Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Work In Progress Runic Armor of the Necromancer


  • Classification: Multipurpose
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Very High
    • Kinetic: Very High
    • Lightsabers: Very High
    • Emp/Ion: Low
    • Cryoban: Very Low
    • The Force: High
    • Electricity: High
    • Elemental: Average
    • Sonic: Average
  • Protection against the force with the Helm of Resistance
  • Very High Resistance to Energy Damage
  • Very High Resistance to Kinetic Damage
  • Very High Resistance to Lightsaber Damage
  • High Resistance to Electrical Damage
  • High Resistance to Force
  • Enhanced Durability through Alchemy
  • Protection from Force Imbued Weaponries
  • Helm of Resistance can only provide protection from force powers that would cause immense amount of damage to the wearer. Normal force powers such as force push or pull are still possible and will not be covered by the helm's power.
  • Heavier in Weight than normal armor
  • Very Low Resistance to Cryoban Damage
  • Low Resistance to EMP and Ion Damage
  • The Light Side of the Force
  • Void Stone
  • No Face Protection

Darth Mordheim in his youth was a powerful sith sorcerer, able to engage with force user alike on the battlefield without a sweat. However as time rolled on, his physical body got weaker and weaker. Not able to keep up with force users at his advanced age of 91, he quickly needed a solution to his problem otherwise both jedi and sith could destroy him and end his research into the undead. With his identity becoming more and more known within the galaxy, having standard battle armor would do him no good against the best of the jedi and sith that served the various force orders within the galaxy at this time. Knowing to himself that many ancient sith lords were buried on korriban, the holy world of the ancient sith empires. But going there himself was impossible so he looked for the next best solution. Traveling to the Necropolis System and touching down on the surface within his vessel. He would walk among the ancient crypts, fighting off undead after undead that were summoned by another on the planet. Making his way to the ancient tomb of a core world sith, he descended deeper and deeper into the depths. Coming face to face with the sith lord who now occupied these tombs on the world, slaying him in direct combat as both lightsaber and lightsaber clashed within the dark and misty atmosphere. Once slaying the sith lord after some considerable amount of time, Mordheim opened up the crypt and found within an ancient set of armor that he could mold to his purposes, collecting it within a containment vessel and climbing on board his yacht, he would leave the system and return to his own fortress called the "Fortress of Mist" in order to have his armorsmiths pound the armor back into shape.

Mordheim overlooked the process of making the armor, finding it interesting how ancient armor could be molded back into modernized armor within a short period of time without needing a specialized forge to do so. Once the Armorsmiths worked for days upon days to complete the dark set of armor, they presented the finished product before him and with his approval. They began to enhance the armor with sith runes and alchemy to make it extra durable when in combat. Mordheim collected the armor days later, naming it the "Runic Sorcerer Armor" because of both the runes upon it and the subtle fact that he was a master sith sorcerer. Formed to be the ultimate set of armor for a necromancer, it provides both power and protection to the elderly sith lord. Although the armor is heavy upon his elderly frame, so it took awhile for him to get used to it. As such the armor was locked away in storage until after his battles with both Aelina Corsanis Aelina Corsanis and Valery Noble Valery Noble . Almost facing defeat by their hands due to his lack of melee talent and resorting to using his undead minions to face them, he once again donned the armor and is preparing to make a sith sword to match the armor and provide him with a weapon to rival a lightsaber and other force imbued weaponries. The galaxy would tremble before his undead armies and the power of his dark sorcery.
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