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Sanctum Sweet Mix Vol. 1 : Dark Side of the Dance Hall { Dominion of Lorrd }

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Enroute to Lorrd - Flower of Misfortune

This was a strange thing to her, not helping but as Matsu stood there running a hand through her hair she brought her attention towards the mirror as the ship continued towards the planet. The Sanctum was friends with the Order, more so then other groups from their proximity and they were were out here to help a world. It added to her own wanting to remove a little red while she slid the kimono on wrapping it tightly around her body then securing it with a gunbelt. The saber disc blades hanging on it with her own while she closed the top around her throat just under the chin sliding into a silver jedi robe.

She didn't know who else from the silver jedi might show up but she made sure that above it all she was presentable to herself at least while sliding gloves onto her hands and securing them with a click while her senses expanded outwards to take in the ship she was on as the Harlequin's crew worked to maintain the bulk of it. Her equipment and for protection a palm shooter for knock out darts just in case she could grip. Her eyes drifting to the Liran engineer who stood there securing her in the clothing. "Well might as well go and prepare to face everything right? Can't stay on Hapes for the rest of my life." The humorless alien spoke as they were nearing the end of the jump. "If only."
Enroute To Lorrd - Hy-Brasil

"Depends on the dependency... is it medical? Couldn't you just heal it out of them? If it was biochemical in nature it can be biochemically repaired. . . unless you're trying to get them to let go themselves so they don't relapse out of mental habit. 'Cause a Jedi with bad habits? Maybe not the best thing ever." I shake my head and toss more tea down my throat, "If you need me, not that you would but if you did, you know I'll come right? I'm there. What's this apprentice called?"

"Andra, where are we docking when we get to Lorrd?" The electronic voice box Bucket's got had been tuned down a peg to sound like some holoactor Bucket saw in an action flick. My head snaps over to look at the droid, and I could almost see Bucket flinch. "That's up to Master Nytrau, Bucket. Why do you ask?"

"I want to know how many firearms to bring. Will we need Viper? Tyr? Tus? I'm not letting you out of my sight on the surface without proper reconnaissance." Bucket, ladies and gents. Best bodyguard droid in the universe. More protective than a father on his daughter's first date. My eyes roll as I look back at [member="Ilias Nytrau"].

"About this trip, what game are we playing? Am I going to be needing the ludicrous amounts of protection of two fully equipped Echani Mimic Battle Units, and my wonderful protective fully sentient bodyguard Bucket, or is Bucket enough? He worries. He's been through the thick of it with me since he first came online, feels responsible you know?"
[Lorrd - Ferenz - The Universitariat of the Martyr's Memorial - Student's March]

[Track: Dear Prudence]

Seydon saw him waiting down in the courtyard. He was waddled in an old-marked heatgown draped from hood to shins, dressed triple-layered for the cold, swollen with insulate-fabric and peering up through heat-cycled goggles fixed tightly over his eyes. A ripe nose, what was left exposed, poked out brightly like a readied fruit. He waved before hunching over in the cold, rubbing at his blanketed ribs furiously to get feeling back as skin numbed from the wind. Seydon trudged down a flight of runners off the platform, dressed in his old stormcloak, blue-striped tunic, brown slacks, sleeves rolled up firm at his elbows.

Bonded Professor Galliger eyed up the sight: looking ill-dressed for the clime, harnessed with swords, knife, and axe, an ocarina hanging off his throat by a length of leather thong beside a chipped circle of polished obsidian and onyx. Seydon strolled up, slogging through sooty ice-flakes and drifts knocking at his knees.

"Mister Seydon, I take it?" Galliger spoke. His voice, trailing and thick, was muffled by a wrapped, gold scarf. "...Sir, aren't you cold?"

"Professor!" He had to shout over a brief wind-sheer. "I'm freezing to death! Where's your office!"

"Inside, come on!" The Professor turned over his hip and began rapidly strolling over cobbled brickwork. Called Student's March, it was a solemn lawn watched over by tall, stony likenesses wrought out of permeable softrock. Supposedly, Seydon had learned, there were thirty nine: slain martyrs killed at the height of the Kanz Disorders.

