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Approved Tech S0 Series Training Droid

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  • Manufacturer: Czerka Arms | Dr. Dormon Drove [NPC] (designer/inventor)
  • Affiliation: S0-T0 (Link)
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: S0 Series Training Droid
  • Modularity: Yes. (Can be modified with other droid parts)
  • Production: The scale is Unique
  • Material: Armorplast, Plasteel, Phirk, Electrical Components.
Resistances (Optional):
  • Energy (And other Blaster type weapons): Very High
  • Kinetic: High
  • Lightsabers: Very High
  • Other: Average


  • Knowledge of the Sith. S0-T0 has been programmed with a vast amount of knowledge regarding ancient sith lore. He is familiar with many Sith philosophies, strategies, and even fighting styles. As such, this programming includes the basic striking patters of all major lightsabers forms. He is capable of using Form I, Form II, Form III, Form IV, Form V, Form VI, and Form VII.

  • Lightsaber Training. As previously mentioned, S0-T0 was programmed with knowledge of the seven primary lightsaber forms. He can execute a large variety of techniques from these forms, and can do so with robotic precision.

    Significant Power supply. S0-T0 has very long-lasting power cells capable of holding an electrical charge for ninety-two hours. This grants the helpful side effect of making his body open to modifications, as he will always have enough excess energy to power said modifications.

  • Predictable Offensive. Though S0-T0 is programmed with knowledge of all lightsaber forms, he executes those forms rigidly. The attacks he makes are by-the-book with perfect technique, and lack creativity or ingenuity. Resourceful duelists will find themselves quickly winning a fight against him, if they can land an unorthodox attack or two.
  • Costly Repairs. Given that S0-T0 is a unique model that is many centuries old, repairing sustained damage is no easy feat. If S0-T0 is damaged, his repairs cost a significant amount of credits and a significant deal of time to fix.


Many years ago, when the jedi were considerably more powerful, and sith were scarcely seen in the galaxy. The renegades known as the 'Jedi Exiles' had recently established the Sith order. While many among the jedi were capable warriors, a select few feared that the padawans and younglings of the order would be incapable of defending themselves against these Sith. The best way to defeat any enemy would be to train, but how could one prepare for an enemy they had yet to meet? What the jedi needed was to better understand the sith, learn their principals and values. This would be a tough task to accomplish, but a group of several jedi knights would scour the galaxy for any information they could find regarding the sith. Upon their return, the group would have multiple data cards containing information regarding dark side philosophy, techniques, and ambitions.

They now had the knowledge they were looking for, but none knew what to do with it. It would be a young padawan who stumbled upon the collection of information while looking through the restricted section of the jedi archives. The young man knew the masters were trying to prepare them for impending war against the empire. What he and his fellow jedi needed was a training partner. Luckily, this padawan was Dr. Dormon Drove, an engineer and robotics expert who had recently discovered his affinity in the force, and had family ties to Czerka Corp.. He would create a droid capable of imitating a 'Sith Lord' to perfection. It would need routine memory wipes to stop it from becoming too volatile, but it was just a work in progress after all. Thanks to his connections in Czerka, finding the materials for his prototype was easy. Sealing the various datacards with information on the sith, Dormon would upload their knowledge into his droid's databanks. It seemed to work just fine, as the droid would respond to being awoken from his slumber. "Designation: S0-T0, dark lord of the sith. What can I do for you?"

The project was a success, and he had managed to do it directly under the noses of the council. All he needed now was a few more polished models before he would request a mass production of the droids. Deciding to take a rest from his constant work, the Doctor would fall asleep. S0-T0 had been hidden in the man's closet, but never deactivated. As his creator fell asleep, the droid would receive a message in his mind: "My creator is a Jedi. It is a Sith's duty to destroy the jedi. The maker must die."

With that prompt in mind, S0-T0 would wake up violently and dart from the closet. He would run over to his maker, attempting to strangle the man in his sleep! Several others would hear the noise, and burst into the room. The droid would quickly find it's left arm removed by a lightsaber, and then deactivated by a force push into the wall. The whole temple would hear of this event overnight. The droid was to be sent to the scrapyards of Raxus Prime, and Dorman would be exiled from the order on accounts of theft, insubordination, and trespassing.


The S0 Series Training Droid was a model created thousands of years ago by independent droid maker Dr. Dormon Drove. It it primarily comprised of Plasteel and Armorplast which make up many of the droid's armored plates. There was a decent amount of Phirk included in it's frame, which gave it a significant degree of defense against direct lightsaber attacks. The droid was programmed to replicate the sith to the best of it's ability, giving it knowledge of Sith lore and lightsaber forms. In order to give his creation simulated 'force powers', Dormon had a motion sensor installed within the droid's brain, allowing it to detect movement as if it had the Force Sense ability. Additionally, he integrated jump boot technology into the lower legs of the droid, allowing it to 'replicate' a force jump.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Where Where

Welcome to thc Factory! Nice droid, I am fond of the art!
  • We don't accept Pinterest or Reddit links to images unless the original site can't be found, these sites not respect the original artist, and anyone can post the arts there what they found on the internet. In this case, the original host can be found, so please use this link. And you always have to link the entire place where you found the art, not just the art itself.
  • Please link Dr. Dormon Drove to the Manufacturer.
  • Please link S0-T0's bio to the Affiliation,
  • And our ratings are underpowered (-1), if you want, you can edit this.
    • If you're not sure how this working you can find the Technology Spreadsheet here. You need to copy to your drive first, and after this you're able to use it.
Please let me know (tag me here) if you made the edits. And if you need any help, or do you have a question, feel free to ask in this thread.
Where Where

Welcome to thc Factory! Nice droid, I am fond of the art!
  • We don't accept Pinterest or Reddit links to images unless the original site can't be found, these sites not respect the original artist, and anyone can post the arts there what they found on the internet. In this case, the original host can be found, so please use this link. And you always have to link the entire place where you found the art, not just the art itself.
  • Please link Dr. Dormon Drove to the Manufacturer.
  • Please link S0-T0's bio to the Affiliation,
  • And our ratings are underpowered (-1), if you want, you can edit this.
    • If you're not sure how this working you can find the Technology Spreadsheet here. You need to copy to your drive first, and after this you're able to use it.
Please let me know (tag me here) if you made the edits. And if you need any help, or do you have a question, feel free to ask in this thread.
Added the proper image link, linked to S0-T0's profile, and increased Kinetic to High to create (0).

For Dr. Dormon Drove, I wanted to ask if it would require an NPC Write up, considering he is a long-deceased NPC and not a PC? MANIAC MANIAC
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Where Where

Oh, for some reason I didn't count this as a unique, I'm sorry, so still underpowered (-2), so if you want, you can edit it.
I cannot accept the submission without Manufacturer link, so I can suggest, keep Dr. Dormon Drove there and this could be a good solution:
Manufacturer: Czerka Arms | Dr. Dormon Drove [NPC] (designer/inventor)
Of course if you don't like the Czerka, you can replace it to any company you like.
Where Where

Oh, for some reason I didn't count this as a unique, I'm sorry, so still underpowered (-2), so if you want, you can edit it.
I cannot accept the submission without Manufacturer link, so I can suggest, keep Dr. Dormon Drove there and this could be a good solution:

Of course if you don't like the Czerka, you can replace it to any company you like.

Excellent idea!

Added Czerka as manufacturer, and edited the backstory to reflect a connection to it. I also increased Lightsaber and Energy resistance by one stage each to achieve (0). MANIAC MANIAC
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