Tree-Hugger Droid
NAME: SN-1411, nicknamed SYN
RANK: Bounty Hunter, Engineer
SPECIES: IG-100 MagnaGuard
AGE: 14 after reactivation
SEX: Male droid programming
HEIGHT: 1.95 feet
WEIGHT: 123 Kilograms
HAIR: None
SKIN: None
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Strength: Is quite hardy and tough, able to hold his own in a fight.
Strength: Smart, being quite gifted in engineering, and always improving himself.
Strength: Is much stronger then the average human.
Strength: Precision through quick calculating.
Weakness: Has a horribly inflated ego, which is not hard to use against him.
Weakness: Is pretty unlikable, even with the few "peers" he has. Having poor empathy skills.
Weakness: Has identity issues based on the hardware used in his recreation.
Weakness: Vulnerable to ion and shock based attacks.
APPEARANCE: This has been the third body of SN-1411, originally having that of a simple protocol droid, then a junk droid. Now finally he uses the body of an old IG-100 MagnaGuard. Along with his standar body he also wears a long brown trench coat with medals and ribbons on it, as well as a matching command's hat.
BIOGRAPHY: Nothing is known about the original SN-1411 after his reactivation. Other then that his body was that of an old Imperial protocol droid. Left as scrap on Tatooine until a band of Jawas came across his body. Taking it in they found that most of the hardware was missing. So in typical Jawa style they fixed and tinkered with him until he was functional. However, they used old tech from the clone wars they'd gotten from trades along their lives. None of them really knew what was on it, but the combination of all the odd programming from different droids and computers left him with an odd personality. SN-1411 was delusional and thought he was an old war hero from during the Clone Wars and a pretty braggadocios one at that.
The Jawas figured they could get a lot of money selling such a droid, but he wasn't very keen on being sold. Unable to sell such an unruly droid they almost scrapped him to make something they could better sell. But SN-1411 escaped into the desert planet. Not long he found civilization and did his best to fit in. Using his skills to build and repair anything he could for the black market, and even became a bounty hunter much like some other droids before him. Eventually he got enough wealth he bought his first ship. Now able to leave the sand planet in pursuit of glory and fame.
Later on he joined up under contract with the Free Worlds Coalition. However, there wasn't much that he did with them being a droid driven by conflict. At one point he was stranded on the planet of Raxus Prime. There in order to survive he needed to build himself a new body out of the junk that littered the planet. After that he managed to get an old ship from there working with the help of a friendly Jawa and some pit droids. However, being quite ashamed with his body he went into a sort of hiding, during that time the FWC fell with its territory. Later one he traveled to the planet of Geonosis where he had memories of the First Battle of Geonosis during the clone wars on the separatist droid army. But he wasn't there to ponder on ancient history. He was their to get a new body, which he found in the form of an very old IG-100 model. Now he works as an engineer in the capital of the CIS in his own little workshop, always in pursuit of improving his hardware and software.
However, one day SYN would bite off more then he could chew. When trying to get himself into the body of a Super Tactical Droid he was quickly over taken over by STaCLO. Thus taking a back seat in the two heads one body style relationship they have.
Equipment: Two DL-18 Blaster Pistols, and a Bilari Electro-Chain Whip
SHIP: The Double Trouble