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Approved NPC Sakarbaal, Chief Engineer of the Sith Empire

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  • Intent: Create a chief engineer for TSE
  • Image Credit: Click - Brian Matyas
  • Role: Chief Engineer of the Sith Empire
  • Links: N/A
  • Age: 56
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force Sensitive
  • Species: Anomid
  • Appearance: Hidden behind layers of clothes and armor, the body of Sakarbaal was a mystery to most unfamiliar with the Anomid species. His skin was a translucent purple and riddled with age-born wrinkles, his ears pointed and fin-like, and his eyes were pupil-less and brilliantly kaleidoscopic.

    Forgoing the traditional elaborate aesthetic masks of his people, Sakarbaal instead opted for an entire helmet that encased his head. His voice was artificial and projected through a speaker near the mouth of the helmet, while he viewed the world through a long narrow visor augmented with an advanced display that was geared towards examining elaborate machines.

    The rest of his body was covered up by armorweave clothing and fleximetal armor, a long coat capping off his unmistakable appearance.
  • Name: Sakarbaal, Chief Engineer of the Sith-Imperial Engineering Corps
  • Loyalties: The Sith Empire
  • Wealth: High
    Spent most of his life building technology and designing machines of war for various warring states
  • Obtained the majority of his wealth through service to the Sith Emperor and his Imperialist regime

[*]Notable Possessions:

  • Genius-level Intellect
  • Master Engineer

[*]Personality: Sakarbaal is an introverted and quiet individual, preferring the company of his machines and tools to the company of living and breathing individuals. Though he is logical and level-headed he comes off to many as detached and unsentimental, willingly ignoring others while showing flippant disregard for their personal property. However, this does not mean that he is not adaptable, for, on the contrary, he has been known to quickly change to match his current environment, even if it meant being sociable for brief instances.

But, Sakarbaal is at his best and brightest when he is alone, isolated from all distractions that could interrupt the constant stream of ideas and calculations that pass through his head. The only individual the Chief Engineer never ignored or sidelined was the Sith Emperor, primarily because he had witnessed first-hand what happens to those who have stood against the Emperor.

And Sakarbaal was intelligent enough to never risk such annihilation.

  • Weapon of Choice:
    Blaster Pistol
  • Power Hammer
  • Powersuit

[*]Combat Function: Sakarbaal is an engineer first and foremost, not one prone to fighting his own battles. However, when left with no other option he has his own set of customized powersuits that can protect him from bodily harm while also allowing him to field a great deal of firepower against anyone who stood against him. When all else fails, Sakarbaal's best bet is to retreat.

Sakarbaal was born on the planet Yablari in the year 798 ABY, growing up in a household dedicated to the advancement of technology but also retaining anti-conformist values that culminated in the young Anomid to yearn for a life beyond his homeworld. When he reached the age that he could separate from his parents he took that opportunity, hitching a ride on a trading vessel to visit worlds such as Axxila and Lianna.

On these worlds, he discovered an appreciation for Imperialist ideology, which had been allowed to grow in isolation over the Four-Hundred Year Darkness. He became interested in ancient Imperial technology such as stormtrooper armor and star destroyers and began to study them exclusively, becoming well-versed in their design and construction.

But it would still a long way until Sakarbaal became involved in an Imperialist cause. He instead spent his days hiring himself out to various militant organizations, designing armor, weapons, and vehicles for them in various ranges of effectiveness.

It was these talents that brought him to the attention of the resurgent Sith in the Tingel Arm, and they hired him and a large group of sympathetic Anomid from his homeworld to form the basis of an Engineering Corps whose sole purpose was to build machines of war for this new Empire.

Eventually, Sakarbaal's skills and designs allowed him to rise to the position of Chief Engineer of the Sith Empire.
Nice NPC! He has fairly clear personal/combat strengths and weaknesses that painted a nice picture. I enjoyed the tidbits about his quirks. Especially: "When all else fails, Sakarbaal's best bet is to retreat."

"Pending Trainee Approval"

[member="Jyoti Nooran"]
[member="Darth Carnifex"]
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