Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Same city, new begining.

Vulpesen smiled a bit as he walked the streets of Coruscant. Bundled in black robes to conceal most of his appearance, he was finally enjoying a calm walk where everything had begun for him. His days as a jedi. His realization that the Republic was weakening. And also where he would find his next great adventure. He just didn't know it yet. As he walked with Alexandra, he of course,had no clue he'd come across a little bundle of torture and pain unexpected joy.

"You know, I kinda missed this place. Not quite what I remembered from my Republic days, but it still holds the excitement that I remembered. At least, a great deal of it." His tail flicked under the robes and he wrapped an arm around her as they walked. Despite his joy, he did hear a small voice of protest in his head. "Ace, stop complaining. Its a city planet, of course its covered in exhaust fumes." "Its not all gas."

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]
[member="Nokomis Arkay"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Darth Tsolan"]

She smiled and in stark contrast with his garb she wore robes and a cloak of pure white, her face covered because of the fact that from this moment on it is likely most sith would view her as an enemy. She even wondered if her face was revealed (As she wore her hood tight around her features and her cloak drawn around her body) what would happen to her. THe Sith were probably not the kindest to enemies they considered her to be. "You know fox face, someone sees you with me, you are dead right?"
Nokomis had snuck out of the orphanage again and was wandering the streets of Coruscant. She hated being in the orphanage. Kids picked on her constantly and some of them even pulled her tail! She would give anything to be able to leave, but she was only seven. She sighed and continued walking with her head down. Her light brown tail drooped behind her in a display of sadness. She wasn't paying attention to where she was walking and ended up bumping into the legs of a white haired woman with silver eyes. [member="Darth Tsolan"] [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]
"You forget that I am a lord. And unless its some high ranking person, I'm sure I can convince them to give you a pass under my escort." He grinned at her but stopped as a young child bumped into Alex. "Oh, looks like we have some comp-" He stopped dead in his tracks and stared at the light brown tail behind her. "Hell..." His eyes flicked up to her head. "No ears... Alex, she is not a rufer."

[member="Nokomis Arkay"]
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Nokomis Arkay"] [member="Darth Tsolan"]

"I really should buy a lottery ticket..." WAs the only thing she said as she stared at the head of the little girl, before breaking away from Vulpesen's grasp and slowly bowing down on one knee and looking at the eyes of the little girl. "Hello there, are you ok, i almost ran you over and while i would really hate to do that to one of my friends people i think you are quite a sight for him." She motioned with her head at the man beside her, Vulpesen, who stood and hopefully would show his own tail.
Nokomis stared up at Alex with wide eyes. Her tail fluffed up in fear as she slowly took a few steps back. The woman seemed nice enough, but so had the lady at the orphanage and Nokomis had quickly learned that that was not the case. She whimpered softly, her eyes darting between Alex and Vulpes. She had no idea what to do, so she settled for turning around and running. [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] [member="Darth Tsolan"]
I smiled and waved at her with my own tail, the black mass of fur moving out from the robes. However, she didn't seem to care as she bolted off, running through the street. "Ace." Without another word, the ashlan leaped from his shoulder and chased after her, staying out of sight during the pursuit though he would reveal himself once she stopped. No better ice breaker than a fluffy six inch puppy. "Come on, Ace isn't that good with children. They tend to squeeze and cuddle a bit too hard for him." He grinned at Alex and started on his way, walking through the streets to follow Ace's link.

[member="Nokomis Arkay"]
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Nokomis Arkay"] [member="Darth Tsolan"]

"Sometimes Tsolan, i think you should stop wearing that Sith clothing, i swear this happens every time we find a lost kid and you just and made it worse didn't you." She smiled and laughed as she tried to keep up, regrettably the whole pregnancy thing was taxing enough and use of the force was a must to keep her balanced while she ran after him, a tiny bit annoyed that he did not have to deal with this. "Another month and a half can -not- come fast enough for me..." She sighed as she started pushing it to keep up.
Nokomis heard a small bark from behind her and turned. The small,fluffly little puppy was sitting a few feet away with it's head tilted to the side. She smiled and walked over to it, holding her hand out in front of her and letting the little fox sniff her before trying to pet it. She didn't attempt to pick it up or hug it, she just stroked the soft fur on its head and scratched it behind one ear. [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] [member="Darth Tsolan"]
Vulpesen slowed down and wrapped his arm around Alexandra again. "Calm down, Ace will keep tabs on the girl so we won't lose her. Besides, you shouldn't overdo it. No matter how ready you are to run again." He kissed her cheek and continued their walk until the duo finally reached the girl and Ace who was thumping his for happily to the scratching and petting. "Please, we aren't going to hurt you." He took a bit of Alex's advice and removed his hood to reveal his unmasked and smiling face.