"Mister Seydon!"

Galliger waved frantically at the mouth of an opened admittance portcullis, wafting reams of rippling, heated air in the naked snow storm. "Mister Seydon, this way!"
The Admiralty
There was business to attend to and that was the sole reason I currently sat in my comfortable seat on the USS- I mean the Sienar Fleet Transporter which Sasha had designed just over a couple of months ago. Still can't believe that child designed this thing, sometimes she scares me with just how good she is at this type of thing, was only for the best though. With the amount of work I have loaded up to me every day I wouldn't be able to keep track of everything.... I really needed an assistant, would have to go and look for one I guess.

Business was good these days, but it could always be better and that was why I was visiting Lorrd, it seemed they had something I could use. At least if my sources were correct... and if they weren't... well then at least I just got a little paid vacation, both were good options anyway.
Nearly There - Ompa Til Du Dør

"Avonus Nothrael," the ancient ginger-haired master replied, "he was not aware of the problem, per se. It is difficult to be aware that living for an extended amount of time amongst the native population of Zeltros, with the pheromones and the consistent levels of 'good' emotions, is entirely likely to cause the problem of dependency in an empath... when the subject does not know he is as such."

He took another sip of the tea, savouring its warmth for a moment before ingesting the mouthful, and looking across the space at [member="Anders Sivas"] again.

"Particularly when it appears to be the case that the subject may feed off of those emotions."

Another sip.

"He is being made to endure. The withdrawal is running its course, and as I have explained to him, this is his first lesson. I pray it will get the point across... however, he makes accusations of sadism and torture, as I am sure you might expect from one not accustomed to our ways."

He takes another sip. Oh, he could drink tea nearly all day.

"As to your other question - you should not need much more than myself and..." he glanced at the 'bodyguard', "...Bucket."

He paused, thinking a moment, then nodded.

"Soon. We will arrive very soon."

Mornhun of House Marr

Lorrd -Crypt of Martyrs

He could feel them quake and tremble as his eyeless gaze scanned the inner chamber. People young and old gathered to pay homage to those whose glorious sacrifices so endeared them to the people for whom they lived. Some stricken with hallucinations from the fear enducing pheromones while others stricken by the life taking blade. The tip of the sith sword scraped the flagstone floor like a beast claws as he walked. He would kill them. He had to. It was the only way to draw out the wicked one that plagued him. For the monster, the real monster to be caught, he needed bait and what nobler sacrifice for these people who so loved their martyrs to make than do die to draw the Hateful One.
In Orbit over Lorrd
Ship: E'ron - Class Corvette - Antarian Rangers Transport
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

Jedi Master Iella E'ron had issued orders for the Silver Jedi to assist their friends and ally, Levantine Sanctum. Back on Voss, Jedi Master Coci Sinopi had a transport ready to bring supplies and support troops, if required, to secure facilities or strengthen any position required by [member="Seydon of Arda"].

Once they had arrived in system, Coci sent a message of their arrival and awaited orders. She paced on the bridge, nervous as she was not in control of the vessel and her hatred of flying kept her on edge. Regardless of this, she looked forward to meeting the good people of Levantine Sanctum, as she had heard much about them. The author of her knowledge, she hoped would be there too.

Or at the very least .. catch a glance of a full mop of blonde hair.
In orbit, Jorus offered cover. Air support. Overwatch. The Absolution, former flagship of the Rebel Alliance, fulfilled all of those functions by its presence alone. A Lucrehulk core ship that massed as high as a Star Destroyer, it carried a heavy cruiser's worth of small craft and a planet's worth of orbital defense supplies. Not guns, that would come later, once the system was secured, but sensors. Some of them, like the Silkworm hypertransit package's sensor partition, were expensive and specialized. Others were just big.
Awesome Sanctum Music Playlist 1!
Come and get your Love

"Haha, how about you elaborate a bit more there, Kali?" Chloe would say in teasing over her shoulder again, humming along. With the ice and the snow, one had to keep a wary eye out over Lorrd's skies. Blue eyes were kept upon the crystalizing viewport, and a few toggles would light up the de-icers.

