Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sand and bussiness

Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha

Drinker, singer, smoker. All round Fun haver and C
Zreame let out a slight scoff when [member="Sempra the Hutt"] was away from her and was half way towards the elevator. 'Frakking hutts.' She thought as she folded her arms though she did give the Jawa a little finger wave. "It's all right I'll get the next one." She said with a slightly annoyed look to her. She looked towards [member="Zathra Fett"] and nodded to her to come closer to her, once the mandalorian was close enough for a private conversation, The cernun would ask. "Tell me what brings you to this dust ball and do you know anything about that hutt?" Her face betraying her high annoyance over how the hutt had played around with her.


Zathra Fett

Graffiti and Art are the same thing, right?
[member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"] @Ka'Tal​
"I just need some supplies to repair my droids, my ship and my medical supplies if you couldn't tell I have a very noticeable limp in my left leg which was caused to a recent firefight. Oh, that I don't pay attention to those things...I refer to them as slugs cause you know, disgusting, slimy, oozy like a slug."
Zathra crossed her arms across a metal bar in front of her and laid her head down in her arms. What did this lady want anyways, what even was her name. Will hopefully that would all be explained in time. She finally took her helmet off and laid it upon a crooked iron bar on the iron bar her arms were currently on. This revealed Zathra's hair color which made some people see how unique she was, her hair was violent purple with amber orange streaks in it in a short haircut. She wiped a gloved hand through her hair knocking a strand or two to the side of her face. Okay, hopefully this woman would explain herself soon.

Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha

Drinker, singer, smoker. All round Fun haver and C
Zreame smiled a little at the girl. "Well I'm here as a prospecting buyer if they have any good designs that I see as useful or just educational." She said with a smile as she then handed her hand forwards to [member="Zathra Fett"]. "Names Zreame Zeibitha and If I'm not mistaken you're a fett aren't you?" She said with a smirk as she noticed the mark. 'Glad I began reading up on the mandalorians and their clans when we got our headquarters built on mandalore.' She thought as she looked over the girl, and then looked forward towards the elevator, waiting for it to come back down.

Zathra Fett

Graffiti and Art are the same thing, right?
[member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"]​
"Yep, your right"
Zathra let off a smile and then took the hand of Zreame and shook it. Luckily, their were always interesting people in the galaxy and just people that were well....people you had to talk with to get to know them more. Zathra then sat up on the thick iron bar, hopefully it would support her, if not well...she could always stand. Will, now the sand was starting to pick up. Please don't be a sandstrom, please don't be one. Yep, her subconscious was acting up again about sandstroms but Zathra doubted their was a sandstrom due to them starting near the end of the day and it wasn't the end of the day yet.

Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha

Drinker, singer, smoker. All round Fun haver and C
"Tell me how come your so far away from mandalore? or are you more the wandering mandalorian type?" She asked [member="Zathra Fett"] before noticing that the elevator had come down and she could go see [member="Sempra the Hutt"] when she was ready. She waited for Zathra to respond before she gave her a little farewell greeting gesture that mandalorians had and excused herself. 'Too bad seems like a good kid.' She thought as she turned in the elevator and waved to the girl as the doors closed and then with a slight mechanical click the elevator began moving upwards. "I really hope I don't have to deal with hutt diplomacy today..." she said as she sighed out and then combed a strand of her white hair back as the doors opened. "You know you could have told me you were the owner." She said as she walked into the office and gave Sempro a little curtsy bow.
As the elevator opened the Zeltron bussiness woman was in it.

"The wise Sempra the hutt will see you now. And you can bring guard if you prefer. " she declared and nodded toward [member="Zathra Fett"].

As [member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"] entered the office they were met by a huge desk, communication devices and monitors surrounding a large high backed chair where Sempra resided. Servants, most likely slaves. Were spread about tending to the room and their masters every need. His guests were immediately offered a menu of cooling drinks and a nearby slave made it his bussiness to stay close should they need anything during their visit.

