Crown Prince
"It's a long story we don't have time for," Caelan said as they moved. "But it involved someone who was using the people who attacked Lazerian as a means of trying to control our government. My age was manipulated by them. It won't be happening again."
No, it wouldn't. In face, he was going to make efforts to find out who was behind it and see to it they couldn't do it again. Whether that meant they received a death penalty or a prison sentence depended entirely on their own actions. He would offer leniency, as he always did. It wasn't right to go into things planning to kill, even if the people were responsible for the deaths of others. Some may disagree with him on that. Several, in fact, had done so. He wasn't going to change his belief, however.
They were moving swiftly and Drystan asked what else he'd been up to. He thought about mentioning other events, but that was quickly cut off when a report of nearby thugs was mentioned. Caelan came to a halt and mulled over what the other man said. A group of thugs, nearby, far enough to be out of the way. It was his call what they did. He lifted a hand and rubbed a finger beside his eye.
"We leave them. Priority is the jammer and the missing SIA operatives. Report that we won't be going for that group so someone else can."
It was a much higher priority to him that they destroy the jammer so normal Alliance personnel could operate, and that they reach the SIA operatives. Time was crucial. With the presence of the Alliance known on the world, the likelihood of finding the operatives alive dwindled. They were on borrowed time and he didn't want to delay. With that being the case, he started moving across the roofs again as they drew closer to their target area. No sense in wasting more time.
ATTIRE: Link | WEAPON: Lightsaber | COMPANION: BD-F8 | OTHER: Sigil Bead (Necklace)
TAGS: Drystan Creed
TAGS: Drystan Creed