"Ever been to Lorrd before?" she would ask the Neti, blowing a hot puff of hair up to push her long bangs away from her face.

"Been a long while for me... "
Meanwhile in Hyperspace
Enroute to Lorrd
Just a Touch of Love ~~ Just a touch of Love

Who said a nun couldn't get jiggy with it?!

Clearly no one has met an opera singing Gamorrean nun before!

Either way, they were nearing Lorrd, it would be at the most, likely half an hour. In the meantime, while Mother Arg'garok was joyfully grunting and singing to 'Just a touch of love', she would start to wander the Ithorian Mothership to ensure that all the medical and relief supplies were in tip top shape!

She held a small little datapad in her hand, with that interesting archatic music device on the right of her full hip, the earbuds still stuck in her ears.

Good luck at trying to get her attention with those!

Enter random pause as the song picked up at her favorite part and she began to play airguitar on the datapad.
Docking bay

Meet Virginia

She doesn't own a dress...

"Well, ain't this a whole new bucket of giju, Bobo?" came the soft little whisper from the petite Lorrdian native. With the Sith Empire gone, most folks ended up getting split off into small warlord areas -- there were some slave rebellions too. Some successful, most not. Either way, it was time that Kaile gave back to her own.

Her hair is always a mess...

She just wasn't sure where exactly to start.

Catch her stealing and she won't confess....

With pocketful of soul, she took the first step down the ramp. Then another. Soon, she was lost in the wave of travelers. Some were refugees, seeking to go offworld. Others were profiteers. Where there was war, there was profit. Most businesses came round now a days to see what they could do. Some for self interests, others to truly help the planet.

She's beautiful..

She figured that perhaps searching for those with a mind for the latter would be a good start. So that is what she did. Perhaps she could find a job, folk need Lorrdian translators right?
In Orbit over Lorrd
Ship: E'ron - Class Corvette - Antarian Rangers Transport
[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Matsu Ike"]

"Master Sinopi, we have a very large ship on scanners. Looks like a Lucrehulk. The signature of the ship is unknown to us.. Shall I hail them?", the Ranger asked as she turned to face Coci.

"Open up communication directly to the ship, I strongly suspect it is Lev Sanct", she smiled as she moved in front of the holocommunications.

"Greeting, I am Master Coci Sinopi of The Order of the Silver Jedi. By directive of Master Iella E'ron, I have come with supplies, troops if required, we will assist Levantine Sanctum where you needs us. I await orders and co-ordinates", Coci stood in her black body suit hands behind her back and her black eyes penetrated the screen, as she wait for the response from the Lucrehulk.
[member="Coci Sinopi"]

"Antarian Ranger corvette, General."

General was his Rebel Alliance rank, and defunct, but the bridge crew of the Absolution had never called him anything else. Not like his ODF captaincy applied here, or anywhere for thousands of lightyears. Another man might have felt out of his element, working without a net. Jorus lived for that.

"Onscreen." Jorus adjusted his posture, which was more Rebel Alliance than ODF, as the transmission flickered to life. "Master Sinopi, this is...Jorus Merrill, commanding the Absolution. We have enough internal hangar space to accommodate your corvette; come on in. We've got dropships ready to head down, and they can take your supplies along."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Chloe Blake"]

A Pathfinder-class with Silk Holdings telesponder tags exited hyperspace over Lorrd. Its sensors picked up the Aurora Hawk on its approach to the world, its descent into the well.

"Aurora Hawk, this is the Baobab. I'm looking for Chloe Blake. My name is Selka Ventus."
[member="Selka Ventus"] [member="Kalizka"]

There came a small start of Chloe's head at the incoming comm. Her hand would pause lightly over her yoke. Selka Ventus. Silk Holdings.

Thoughts came to mind then. A dozen. Felt like mynocks were playing havoc with her brain.

