Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Salty Family Members


Location: Crait
Equipment: Travelling Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

What is it with Jax constantly accepting missions on Crait?

Though Jax was slowly getting used to Jedi life again as he trained padawans in the art of The Three Rings, he hasn't reported his return to the Jedi Masters yet. Still, It was best for Jax to take missions again. It was something that he enjoyed before his self-exile, it was a chance for Jax to do some good in the Galaxy and at the same explore it. Yet the first mission that he took had to be Crait again. He'd been here dozens of times, from stopping drug lords with a Dark Jedi (where they actually got together for a time), to preventing a climate crisis with his first Padawan Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin . Now, Jax was tasked in meeting an Alliance Sergent named: Forda Malin to assist her in taking care of a disturbance in the salt fields.


The Jedi Master landed his X-Wing next to the Alliance base, the first thing he tasted was salt that was blowing in the wind. Shuddering Jax got off and began walking towards the entrance not knowing that he was going to run into his stepdaughter.

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Location: Crait
Outfit: Jedi Robes
Equipment: Lightsaber
Companion: Grisial
Tag: Jax Thio Jax Thio

Arriving at Crait, Grisial was excited to be back to his home world and was bouncing around the ship. He was eager to explore his home while he was growing larger than the standard Vulptex, gave him the impression that he was made to be an alpha of Vulptex, though Dreidi attempted to tell him that wasn't a thing and he was needing to stop watching weird holo-docs on the net again. However, she was pleased that he was excited to come back though she wasn't here for a simple visit. There was meant to be a Jedi mission on the world and having Grisial from here made her feel like Crait was as special a place as Dathomir in her heart.

Protecting it was crucial.

Stepping off the ship, Grisial started sprinting around and getting adjusted to how it felt being back on Crait as Dreidi tightened her handwraps with her lightsaber clipped to her belt. Her hair tied into a bun and her Zorren traits on display as she walked towards the meeting point with some official who had information on the mission. Walking over, she noticed another Jedi had arrived there before her and she realised that she was going to have to work with someone else, not ideal for her but she knew that working on missions with other Jedi was an important part of her growth towards becoming a Jedi Master.

However, as she got closer, Dreidi realised it was Jax. Her stepfather. She let out a long sigh and paused. Grisial stopped roaming around and dropped his playful attitude. he could sense the frustration in Dreidi, it was not ideal to work with Jax since it was awkward enough about how desperate he was for a family bond with her but he would also be the lead and senior Jedi with this mission since he was ranked higher. That just sounded like a disaster in the making. She was tempted to walk away before anyone noticed her, however, she remembered this was for the benefit of Crait. She was here to do good and not helping was something she couldn't do.

"Greetings Master Thio. Sergeant Malin." Dreidi nodded her head respectfully to both, "hopefully I haven't arrived late to the debrief." She held her hands on her hips as she looked at both of them, waiting to hear what the mission was.



Location: Crait
Equipment: Travelling Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

Jax's heart started to beat when he saw Driedi, the two hadn't talked to each other since Dreidi dropped Jax off in Coruscant. Leaving Jax to face the NJO on his own. Not that he expected Dreidi to continue to accompany him, Jax suspected that just taking him back home was the extent of her generosity. He can feel the hesitation and anger within Dreidi, there was still mixed feelings between them, especially after she saw Jax fall to dark side and she ended up getting slashed by Carnifex.

As tempting as it was to treat this mission as a bonding experience, Dreidi is a Jedi Knight and should be treated as such. She also had to grow up fast in wake of Jairdain Jairdain disappearing on her after Yuroic's death. "In my many bungled experiences with Dreidi," Jax thought. "I didn't treat her with the respect that she was looking for. She deserves it especially after pulling me out from my self-exile."

"Dreidi," Jax smiled. "You're here for the mission? I was under the impression that this was a one-person op. I guess I forgot to press the "accept" button on the Kiosk back at the temple."

He was still getting used to the whole Jedi routine.

"It's no matter though the more Jedi the better," Jax said walking towards the base. "It's good see you again."

Right now, they weren't two family members, they were Jedi and Jax needed to put his personal feelings aside for the sake of helping the people. As the two approached the entrance, a female Mon Calmori wearing an Officer's uniform ran to them. "Ah a Jedi!" She said before staring at Driedi. "Two Jedi! We were only expecting one given how many Jedi were fighting on Ryloth. I didn't expect this!"

"Neither did we," Jax thought before smiling. "The Order figured that they send more than Jedi to resolve this."

"Thank the Force," The Mon Calamori said. "I'm Lieutenant Cee Borbe! I'm the leader of this small outpost. We're a fairly small unit, just here to scout out planets for resources that Alliance can use. Come on in! We have a lot to talk about."

Jax gave a nod and followed the Lieutenant.


Location: Crait
Outfit: Jedi Robes
Equipment: Lightsaber
Companion: Grisial
Tag: Jax Thio Jax Thio

Dreidi nodded her head, "must have. Crait is important to me, and Grisial so made sense we came here to help." She pointed out, not using any real sarcasm or jabs, she spoke in a professional manner and was very clearly keeping this professional. It was a job and they were both here to help with the issue. "I guess, but this is your lead so I will follow the approach you wish to go with for the mission. Well, I'm glad you are sticking around the New Jedi Order for now. Means that I don't have to drag you back there. Again."

She raised an eyebrow to Jax when he lied to the officer about the Order sending two Jedi on the mission, she felt there was no need to lie about their reasoning for being here. An honest mistake and wasn't going to make anyone look bad, really. However, she wasn't going to correct Jax and being too outspoken when he held rank over her.

"A sergeant Forda Malin sent in the request. Has there been a change in leadership?" Dreidi asked curiously, unsure if the sergeant had put the request in for the lieutenant or if there had been an incident and sergeant Malin was no longer around. It was a little confusing for the Jedi Knight but she followed the lieutenant in the hopes of finding some answers to clarify.

As well as figuring out want was going on that needed the Jedi's attention for the mission.



Location: Crait
Equipment: Travelling Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

There was a pause from Cee she gave a nervous glance towards Jax and Dredi as her hands began to slowly tremble. "What's wrong?" Jax asked as he began to walk with her.

"That's the thing," Cee replied to Dreidi. "Our commanding officer: Captain Stevan Riko was in charge."


Well, that's quite a revelation. "What happened to him?" Jax asked as they entered the base. "Was he relieved from duty? Or was he summoned to fight in the frontlines against the Mandalorians?"

"No," Cee said walking towards the communications center. "Last week, we've been getting some strange readings North from the salt fields. The Captain summoned his best soldiers and went to investigate. The captain is always the type who always to like lead from the front so he can raise morale for the troops."

"It wouldn't be the first time that something strange was being unearthed from this planet," Jax mused remembering the many times he came to this salty sphere of a planet to find planet altering devices. "It's good to have an inspiring leader especially when you're out in the middle of nowhere."

"We have nothing but good things to say about Captain Riko," Cee said as she walked over towards the holomap and leaned against it. "He's a hardened vet who is fiercely loyal to the Alliance. But we've lost contact with him, and his troops last signal was near the anomaly."

"What kind of anomaly was this?" Jax asked placing his hand on his belt.

"We're not entirely sure," Cee said. "But it did cause temperature in this to drop considerably for a time."

"Damn," Jax muttered looking at Dreidi. "I think I know what this is."


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