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Approved Tech Salazar Niminen's Second Lightsaber

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  • Classification: Lightsaber
  • No. Of Blades: 2
  • Colour Of Blade: Yellow
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Extremely Light
  • Hilt Length: 11.8"
  • Individual Blade Length: 30"
  • Total Length: 71.8"

  • Double-Bladed Lightsaber: Clean focused blades on both side on hilts.
  • Tri-Chambered Cell: It uses three important components. Quintessence energy, drawing from the universe itself which is chambered through Sleg to absorb the heat generated, increasing the power of the blades & then charged through the Solari Crystal which further increases it. When focusing it through the right lens the cutting power of the saber becomes exponentially stronger against every material..
  • Inert Power Insulator: Insulating the power cell of a lightsaber from the handle itself preventing any leakage from electrocuting the weapon's owner, due to its composition of matter that did not conduct electrical current.
  • Trapped Grip: A hidden booby trap integrated into the lightsaber's handle that would harm any unauthorized person who tries to activate it.
  • Forced Focused Activation Switch: The lightsaber activates only when Salazar Niminen is completely serene.
  • Solari Crystal - The crystal is bonded to Salazar Niminen. One of the oldest & the most powerful lightsaber crystals of the Light Side. It can’t be corrupted by the dark side & its owner has to always stay pure of heart for it to function.
  • Solarite Metal - The hilt is made of Solarite Metal, which makes the lightsaber weightless to any Light-Side user. For Salazar, it glows with a subtle but noticeable prismatic colour, indicating his soft but firm hold over his own emotions.
  • Mestare Lens - Found on planet Mestare, can cut through cortosis.
  • Pontite Lens - Cools both skin and temper of user.
  • Solari Crystal & Solarite Metal - Lightsaber becomes extremely heavy & inoperative if user turns to the dark side.
  • Inoperability Under Water - Can't operate underwater.
  • Material Disadvantage - Can't penetrate Beskar.
  • Force Nullifying Technology - When the lightsaber is within a force-nullifying field, its bond with Salazar Niminen is severed & doesn't turns on.

In his 1st year of apprenticeship, Salazar Niminen took a peculiar interest for double-bladed lightsabers. When he asked his Battlemaster to permit him to learn the ways of double-bladed lightsaber, he was provided with a training model & the bigger hilt made it clumsier than a single blade. When he asked the Battlemaster if anyone ever made a double-bladed lightsaber with a small hilt, he was denied any information. He knew that it must've been done by someone who fell to the Dark Side.

He was hesitated for a moment. His fear of falling to the dark side was known to his masters, especially his master Errik Nimdok. Still he steeled his mind & requested his master for the information, who he knew was the only one in the entire Concord who could tell him about it. After long hesitation Errik told him that the person who made such a lightsaber was one of the most feared Sith Lords ever, Exar Kun & he continued to say that that specific lightsaber design brought him closer to the Dark Side & that Salazar's too impulsive. He was almost disappointed when he gathered some hope and will & said that he still wanted to go through with it under the supervision of his master.

For a year, with the help of his company Canyon Innovations he gathered materials to build his first short-hilt double-bladed lightsaber. In that time, he searched long & acquired an Adegan Lens, a Pontite Lens & also a rare a Solari Crystal that was about to be destroyed by a Sith. After he brought all the materials together, he meditated for 3 days to build the lightsaber. When he ignited the blade for the first time, his master was surprised to see how clear the blade was & he was appreciated for it. After that he trained under Grandmaster Nimdok’s supervision with it & after another 3 years, during his Trials he used this very lightsaber to pass. The Solari Crystal overtime bonded with Salazar & his skills exponentially increased with the blade. The blade now has become a symbol of the ideologies he stands for.

After a few years, while meditating one day, Salazar got a vision of a specific metal which called out to him from the Cosm’s Well. When he travelled there, he was met by the Quartermaster Krass Wyms & found out that it was the Solarite metal forged by the Quartermaster which called out not only to him but also the Solari Crystal within his lightsaber. After thorough discussion, the Quartermaster created a new lightsaber for Salazar using the Solarite Metal for the hilt, replaced the previously housed Adegan Lens with Mestare Lens, which gives the lightsaber the ability to cut through cortosis & a new Force focused activation switch which only allows Salazar to activate the lightsaber only if he is calm.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Salazar Niminen Salazar Niminen

Very nicely made submission! However I found two problems:
  • The is not allowed as image source. Please link the websites/pages where you found the pictures.
  • The IC thread is not good permission. Please ask Krass' permission to use her as a manufacturer and permission to use her metal's thread.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Salazar Niminen Salazar Niminen

Thank you! However the permission is not good. It need to be on the picture about why you're asking for her permission. To use her as a manufacturer, and to use her material sub. So please ask her again.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Salazar Niminen Salazar Niminen

I suggest to read this.
You need to include in the permission what you are asking for. In your case, you have to ask a permission from her to use her as a manufacturer, and you also need a permission to use her material thread in this sub.
It will look something like this: "Krass, can you give me your permission to use you as a manufacturer in my sub, and may I use your Solarite Metal in the same thread as one of the materials?"
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