Taking the Aurora on autopilot for a bit, the Warden took hold of a small black box in her hand. Thumb went pushing down and that warm melodious tone would crackle on over.

"Howdy there Baobab, this is the Aurora Hawk..." she would give a warm smile that would shine in her voice. "Mighty fine pleasure, Miz Ventus.

You caught yourself a Chloe." Thoughts on what Jorus had done told her what they could do came to mind. She also had a GT-F0 droid to hopefully fix.

But mainly.... it was those schematics...
[member="Tiland Kortun"]

"That's what I thought." The guard turned to the other one. "This one still has a bit o sense. Clammed right up."

Glowering one last time, the guard disappeared down the walkway, prodding other slaves.A few yelps of pain echoed through the cavernous space. The sounds of muffled construction could be heard over the various interior noises. Security was setting up strategic choke points that would soon allow the buyers to enter the warehouse one at a time and get checked over. Scanners were put into place, ones that would check for weapons and other little surprises such as a bomb.

Meanwhile, Hosk was sitting in a small space converted to a make shift office. Pale hands were counting credits out in a methodical fashion to a portly local official in front of him. To Hosk it was all chump change. Slaves brought in a great deal of money, especially ones for dancing or unusual tasks. The portly local official watched closely as the credits were doled out, scooping them up and pocketing them as the counting ended.

"Thank you Mr.Sei'Dza. You should expect no problems this evening..."

"I expect no problems period. I see any sight or sound of your local authorities and there will be a higher price to pay."

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
[member="Selka Ventus"] [member="Chloe Blake"]

"Never been to Lorrd." Kali said not looking at the pretty unaffected young woman, "Wiggly lot if memory serves."

He listened intently to the sound of the ship and then stood to walk over and look at the various monitors. He had few abilities with the force, and most of those were rarely employed, but he could tell when something was strange and it was. Selkas Ventus, a name he didn't know, but she felt slightly familiar, like an old friend he had once known and something else he had felt before as well. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but...

"Careful, Miss Blake." he said not wanting to expound on his feelings until after he had a chance to speak with Miss Ventus privately, "One should be wary when people look for them by name with little else to say."
[Lorrd - Frezen - Martyr's Memorial Universitariat - East Wing]

[Track: Music is Math]

"Do you appreciate history?"

Galliger peered up behind heavy tri-focal lenses mounted on a thin stem of a nose, peppered salt and grey across dark skin cropped over with a closely shaved mount of whitening hair. Vivid holo-portraits spied on the teal-glazed office walls, which were actually fashioned from pilfered bulkheads from some ancient ship-of-the-line.

The effect simulated a high-pressurized atmosphere and glancing to bolted portholes filled with blackened glass, Seydon imagined gently coasting along five-thousand meters below Lorrd's salt-glacier seas. On board a Nautilus, listening to hulling creak under oceanic pressure. They sat in a cove walled up by displaced, borrowed, requisitioned, or outright stolen materials; piled data-slates washed with caff spills and sticky on the plastic outer-plating, fastidiously maintained codices now beginning to show dog-eared tearing, folders, more folders, archeological reports decompiled, hide-bound field books, slivers of stuck, scrawled glue-notes, and yawning volumes stamped with precisely penned full-hand scripting.

"I do, some."

"Just some?" The professor stowed his heat-goggles he'd been cleaning idly in his hands.

"There's an addictive quality. Some historians write with an authors touch; turning fact out into contextual drama. A story."

"Ahhh, but that's the spirit of the time, isn't it?" Galliger leafed through an opened data-slate. "When you read something like the Arkonian Rebellions and suddenly, you're infected with that revolutionary ardor. Understand, most in my profession loathe that kind of sensationalism. Detracts from the prudent, solid facts. Oft, it's about what happened, where, when, and for what influencing reasons. The personal 'why' is too easy to manipulate when lacking solid citation."


"...What is your impression of the Kanz Discords?"

Seydon sat up slightly. "...Amateurish. Heavy slavery, oppression across Lorrd, corruption. Millions on their millions died or otherwise suffered for over three centuries."

