Lelani Sevestra
Hapes Consortium Building Subsidiary - Warden
Faction: The Sith Council
Rank: N/A
Spieces: Iridonia Zabrak
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Height: 1.75 Meters
Eye Color: Yellow
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Braided Back
Complexion: Red With Taupe Gray Ritual Tatau
Force Sensitive: Yes
Current Location: Dathomir
Current Weapon: Energy Bow
(-) Conflicted - Struggles from Dark to Light that would be my first greatest weakness.
(-) Over Confident - Zabrak were often seen by most other species as being single-minded, an observation that was not terribly incoorect. This single-minded determination came from the fact that they were a race with a strong sense of self-assuredness. Confident that they were able to accomplish any task that they set out to do.
My ship - Was aquired after completing her training on Iridonia from her Master Trainer, Used to Transport her to Dathomir
Does the trade federation exist I found a unique shuttle I liked of theres. http://adamkop.devia...pship-320969448
2 Dual Laser Cannons
24 Droid Dropoff - My Modified for 18 droideka Dropoff
Hyperspace Engines
Hyperspeed: 6
Sublight Speed: 70 MGLT
Max Speed: 700 km/h
Manoeuvrability: 7.00
Flightgrade RepulsorLifts
Cargo Stats:
Weight: 80 T
Volume: 1,150 m³
Weight Cap: 16 T
Volume Cap: 30 m³
Ablative armor
Rure Vukot was a Zabrak Female which was raised in in her youth on her homeworld of Iridonia after her initial martial arts training she received various other forms of training before she found herself on Dathomir training with the Nightbrothers would train and hide her, Her force sensitively was initially blocked from being aware due to the dark nature of the planet Dathomir.
I am sorry if this seems abit messy this is Trail and error for me ^^