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Sanctuary 13

General Information
  • The Hidden Path

"Sanctuary 13 was our salvation. As a single mother, all I wanted was a​
better life for my children, away from the chaos and crime of Coruscant's underworld. I couldn't afford the cost of safe passage off the planet, and with the Dark Empire's. invasion looming, I was desperate. When I found out about Sanctuary 13, it felt like a miracle. The volunteers there risked everything to help us. They guided us through hidden tunnels and secret paths, ensuring we escaped the impending doom. Thanks to them, my children and I are safe, far from the rot and danger we once knew. I will forever be grateful for the hope and refuge they provided in our darkest hour."​
― Unknown​

Sanctuary 13 is an safehouse designed to be a self-sufficient and secure refuge, capable of supporting a significant number of civilians while serving as a vital node in the Hidden Path's resistance network. Its layout balances the need for secrecy, security, and functionality, ensuring that it can operate effectively under any present threat. Civilians seeking refuge here receive critical support, including safe temporary housing, medical care, and basic necessities like food and water. The safehouse also offers guidance and resources for leaving Coruscant, including access to hidden escape routes and transport off-world. Additionally, volunteers provide self-defense training and help in coordinating with the broader Hidden Path network for continued safety. Civilians come to Sanctuary 13 to escape the impending Dark Empire invasion, the crime-ridden chaos of the undercity, and to find a path to a better, safer life that they could not afford on their own.​


  • Structure Name: Sanctuary 13
  • Classification: Hidden Safehouse
  • Location: Coruscant Underworld, Coruscant
  • Affiliation: The Hidden Path
  • Accessibility:
Sanctuary 13 is meticulously hidden to avoid detection by the Dark Empire and local criminal elements. Its location in the undercity's Sector 1313, notorious for its crime and neglect, makes it an ideal place for a covert operation. The entrance is designed to be inconspicuous, masked as a decrepit, boarded-up storefront in a seemingly abandoned industrial warehouse near the corner of Twelfth and E. The dilapidated exterior, with rusted panels and graffiti, deters attention and blends seamlessly into the rundown surroundings.​
Access to Sanctuary 13 is tightly controlled and discreet. The primary entrance is fortified with a concealed biometric scanner and code entry system, ensuring that only authorized individuals can enter. Additional layers of security include surveillance cameras and volunteer guards who monitor the entrance from a hidden security station inside. To further safeguard its secrecy, the safehouse employs trusted informants who spread information about its location through word of mouth, cryptic symbols, and encrypted holo-messages, ensuring only those in genuine need or trusted by the network can find it. Regular patrols by Hidden Path volunteers and strategically placed surveillance equipment ensure the safehouse remains secure and its operations undetected.​

  • Description:
Sanctuary 13, located at the corner of Twelfth and E in Coruscant's notorious Level 1313, is cleverly disguised as a decrepit, boarded-up storefront within an abandoned industrial warehouse. The exterior blends seamlessly with the urban decay, featuring rusted metal panels and graffiti-covered walls. However, beyond the concealed biometric scanner and code entry system lies a well-organized refuge. Inside, the safehouse opens into a large main hall used for gatherings and communications, flanked by dormitories and family rooms providing temporary housing for up to fifty individuals. A medical bay at the rear offers essential healthcare, while a hidden armory and training area equip and prepare volunteers for defense.​
The true strength of Sanctuary 13 lies in its extensive network of hidden tunnels and secret passages, offering multiple escape routes to other safe points across the undercity. A secure operations room serves as the command center, coordinating with the wider Hidden Path network through advanced communication systems. In the heart of the chaotic and crime-ridden Sector 1313, Sanctuary 13 stands as a beacon of hope, embodying the resilience and ingenuity of the Hidden Path, and providing sanctuary to those fleeing the impending Dark Empire invasion.​
  • Surroundings:
Level 1313 is a bustling yet perilous area, characterized by its dense population and the constant hum of illicit activity. The streets are narrow and winding, with towering structures casting perpetual shadows over the ground level. The air is thick with the smell of industrial waste and the ever-present noise of machinery and distant chatter. Despite the squalor, the area is teeming with life—a melting pot of species and cultures, with black markets and hidden nooks perfect for covert operations.​
Sanctum 13, by virtue of its location and design, embodies the resilience and ingenuity of the Hidden Path. It stands as a beacon of hope, providing a sanctuary for the vulnerable and a rallying point for a burgeoning rebellion.​
Entrance and Security:
  • Upon entry, visitors are greeted by a dimly lit foyer that still maintains the illusion of an abandoned space. However, a hidden passageway, activated by a specific sequence of actions on a seemingly random wall panel, leads into the main safehouse.
  • Security Station: Immediately inside, a security station equipped with surveillance monitors and encrypted communication devices oversees the entry point. Volunteers here are trained to verify identities and monitor for any potential threats.
Main Hall:
  • Central Gathering Area: The heart of Sanctuary 13, this large open space is a hub of activity. Makeshift seating arrangements—benches, cushions, and repurposed crates—are scattered around, providing a communal area for rest and planning.
  • Communication Hub: A sophisticated holographic projector dominates the center of the hall, used for encrypted communications and coordinating with other Hidden Path cells across the galaxy.
Living Quarters:
  • Dormitories: Two spacious rooms flanking the main hall serve as living quarters. Each dormitory contains rows of bunk beds with privacy screens and personal storage lockers, accommodating up to fifty individuals.
  • Family Rooms: Smaller rooms offer additional privacy and comfort for families, equipped with cots, blankets, and basic furnishings to create a homely atmosphere in an otherwise utilitarian setting.
Medical Bay:
  • Infirmary: Located towards the rear of the main hall, the medical bay is a compact yet well-equipped infirmary. Stocked with medical supplies ranging from bacta patches to advanced surgical equipment, it is staffed by volunteer medics and medical droids capable of treating a wide range of injuries and illnesses.
Armory and Training Area:
  • Armory: Concealed behind a reinforced door with a complex locking mechanism, the armory houses a modest collection of weapons, armor, and combat gear. Access is restricted to trusted members, ensuring the security of the cache.
  • Training Room: Adjacent to the armory, a small training area allows volunteers and refugees to practice self-defense and basic combat skills. It features sparring mats, practice weapons, and holographic training modules.
Escape Routes:
  • Hidden Exits: Sanctuary 13 is integrated into an extensive network of underground tunnels. These hidden exits lead to various safe points throughout Level 1313, including abandoned buildings, old sewer systems, and hidden docking bays, providing multiple avenues for evacuation if the safehouse is compromised.
  • Tunnel Network: The tunnels are equipped with emergency supplies, such as water, rations, and medical kits, stashed at regular intervals. Some tunnels connect directly to other Hidden Path safehouses on different levels of Coruscant or lead to extraction points for off-world transport.
Operations Room:
  • Command Center: A secure room serving as the operational nerve center of Sanctuary 13. It contains advanced communication equipment, data terminals, and holo-maps for strategic planning and coordination with the broader Hidden Path network.
  • Archives: A section of the operations room is dedicated to encrypted data storage, containing vital information such as refugee records, intelligence reports, and operational plans. These archives are kept under tight security and regularly updated to ensure their integrity.

