occurrence. In conformity with the Sith doctrine of terror and supremacy, Aril calls on to his lightsaber through telekinesis, igniting the crimson blade with his left hand, directly pointing it toward the stranger. Intimidation through fear was one of the most effective Sith weapon, and if this individual was the person he pretended to be on his false papers, then this scare tactic should easily work.

- Admire citizen, the raw power emerging from this blade, so much radiance. An elegant weapon, some would say, while others would brand it as the very seed of destruction. How does it feel, knowing that your life, the fate of your entire meaningless existence lies in its unforgiving hand ? And that... with a simple flick of this glittering blade, I could simply end you ? Grinning as he edges the blade closer to the simpleton, toying with it.

- But we wouldn't want that, would we ? I thought not. Why don't you be a good boy and give me your datapad ? Oh, and while you're doing that, tell me the legitimate reason why you are here on this port ? It would seem as though you mistake me for some sort of tool ?

Blade ignited, smirking with arrogance as he awaits for a response. Expecting the man to cower in fear, and to beg for his life, excited to feed on his desperation to fuel his arrogance further, after all these were tenets of the dark side: weaker men were to always cower before the strong. The stranger might have told the truth; that he was really present to meet some friends... But what was the truth exactly, when the one carrying the crimson blade of judgement had the power to decide falsehood from truthfulness ? Reality could be anything he wanted really, for he was the strongest. Ultimately, it is up to the stranger to tell a story that would satisfy the Sith knight, otherwise, there could be consequences...
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\\. Yavin, Spaceport Tavern.
\\. Why are you fighting the Human you IDIOT.
\\. Ra's Ra's Tulan Kor Tulan Kor Centin Tillo Centin Tillo

The Acolyte was not pleased. Not pleased at all.

She, like so many of her other similar, but less deserving peers had been sent to Yavin to provide assistance in moving some manner of high-value target. A prisoner exchange, apparently. The lower ranks of Sith were tasked with menial work. Securing the perimeter, checking the locals...

Or in her case, watching a humping Tavern.

The Sith Pureblood bristled with the sheer indignation of the task before her, the war-spear of alchemized steel held at her side checked for the seventeenth time in the last hour as she stirs. There was nothing here to watch.

Or so she thought, and then some screaming brute of a Kaleesh decided to pick a fight with a Traveler. On ~literally~ any other day she would let it proceed and nature would take its course...But the Shadow Hand was here. And she was not about to be responsible for a disturbance.

And so Serixibis stalked over to the fighting pair, entering the tavern and passing Centin Tillo Centin Tillo as she bellowed in a voice normally reserved for your mother telling you to get down there that very ~instant~.

"You! Kaleesh! Move aside from that man and take your brute urges elsewhere. The Shadow Hand will not be hearing of a disturbance while ~I~ am on watch! Step back!"

erhaps for emphasis, the War-Spear was hefted and thumped twice against the Tavern floor...or maybe she was just indicating to the larger alien that she was indeed armed.

Active Member
Location: Bathroom
Dealing with the foolish
: Serixibis Serixibis

As the Kaleesh was about to resume his fight with the commando and this time execute him for good without taking him lightly , a foolish young apprentice had probably just given Tulan Kor Tulan Kor the best chance of running away. The Kaleesh was not pleased, not pleased at all in fact, if there is something he hate more than even his enemy it would be surely incompetence.

"You are a laughable foolish female. HE IS A ENNEMY STUPID FUCKER, now get out or die with him !"

Scream in rage the Kaleesh as he charge forward a force push to try kicking the female away of the batrhoom. The Tank was wounded but it seems that this wound was not enough to put him down at all, but enough to make him fucking pissed.
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Location: Starport, generic cafe.
Objective: Truth in falsehood.
Writing With: Nida Perl Nida Perl

Hesitation and remembered warnings, fear of the Sith and what they represented - of the subtle allure of the Dark. All were swept aside by curiosity, which won out after long moments of hesitation. At her admission, at her request, he simply nodded.

"You are not who you think you are, Nida."

Tugging on the string of carefully buried memories which he had located, his smile turned sympathetic. Some truths were simple, convenient, others not so much. It was a fickle thing, truth - at once it set you free and forged an entirely different set of chains.

"You were something quite different, years ago."

A final pull on the mental strings he had woven, his subtle presence all-but enveloping her, drowning out the beacon of light bursting forth from the captured Grandmaster. There would be no interference, however unintentional, not now. "Remember."


Location: Chasing down Centin Tillo Centin Tillo (Near landing pad)
Tags: Centin Tillo Centin Tillo (attacking) Ra's Ra's (master) Amani Serys Amani Serys (opposite side of landing pad)

The Kaleesh waited and watched. His two lightsabers were at his side, but a bayoneted Outland_rifle in hand. He watched the bar from the outside as his master went in to engage in combat. Waiting and watching silently. He wasn't going to intervene. But he was eager to find battle for himself. Kill anyone that looks like a potential threat. He cocked his head as he watched the hesitation of Centin Tillo Centin Tillo . Who then very calmly exited, moving swiftly. It didn't look like he was running though.

So naturally Maex followed, not giving second thought to telling his master where he was going. He kept his distance, until he saw that the individual had been making their way towards the landing pad. He did not speak. He simply thought, Battle.

He raised the rifle, it had pretty considerable range which what let him trail a good distance behind. Looked down the sights, and released a shot. The weapon would fire a slug rather than a blaster bolt, sent at supersonic speeds. He kept enclosing on the padawan as he reloaded, a fast and experienced motion, raising it again, and releasing another. He liked slugthrowers over blasters. They just felt better. Even if the firing rate was reduced.

From there he went into a run, reloading. He figured he might have time for one more shot mid-run before he'd have to switch to the two red lightsabers at his side.
\\. Yavin, Spaceport Tavern.
\\. Don't touch me you filthy Kaleesh.
\\. Ra's Ra's Tulan Kor Tulan Kor

Turn. Tuck. Brace!

The Acolyte felt the wave of Force Energy coming to her before it actually hit, like the subtle changes in pressure before an explosive shockwave. As the wall of force powered toward her she leaned into it, the spiked end of her spear stuck into the ground and used as an improvised handhold as she weathers the attempted push. Several chairs, a table and most of the dust on the floor around her sailing backward with he force of the push but she remained standing...for now.

"Use your head boy, Look at the man you are trying to kill. Look at him. We are here to watch for Jedi, yes? But his eyes should be able to tell you all that you need to know. You should know a killer's eyes when you look into them, and so how could he be a Jedi?"

The question is posed calmly as she rights herself, spear once again held at her side. The Acolyte had seen the man singing and carousing before the Kaleesh decided to try his luck, and she saw who he was. There was a certain kind of sadness in the eyes of those who take life, a certain emptiness that you can never fill no matter how much joy you bring to the world.

Was he dangerous? Likely so. A criminal if she had to guess but he was as much a Jedi as she was.

"Stop with these petty theatrics and stand down. The Shadow Hand will not be pleased t-.."


The rifle shot from Rezom stole the words from her lips, her attention turned toward the door where it had come from!

"~That~ is something you should be dealing with, no?"

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