Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Saber Chatter

TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"She makes that first part really hard. Sometimes I get lost in her eyes and just...forget to breath. You ever have that problem with Kahlil?"

It sounded like a joke, but Jonyna didn't speak it as one. She sounded completely serious.



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"I wouldn't necessarily call it a problem," Valery said and chuckled, "But I do get the feeling. For most, these are your early relationship butterflies. You want to be with someone constantly, can't get them out of your mind, and everything they do is charming, funny, or makes you smile. But it passes with time, and you form a more stable relationship." That was the more typical way it happened, but...

"With Kahlil, I still feel incredibly lucky and often get those butterflies. I don't think it'll ever fade, but I wouldn't want them to. It's just important that you stay rational and take steps that feel right to you both."

"Rush a big decision and you might regret it for the rest of your life."


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"In my language, we have this word. Lyrana. I've been calling Jenn it's the best way I can describe how I see her. It's sort of..." She paused, pursing her lips in frustration. "I guess the best translation would be 'innocent love'. It's that sort of love just...can't but feel helpless around them, in a good way. Even as you get older, even as you get wiser, you still feel...lost in their eyes. Like just holding their hand will get you in trouble. I don't want that to just...pass with Jenn. Her touch, her makes me feel safe. I don't wanna lose that..."


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