Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Runi Verin

Two pounds shy of a bomb.

Welcome to Chaos!

I wouldn't worry too much about getting started; there's always help guides squirrelled around if you need pointers.

Otherwise, just give a shout and I'm sure someone will be along to help answer any questions you might have.
Paris said:
Thanks everyone, only question I have is see if I don't have the padawan tag, am I still considered one?
You don't have to have a tag to be considered anything. They're just shiny to have :)

You can however request up to two tags in this thread. First post pretty much explains everything you need to know about them.


Connor Harrison


Welcome to the Chaos!

Enjoy your time with us and just shout if you need help at any time.

Vengeance said:

Welcome to Chaos and enjoy your stay. Just be sure to avoid that Vengeance guy............heard is a bit of a jerk and likes to do bad things to people. :p


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