Kilum Bralor
Kilum Bralor
Location: Abandoned Mining Station
Interacting with: [member="Darth Abyss"]
The black of Bralor's visor simply stared back into the unending, gaping darkness that filled the empty eye sockets of where the man that was supposedly Abyss sat. Strangely, it didn't seem to bother him - the darkness that came from the Sith Lord or the view into every being's future within his eyes. Very little bothered Bralor anymore, and even less scared him. Sometimes, he had moments of pondering, as to why he didn't have these bothers; others did, after all.But in the end, that didn't matter. He was as he was, a killer and Hunter and damn well good at it. It was pretty much the only things that he was good at. He'd tried his hand at a few different professions - Security, Cop, Father. Not a single one had panned out in the end, and he wasn't planning on trying any of them again.
"Depends on the arrangement." Despite the reputation that being a Mandalorian tended to infer, Kilum was no simpleton. Sith Lords were inherently scheming and plotting, and the kind of Sith Lord that looked the way Abyss did and being able to make something like Narcissa were usually the smarter types - the ones that thought a lot about what they did. He didn't need exposition on Narcissa or him to understand the basics of how much work had likely gone into the whole thing.
His answer though, was honest more than anything. After all, he considered himself naturally a bit skeptical, and he never agreed to anything or acted like he would without seeing the terms first. It was just business.