Xiphos breached the facility, red Lightsaber dancing through flesh and armor as she drew the aggro of nearly every First Order Stormtrooper in her immediate area.
She had ulterior motives for being here.
One of her daughters that had fought at Bast Castle on Vjun had found parchment. An ancient page from a Journal. Right where Themis had claimed it would be. It contained the map of a city, set on a planet that wasn't supposed to exist.
The planet was called Khemost. A lost treasure world of the Sith.
She had been following scant clues of it. Barely more than a partial set of coordinates since she had assassinated the
real Arianna Belasko and gained access to her vault all those years ago. There had been another hint of it at Malachor, where Arianna had found another partial set of coordinates in the Trayiss Academy.
But now, today, she felt she was actually in reach. The First Order had been following scant clues also. If they had found it, the loot alone might have saved their crumbling empire. As such, her Advanced Model 1 daughters were already out and about in other areas of Lipsec, actively earmarking seized First Order weapons and vehicles for their own use. Both her daughters and her sons seemed to be having a minor love affair with the FO Megablaster. Admittedly, she was rather fond of it also, which is why, after gutting a heavy weapons trooper, she picked one up and decided to have a little fun.
("Ballroom Blitz" by Sweet Plays)
Putting a heavy repeater in the hands of Xiphos was like trying to extinguish a fire with gasoline.
She burst through a passage in the base, blue bolts raining out in burst, flinging Stormtroopers backward ragdoll style. She kept firing, smiling a bit under her mask gunning down dozens of what the Holonet delightfully terms as Red Shirts.
She never could understand her friend and Sister Maple's preference towards smaller firearms. Accuracy was all well and good but what about power? Better to shoot a lot of high damage shots and blanket the area quickly then go for frustrating, pinpoint targeting. That was what swords were for.
The Megablaster had a satisfying whine to it as it fired, Xiphos going full Montana on everything in front of her, albeit without the loads and loads of swearing.
Then she sensed another presence, and almost felt like prancing. It was very familiar, having gotten in by an alternate section. She gunned down those in her way, blasting off whole sections of wall in her rampage, murderdeathkilling any stormtrooper feth in front of her, occasionally teleporting to catch them by surprise. At the very least, it would certainly make things easier for when
Ingrid L'lerim
and company arrived. But she wasn't actually interested in seizing this place.
It was the data banks she wanted.
As she rounded a corner her heart went ablaze with happiness.
It was a copy of
Westenra Mina
but not one she was familiar with.
By default, all copies of Westenra were able to mold their flesh to look like they were wearing gold catsuits. The face however, while still golden skinned and blond, was not one she was familiar with. She had sank her fangs into the neck of a horrified First Order Officer, non lethally drinking his psychic energy, flesh rippling as it metabolized it. She stopped, smelling Xiphos and turned.
"Sister! What a delight! I didn't expect to see you here!"
"You're a new copy..." Xiphos remarked striding up. She sensed an intense Darkness. This was faked. That's how advanced the technology of the Psychic Vampire Nine Lives was.
The unknown copy walked over.
"When were you spawned, Sister of my Heart?" Xiphos asked.
"I am the copy you assigned to Ingrid when trying to forge an alliance between her and Thurion Heavenshield. I have been serving in the capacity of a field operative ever since...My name is Melanie, Sister."
Xiphos dropped the Mega lasted and embraced her without hesitation. The Android Vampire returned the hug eagerly.
"What are you here for?" Melanie asked.
"A piece of a secret. In the Databanks. This structure was built atop an even older one. Sith Ruins.
"Does the First Order know?" Melanie asked.
"Possibly. But it's just as likely they don't know what they have."
do they have?" Melanie asked.
"A puzzle piece to a lost treasure..." Xiphos answered.
"What treasure could be so vast that
you would take an active interest? It's not like you to care about money." Melanie asked. "And you already have
Feth-You Money."
"This...this is different. Above and beyond Feth-You Money." Xiphos said.
Xiphos hugged Melanie again.
"Thank you so much for sticking to your mission, Sister. I hope you will come visit me. I'll have plenty of prisoners for you to snack on."