[member="Nokomis Arkay"]
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Nokomis Arkay"] [member="Darth Tsolan"]

Alexandra smiled and watched as Vulpesen tried to handle the situation, maybe two foxes would make for a calmer meeting than alex had... but a kind, white clothed, and soft spoke pregnant woman did just scare off a Seven year old girl... so anythings possible today, dont you think?
Nokomis eyed the pair nervously. She eventually noticed that the big scary man had a tail just like her. The little zorren didn't know why she had a tail, no one else did either, but maybe this person did. She openned her mouth to ask, but the only sound that came out was a small squeaking noise. Nokomis hadn't been able to speak for over a year, but she still tried to. The lady at the orphanage would always get mad at her not being able to talk. She briefly recalled being told she was stupid and having her hand burnt on a stove. The memory made her whimper. That incident had happened a few days ago and her hand still had a large burn on it. [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] [member="Darth Tsolan"]
He continued to smile kindly at her and placed a hand on the ground as he knelt down to have Ace race up to his shoulder. "You've been through a lot haven't you? Don't worry, nether of us are the kind to hurt you. I promise." Without even trying, he poured a small ammount of the force through his words, sending a soothing effect to the child. It wasn't major but it would likely have some sort of effect

[member="Nokomis Arkay"]
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Nokomis Arkay"] [member="Darth Tsolan"]

"Ya, atleast not physically, he can hurt you in the brain..." She saw the burn, staring at it and kneeling down beside him as she had her own Ashlan mate come to her shoulder, smiling as she spoke. "Can i see your hand, i promise i wont hurt you, i want to make that better."
Nokomis nodded nervously, letting the silver haired lady take her hand. She was still scared, but that man had a tail like her! Maybe he knew something about where she came from? So far the couple was being nice to her, maybe she could trust them? The little Zorren wondered if they'd take her away from the mean lady at the orphanage. She hated it there, but at least there she got fed on a daily basis. [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]
Vulpesen watched two two and as Alexandra took her hand, he twitched to see the burns. "Now that won't do at all." He knelt down and palced his hand over hers. "Be still this should only take a moment." He focused the force through his hand and started to heal her wound, the small glow of force healing lighting up his palm. "Alex. My guess is that the hunters took this one's parents. No way a Zorren could leave their child defenseless without going insane from instinctual override."

[member="Nokomis Arkay"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Nokomis Arkay"] [member="Darth Tsolan"]

Alex helped Vulpesen heal the girl's hand, looking at her though as she spoke, seemingly already figuring that much out as Vulps had spoken. "Are you alone... please tell me you have a home or not as if you do me and my friend can help you back to your home if so." She started to glance at Vulpesen and frowned, he was right, even if she wasn't a Zorren someone should be looking for her and from what she had been told, the girl having her tail already is a very bad thing and means that she had to suffer to get it so young.
The little Zorren openned her mouth to speak again, but no sound came out. She remember someone saying she couldn't talk because of what happened with that weird man from the alley before she woke up in the hospital and went to the orphanage. She tilted her head back as far as she could and gestured to the scar on her neck. Maybe they'd realize she couldn't talk if they saw the scar. [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] [member="Darth Tsolan"]
Vulpesen felt his tail bristle in a touch of anger as he saw the scar, but he worked to calm himself, taking only a moment to do so. "Just nod or shake your head for yes and no. Do you have a home you would like to return to?" Has he spoke, his golden eyes watched the area, looking for anyone out of the ordinary. This girl had seemed like she had been through a lot, and any time zorrens were in such a state, it wasn't good to leave your back unwatched until you knew what caused it.

[member="Nokomis Arkay"]

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Nokomis Arkay"] [member="Darth Tsolan"]

She didn't speak, her hands remained on the girls and her eyes closed now as she slowly worked on the burn, frowning at how recent this was and opening her eyes a bit. "Do you know the person that did this..." She spoke as she continued working on it, though a change sounded in her voice, seriousness mixed with sadness, she was a bit angered at the fact of what it was that came to be under heel.

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