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Private Saber Chatter

TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Val had asked Jonyna to help her make some sabers. Why? She didn't really know. Val had always been pretty famous with her twin sabers, and now she wanted new ones?

It confused Jonyna. But either way, she was happy to help.

Deep within the Reaper, Jonyna had a small workshop. Mind you, it wasn't originally hers, it was Giran's. But, much like many of the skills that Jonyna had picked up over the years, she had picked up sabercraft as a result of dating him. She was always one to throw herself into learning a new hobby, and she had a lot of those now.

"So...what are you looking for?" Jonyna asked Val, gesturing to the workbench off to the side. "Something different from your current ones?"



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"Well, my current ones are missing, so I need a new pair," Valery explained. "I lost them during the Battle on Coruscant. Either they're destroyed, taken, or perhaps still in the debris somewhere." She shrugged but didn't really care either way. As much as she was known for her skill with the blade, she didn't grow attached to her weapons. Her heart belonged to her family, but never to items that weren't directly tied to her loved ones.

The ring around her finger, the bracelet that her children got her.

"I already have a design and some materials. I just need someone skilled enough to bring it all together, and I'm open to ideas to improve my original designs as well."



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery nodded, "If you're able to recover one or both, let me know. Perhaps I'll offer them to the archives as display pieces or pass them down to one of my children." She wasn't expecting the lightsabers to be found, though. Valery had tried to find them herself — to connect with the crystals — and she hadn't been successful.

But in the aftermath of such a battle, there was always the chance that something had been clouding her senses.

"I've got some materials in the back, and these are design schematics." Valery offered a datapad with some drawings and tilted her head curiously to see what Jonyna would think. These were simpler than her old lightsabers, in a way, but they were going to look fitting and be extremely lightweight.

She had found herself some Songsteel for the hilt.


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble


Jonyna had worked with it in the past, hell she had just gotten done working it with Aris Noble Aris Noble 's new chain.

"Alright, I can work with that." Jonyna smiled. "I'll keep an eye out though. Never know. You been okay yourself? I know Coruscant was...brutal." A look of concern came across Jonyna's face as she prepped her forge. "I know you lost a friend in Romi..."



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery nodded with a grateful smile, "I'm alright. I talked to my husband after I made it back home and that always helps me feel better." Romi's loss was still a difficult one to endure, but surrounding herself with friends and family was helpful. She just wouldn't ever forget the things Romi had done for her.

For her family, and so many others.

"How are you holding up after the attack? For your new role, it caused a lot of work." It was reasonable to assume that all Jedi were busy, but dealing with the aftermath of a battle was especially tough on the Sentinel of Harmony.


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"Exhausting." Jonyna admitted as she lit up the forge. "But I'm making due. Going out with you certainly helped, and I went to the beach on Corellia a few days ago. Decided to spend a few days there and uh...ran into a mermaid by the name of Jenn." Jonyna couldn't hide her blush. "...I might have a girlfriend now..."



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"So... I was right?" Valery teased, referring back to their conversation about not giving up. It seemed that not even a week later, she was already dating someone and-

"Wait, you're dating Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze ?" Valery only just realized what Jonyna said and blinked. There was something interesting there, considering the history of their people, but Jenn had never really been a typical Mandalorian. And she supposed that Jonyna wasn't an ordinary Cathar either.

But she knew that both of them were longing for love.

"How have the dates been? Is the chemistry good?"


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"Technically we haven't even been on a date yet. I met her while surfing, and...well, we hit it off. But, we hung out on my ship, she called me Moonbeam, and..." Jonyna trailed off, a deep blush across her face, as she tucked a strand of orange hair behind her ear.
"I really like her..."



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"Moonbeam, huh?" Valery grinned teasingly and waggled her eyebrows, "That does sound like Jenn. She has a thing for cute nicknames and being romantic." It came straight from the heart with her — a true hopeless romantic. Jonyna seemed similar enough with her want to connect to someone special.

If this worked out, they'd be quite the match.

"If you like her, ask her out. That ball on Hapes is starting soon, so maybe take her there?" Jenn was allowed to attend and the dancing and drinking would make for a very easy date.


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

“I…could…” Jonyna couldn’t help but blush. The fancy dresses, the gossip, the looks of disapproval, it was…

Entirely not her scene. She’d rather invite Jenn on a trip to Cathar and visit the Valley of Love, but…

“You think I should? I don’t mean for me and Jenn’s sake, but like…I dunno, I’m a council member now. Am I like, required at social functions now?”



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery shrugged, "You're not forced to attend those events. We expect your attendance for meetings with an actual purpose, but even these events can be useful." From just socializing and being able to forget about fighting and war for a night, to potentially making new connections that would later be useful.