"I'll be sure to gorge..." Melanie assured her. "Let's go find your puzzle piece..."
Xiphos, overjoyed anytime she got to fight alongside a family member, eagerly nodded and reactivated her red Lightsaber. Melanie activated a blade of a far redder hue.
The pair journeyed down the passages, soon encountering more Stormtroopers, some manning turret mounted Megablasters.
Xiphos immediately switched to Shien to start deflecting the shots, while a purple tendril of psychic energy escaped Melanie's hand to wrap around the throat of a Stormtrooper, strangling him.
Xiphos advanced redirecting the bolts, teleporting thrown grenades back, Melanie extending the psychic tendrils from her hand to choke more Stormtroopers.
Ingrid and company would find quite a few dead when they finally breached the place. Xiphos and Melanie's rampage forced The Stormtroopers into full retreat, red blades butchering their way to the Data Banks, where Sensitive Documents were frantically being destroyed by Officers and Staff to prevent it from falling into Eternal Empire hands.
When they saw the pair enter, all the officers and staff stopped.
"If you all run right now..." Xiphos promised, "I will not look for you. I will not pursue you." (Qui-Gon Mode: 90XP)
The staff ran. The Officers did not. They drew their pistols and fired.
Melanie leapt forward, batting bolts backward, her hand discharging directed electricity by burning through her psychic reserves to fry the ones closest to her. Xiphos threw her Lightsaber and cut down another violently, deflecting shots with her floating saber until only one Officer remained.
Xiphos lazily deflected the shots from the dead filled officer as she approached. Finally, the Officer just dropped the pistol.
"These Databanks..." Xiphos said slowly. "I want the most ancient documents stored here. Anything that might resemble old parchment."
The Officer pointed to a vault near a large databank.
"Did you burn anything from there yet?" Melanie asked.
"Lady, we had much more to worry about getting rid of than some dusty old books..." the Officer answered, young, early thirties by Xiphos's guess. "Half the chit in here is Black Operations. Hidden Bases, weapon caches, Bank Account numbers make up the rest of it.
"Was there any of the really old stuff your bosses had any interest in?"
The Officer tried to think.
"There was something...had a black folder. One of the oldest Documents on Lipsec. They didn't let
anyone look at it." The Officer answered.
"Is it still here?"
"They were due to pick it up just before the Eternals arrived...guess that ain't happening now..."
"Show me..."
The Officer gulped then gestured for them to follow.
The vault was large, containing old books and records, the most heavily restricted shelf guarded by laser turrets and Force Fields, all of which Xiphos shut down with her technopathy.
"Point it out to me..." Xiphos ordered.
The Officer went up to the shelf, partly pulling out several books, an audible click occurring each time he did...and the bookshelf swung open, revealing a hidden chamber upon which a black folder in a stasis chamber rested on a pedestal.
"Clever...gonna have to remember that one..." Xiphos admitted.
"What should we do with him?" Melanie asked, looking at him like he was a tasty bacon cheeseburger. "I used up a good chunk of my reserves helping you..."
"Congratulations, sir, you've won the lottery..." Xiphos said. "I strongly advise you to get out of this kind of work while you still can. Do you have family? A spouse?"
The Officer nodded nervously.
"Go to them. Be on your way..." she ordered.
"Bummer..." Melanie muttered as the Officer ran for his life.
"I've got captives aboard my frigate. We'll make a meal of it. Enjoy tea together..." Xiphos promised earnestly, which got Melanie smiling again.
Xiphos teleported the document out, opened it.
"Is it what you seek?" Melanie asked.
"Indeed it is..." Xiphos said, freezing it solid then feeding it to a Lightsaber which disintegrated it to ash. No one but her knew that piece of the puzzle at the moment, barring whoever had been about to take it.
"Now, let us finish crippling this places defenses, Sister..." Xiphos said.
Melanie smiled and activated her own blade. The pair strode out, closing up the hidden chamber. using her technopathy to retrieve a few choice bits of heavily encrypted information on datatapes and then went out to clear the rest of the facility...