Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Salvor Arnex

Species/Race: Zabrak
Name: Salvor
Last Name: Arnex
Gender: Male
Place of Birth: Iridonia
Age: 22
Weight: 181
Hair Color/Style: bald with a row of horns going over the middle of his head.
Facial Appearance: Salvor is not spectacular to look at but nor is he ugly. His face is slightly pointed at the chin and his features sit comfortably on his face.
Eye Color: purple
Body Appearance: an athletic build built over years of training in martial arts
Home Planet: Iridonia
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+extremely skilled with a lightsaber
+is skilled at using the force to augment his physical skill (i.e. balance, strength and speed)
-/+ can be single minded, whcich depending on the situation could be an asset or a detriment
-not overly gifted at using the force in other areas
-not politically motivated
-is very skilled but will tend to overestimate his skills and bite off more than he can chew
-stubborn, will oftentimes refuse to back down until he is absolutely forced to.
Biography: Salvor was born on Iridonia to a relatively small but ferocious clan consisting of only about 15 members with Salvor being the last born before the war with a group of Trandoshan slavers that completely wiped out his clan.
Salvor grew up as any child on Iridonia, battling hard conditions, fierce beasts and competition over resources from rivaling clans. Salvor was the youngest of 6 siblings and doted upon as the baby of the family. 3 years after Sal was born a group of Trandoshan slavers landed near the encampment of the Arnex clan and almost immediately the two groups began waging a bloody and brutal war. In the end the firepower and numbers of the slavers proved to be too much for the small Zabraki clan as after the weeks of battles only 3 members remained alive: a 3 year old Salvor, his sister, and his young cousin who was only a year older than Salvor. The slavers took the young Zabraki children and were able to sell all three of them within weeks of acquiring them, Salvor’s sister was sold to some rich aristocrat in imperial territory while Salvor and his cousin were sold to Valturla an up and coming Hutt gangster.

His first few years as a slave were like any other young slave’s first years, hard, cold, sad and scary. But as his people have done for eons Salvor persevered. As Salvor matured he started to grow into the warrior he was destined to be. So, Valturla being the entrepreneur he was, sought to make credits off the boy and have him train as an assassin. Under the tutelage of a mandalorian freelancer the boy was taught martial skill and to be able to wield a multitude of weapons efficiently along with the basics of interrogation.
Upon the completion of his training Salvor soon proved himself to be a natural killer with a flair for brutality and an affinity for avoiding harm and detection. Valturla used the teenager’s skills to shake down and eliminate beings that had “wronged” the Hutt. At 14 Salvor was given the task to hunt and kill an outlander who had recently killed one of Valturla’s captains. Salvor tracked the man for days before attempting to strike in an alley of the lower level of Nar Shaddaa the duel was short and vicious with Salvor unable to deal a killing blow to the spacer who turned out to be a force-user. The forcer was able to easily incapacitate the teenager but kept him alive after sensing Salvor‘s affinity for the force. After discussion with his master The forcer proceeded to procure Salvor from Valturla and take the young Zabraki for training.
Salvor had found himself a member of a new family. An odd way to describe what amounted to a small cult of darkside leaning force users who for decades have operated in secrecy but that is what they called themselves...a family. The patriarch of that family was Tu Baize, a man who was once a Sith Blademaster that taught students on korriban before leaving that particular empire and striking out on his own to train a generation of warriors whose only allegiance would be the darkside...and himself.
Brutality could hardly describe what Salvor went through as he was pushed to and well past his limits by his new his new….father. Physical and mental torture were routine. A practice designed to make Salvor stronger through submission while encouraging him to one day gain the power to fight back.
Salvor had not only gained a new father but brothers as well. If Tu Baize, his father, was the fire that would forge Salvor into a blade for the darkside, his new brothers were the hammer and the anvil.
Kazdan Hoyt was a human, as large and as strong as Salvor had ever met. Standing near seven feet tall and weighing over three-hundred pounds he was the embodiment of intimidation. He also happened to be as stupid and as crazy as he was big. Trained to become a berserker, his mere presence was designed to strike fear and the certainty of defeat into his enemies.
Rosh Nnaji was a coward and a trickster more apt to kill with a whisper than with his hands. Where his older brother was a brute and his younger brother a blade, Rosh was bile, a blight made to poison the mind and beguile the senses. It was Rosh who first named Salvor, Kath Pup a name that would come into common use.
If his father were the fire and his brothers the hammer and anvil on which he was forged, Salvor’s sister was the whetstone on which he was sharpened.
Sabriel Kyan was a pure-blood Sith who was of an age with Salvor but had spent nearly her whole life as a member of the clan. Where her brothers spent their lives with the clan learning to destroy, Sabriel, sought to create. An alchemist of prodigious skill for her age, the Sith would spend hours, days, weeks at her studies learning to craft intricate incantations and apply them to arms and armor. There were whispers that she also performed alchemy of the flesh and at night in the town at the foot of their temple, whispers turned to screams.
As tradition of his clan dictates, Salvor has been sent on an excursion to travel the stars and grow his power and knowledge while maintaining his family’s autonomy and anonymity throughout wider space.
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