Rating: Medium
Sanctuary 13's security setup is discreet yet comprehensive, designed to safeguard its occupants and operations from Imperial detection and infiltration otherwise. The entrance is fortified with hidden biometric scanners and code entry systems, granting access only to authorized individuals. Surveillance cameras and volunteer guards stationed within the safehouse monitor the entrance, ensuring constant vigilance. Additionally, the safehouse employs informants and encrypted communication methods to disseminate its location and maintain secrecy. Regular patrols and strategically placed surveillance equipment further enhance security, allowing the space to operate covertly within the chaotic and dangerous confines of Coruscant's undercity.​

Civilians learn about the safehouse through a sophisticated network of informants and coded messages:​
  • Word of Mouth: Trusted members of the Hidden Path discreetly spread the word among those in need. This information is passed in hushed conversations in cantinas, marketplaces, and other public gathering spots.
  • Symbolic Markings: A series of cryptic symbols and graffiti guide those who know what to look for. These marks, often overlooked by Imperial forces, lead potential refugees to the safehouse.
  • Encrypted Holo-Messages: Holo-transmitters broadcast encoded messages that can only be deciphered with the correct decryption key. These messages provide instructions and coordinates to those seeking refuge.
  • Disguised Deliveries: Members of the Hidden Path embed coordinates and entry codes within seemingly mundane items—like food packages or data pads—delivered to those in desperate need.

As the Dark Empire's invasion of Coruscant loomed, many civilians found themselves trapped without the means to escape, most already unsatisfied with the Galactic Alliance. The Hidden Path emerges as a critical lifeline, offering a haven for those in need and laying the groundwork for organized resistance. The safehouse on Coruscant symbolizes hope and resilience, playing a key role in protecting the vulnerable and fostering the early stages of a rebellion/resistance.​
Following the invasion, the Hidden Path grew, with each safehouse becoming a vital link in the chain. Volunteers were meticulously vetted, and safehouses were designed with the utmost secrecy and security. The Coruscant safehouse, due to the planet's significance, was among the first established and became a key hub in the network.​

The sacrifices made at the Coruscant safehouse and others like it became legendary, inspiring countless others to join the cause. The Hidden Path not only saved lives but also sowed the seeds of the larger rebellion that would eventually rise to challenge the Dark Empire, and similar threats.​

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Judah Lesan Judah Lesan

This is ready. I actually changed the affiliations, decided not to sub this for the contest and do something different in the invasion. I don't have a sub for the Hidden Path im referencing in the sub, it's something similar to the canon version but not entirely the same. I plan to do that one in the future.

Should I still link the canon one for affiliation?
Romi Jade Romi Jade

If it’s not the same I don’t know if I’m going to sweat it. Maybe if it’s based on it linking it would be beneficial to other writers who aren‘t familiar or who haven’t played Jedi Survivor.

Up to you. I’ll approve as is if you want.
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