In this case, though...

"If you feel a connection to Jenn, ask her out to go with you. Dance, socialize, and try to work on your relationship with her. She'll appreciate it and it'll bring you two closer."

Valery smiled, "This is your shot."


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

“You think so?” Jonyna asked idly as she began shaping the metal. “I just want this to work out. She’s really cute, and I wish I could just tell her how much I love being around her. We’re trying to take it slow, but…gah, I can’t help myself. Ya know? I just…I wanna get to the part where I can just tell her sweet nothings in bed while we cuddle.”



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery chuckled, "That might come sooner than you think. Ask her out, spend time with her, and I'm sure she's going to want to share those feelings just as much as you do." If that wasn't the case, then they weren't exactly into it equally as much. But knowing Jenn, she was immensely happy to have found someone.

Now, Valery hoped it'd grow into something more.

"But it's good that you're not rushing it. It often doesn't work if you jump into things too quickly."


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"Tell me about it..." Val seemed to have hit a sore spot with that last comment, but given their recent night out on the town together, it was clear Jonyna didn't hold it against her. "...Sylvar, I'm pathetic aren't I?" She let out a pitiful chuckle. "You think you'll make it to the wedding? I'm gonna need a maid of honor after all."

That was years down the line, but Jonyna already knew she would want Val there. Her connection to both of them was clear, and Val was probably the closest thing Jonyna had to a mentor in the NJO that she had.



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"You think I'd miss something like that?" Valery chuckled and shook her head, "The day you'll get married, I'll be there and I'd love to be your maid of honor. But before then, do anything you can to spend time with her and get to know her." She was certain that Jonyna could do it, and that Jenn would want to really get to know Jonyna in return.

They were both hopeless romantics, so it was an easy match.

"As for my lightsabers..." Valery looked at the designs she had given Jonyna, "Do you think you can make this work?"


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"That is a...really complex pattern..."
Jonyna noted as she looked over the design, tilting her head and scrunching her nose. "...but I can make it work. I'll just need to cast the metal that way. Which means we need..." She paused, walking over to a large box, pulling it open to reveal...wax. Lots of it. "Can I borrow the plans for now? This'll take some delicate work to get the pattern right. Unless..." She considered, taking the hologram mid-air and turning it. "...DICE!" She called out to nowhere in particular. "Can you make a stencil of this in the printer thingy?"

Val could hear the beeps and boops of a bot seemingly offended by the thought of the printer being called a 'thingy', but ultimately agreeing on the task.

"Thanks Dice~" Jonyna smiled, looking back to Val. "Yeah I can get this done in a day. Just need the right material and time. You can find someone to cover me for the day, yeah? I dunno, Tell Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka to do my paperwork or something. He doesn't get much. And..." Her jovial tone shifted as she looked to the Grandmaster with a smile. "Thanks Val, for hearing me ramble about my new girlfriend. You're a great friend, one of the only ones I have that understands what I've been through."



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"You can keep the designs as long as you need them." Valery could construct basic lightsabers without much trouble, but intricate designs like this, using Songsteel and Electrum, among other materials, were something that required a skilled artisan. If Jonyna could do it but needed time, she would have no problem waiting.

If it was too much, she'd either have to simplify or find another.

Luckily, it seemed like Jonyna wasn't just able to craft the lightsaber, but she could finish it in a day? Valery blinked and began to chuckle, "Do you need anything else? The materials are one thing, but I can also arrange the electrical components if you need them." But if Jonyna made lightsabers more often, she likely had access to them as well.

"As for Jenn, do your best. I'm sure you two can really hit it off and make progress faster than you imagine right now."


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"No I think I'm good." Jonyna said idly as she looked over the design. "I'll leave the electricals to you, yeah. I usually have Dice do that part for me. He's much better at arranging that." She let out a chuckle. "Droids tend to be."

She paused, letting out a sigh. "I'm trying my best, at least. Never had a long term girlfriend before, and I'm stressing something crazy over it. Maybe you could come over and talk to her sometime? Maybe we could go out and get drinks together, I dunno, se a holo-flick? I'd just appreciate you being there to help me out, wingwoman."



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"I can talk to her or join you two for a night out," Valery said and chuckled, but the thought actually gave her another idea, "I could even ask Kahlil along sometime. We'll make it a double date." She had taken the Organas on a double date to Hologram Fun World once, and the four of them had also gone out for dinner in the past.

No reason why she couldn't do the same with Jonyna and Jenn.

"Either way, I'd be more than happy to help you out when I can. But even if you're alone with her, I'm sure you'll do fine. Just keep breathing and take comfortable steps."


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