Coci Heavenshield said:
But my thoughts are that there was two distinctive styles clashing here. The SSC is a story writing faction, those in the ST are players that write to win and this did not go together.
I am not sure what you mean by 'story writing'. SSC lost because it lost the IC invasion.
What was the story? SSC invades, ST successfully resists.
Attributing it to the fact that one faction just wanted to write a story and the other wanted to win means evading the point. Invasions are still about're just not supposed be a prick about it and not stack up duel wins.
Story-wise SSC failed to make solid headway. Now, there were a number of instances I was rather unhappy with ST behaviour in Olmondo and during the space battle (both were a mess), but I believe the RPJ's judgement made sense.
Coci Heavenshield said:
It seems to me that regardless of the rules, the deciding factor still revolves around who won what, whether it was PvP or objectives won or lost, so I don't think the rules have changed at all.
It's a battle. The basic story of one is two sides fighting for control over a planet. There's more to it than who wins this or that duel, but that's what it is. Things will not be magical and shiny 'because story'.
Personally, I'm going to go against the grain and say that I do not believe more time would have changed a lot. Perhaps in some cases, such as in [member="Nima Tann"]'s duel against Carach, since they just got to the good stuff when the invasion was close to finish (this is no blemish against either writer, I enjoyed reading their exchange and think both wrote well).
But if an undertaking like this is that flawed, more time will not change much. SSC's problem was inertia.
Coci Heavenshield said:
Our mistake came with the talks about this in faction, we had the drive early on with everyone excited to do it, but then we stopped only to start up again weeks later and by then everyone probably had lost interest. We spent too much time talking about who to hit and whys and wherefores.
I agree with this point.
Simply saying that we know better and will not make the same mistakes again is all well and good, but talk is easy. A number of these issues popped up at Ziost (though thankfully no one got captured or turned Sith at Ruusan).
If I were running a Sith faction, I'd consider SSC a viable invasion target. Its operational culture needs to change. When GA invaded OS, they organised their people into teams and the leadership was involved in coordinating things.