The professor nodded, expression wry with professional mollification. "It was something like that. ...Much worse, in fact, when you study into the grit; recovered journals, recordings, readings from the mass graves, etcetera. Power goads the worst arrogance when it comes to inflicting sapien suffering on one another.

"I've dedicated my time compiling all that illness into something that can be used as a definitive reference. Been at it some thirty four years: my life's work."


Galliger glanced over his perched focal eye-pieces. "You are unimpressed?"

"I'm waiting for what you want."

"...Yes. Well, sit a little closer. It's history that's made me reach out to your specific vocation, Mister Seydon, history recent and otherwise very old. In my cross-referencing, I found stories remarking on the last days of the final Argazdan Regent. A man named Torphceris. Supposedly, he made a pact with a devil-thing to ensure he could maintain his grip across Lorrd. ...And, mmnnnn, naturally, the Argazdan's were overthrown. ...But not before this 'devil-thing' constructed something out of flesh for the Regent, subsequently hiding it away."

Seydon watched after the elder closely, who grew taut round the lines in his eyes. He wet his lips, reaching for a decanter of ruby glass swilling with some black, liquorice smelling grain-drink. "...I fancied I had found where the devil had buried her off-spring. An expeditionary force from the Universitariat set out to ascertain if there was some fossil record for the tale. ...They have been three weeks overdue for check-in since their last communication log. We sent a rescue party. They've likewise gone dark. That was seven days ago.

"...Suddenly, Mister Seydon, I am deathly afraid that perhaps there isn't a fossil waiting for us in the Pits..."
Lorrd - In Orbit
"Y'know I was on Zeltros once. Woke up five months later on Byss." I laugh and shake my head, that was the mistake of the ages, I suppose it was fun but how do I really know? "Avoid Zeltros, I do. Someday I'll go back and own the place, but until that someday turns into a 'today' it's no thank you pheromone induction. Then again, I've been addicted to the minds of others since the day I was born. If anyone can clean him out, it's you. I had to go to space to do it, but I did do it. Took the meditation lessons you gave me to heart and soul and look. Not even a wiggle. Might be sadistic in his mind to be contained and sent through a less than pleasurable experience, but Avonus'll look back and learn. He will." I hold out my hand and it's rock steady, even as we come into Lorrd's orbit. The planet's roiling, it hits the side of my neck and I feel the souls and spirits down there in their wars and selfish ways and redemptions and desperations and I can't stop to think it's good Ilias is going down there.

"Tyr! Tus! Stop arming up. . . yes you can play holo-games! . . . No you can't use the maintenance droids to play kickball! Don't make me shoot you!" There Bucket goes again. I lick my lips and hop to my feet. "So! Master Nytrau, let's go free some slaves eh?"

My hands come out away from my body, I make a slow fist and concentrate: the visage of Anders dissipates for a pretty young raven haired girl with brown eyes and thin nose and lips. Not gorgeous, but forgettable. Maybe I haven't lost all the fear... masquerade is like choosing clothes. To anyone gifted in the sight of the Force it's easy enough to see I'm bending perceptions. I'm not Shi'ido, my powers are all mental. "How do I look, Master?" Bucket comes up to my side, shaking its' servomotors in its' neck. Bucket keeps a step behind me and clamps a pair of blaster pistols to mag plates on its' 'hips'. I catch the shake of Bucket's head and switch back to Anders. "Happy Bucket?"

"Yes. If a Machine can know happiness, I am."
[member="Ilias Nytrau"]

Vaudin Miir

Planetary President of Iktotch
The Swarthy Bantha moved through hyperspace with what it's Captain imagined as a beautiful grace and elegance of it's namesake. What was he doing? What are you doing? Mind your business.

Vaudin sat with his boots up on the copilot seat while he sipped a mug of whiskey. He was whistling a tune that probably gave away his age and disposition but hey he didn't have anything to hide, well not from his ship at least. He checked his chrono and then finished his mug and leaned back for a nap. He'd get there when he got there.

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