The Monitors were filled with faces reporting to the hutt who seemed to excell at multitasking and handle multiple social interactions at once.

When Zreame approached he looked up.

"I am prepared to hear your proposal. But start with presenting yourself and your interests first please." he said still keeping an eye on the desk monitors in front of him.
As Ka walked in it was obvious that he wasn't welcomed by anybody but the Hutt, Ka didn't know where to go so he stood next to [member="Sempra the Hutt"] 's chair. It wasn't really a surprise that Ka was just about taller than the chair but he said to the Hutt "Ka stay or go Hutt?" and stared eagerly waiting for a reply.

Zathra Fett

Graffiti and Art are the same thing, right?
@Ka'Tal [member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"]​
Wait, since when was Zathra a guard? Will, she might as well just go along with it besides, being a guard could giver her some intel on where to get some stuff. But man, did Zathra hate it when people just made stuff up about really pissed her off but luckily she was able to hide it under her helmet and besides being declared a guard wasn't so bad...was it? Zathra just awkwardly walked over to the elevator feeling slightly out of place. Once at the top Zathra walked out and just over to a wall, she wasn't good at this business stuff which was fine by her for the most part. She stood off to one side and kept her arms crossed across her chest and leaned against a wall. Her rifle hanged loosely over her shoulder until she tightened the leather strap as to stop the rifle from falling off of her shoulder.
Sempra glanced at the jawa. It was a puny creature and it was much easier to be impressed by large ones. Still, Sempra had seen enough during his 300 years to know not to underestimate anyone without good reason.

"You can stay for as long as you like, but once you feel the tower is a bit to small for you this is a group I want you to join. The job is local. the hutt handed over a minipad containing information for the jawa.

He then returned his attention to his visitor (-s).

[member="Zathra Fett"][member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"]@Ka'Tal

Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha

Drinker, singer, smoker. All round Fun haver and C
Zreame scratched her head a little and then let out a heavy sigh. "Well I guess there is little point in hiding it. My name is Zreame Ithrac Xexmusi Zeibitha and I am the chief engineering officer at Armatech industries." She then said as her posture turned a little proud and the corners of her mouth turned to a little smirk. "The reason I'm here is because I'm thinking of making a department within Armatech designed to make ships as well as different ship parts. Your help in providing me with designs so I can familiarize myself with ship designing as well as the systems that they need would be invaluable to me." She then said as she also ordered a cool Avedame juice from the servant next to her. "These are my... well needs I suppose so I guess in the end what would such cooperation cost me?" She then said as a part of her wished her co-worker lady kay was with her, she seemed to handle negotiation so much better.

[member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Zathra Fett"] @Ka'Tal
Sempra listened carefully as [member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"] made her case. At the corner of his eye he observed [member="Zathra Fett"] who seemed relaxed and comfortable. A good thing, especially if she was a true mandalorian. He made sure a slave passed the warrior asking if she wanted anything to drink or eat while her employer dealt with bussiness.

"I recently dealt with your Company ms. he replied dryly. "I see nothing wrong with doing bussiness in between our two companies but really, what would Ubrikkian industry gain from handing out their designs? Ubrikkian Industries are built upon its exclusiveness and apart from a few lesser vessels most of what we do is designed to fit interiors in demand of some flair. If I were to give you the designs, it might mean the end of this Company of which I am very fond and have actually invested alot to try and save." Sempra pressed a few digits on the Communication table in front of him.

"Is there a specific design you had in mind? And could you be more specific about what Armatech has to offer on your end. Let me clarify that this is not about credits on my part. I want Ubrikkian Industry and its traditional roots to flourish.... " the hutt waved a hand at his own words. "... naturally with modern improvements eventually installed."


Zathra Fett

Graffiti and Art are the same thing, right?
[member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"] @Ka'Tal​
Zathra just asked the servant for some regular water. She despised slavers or people who used slaves often but their was nothing she could do about it at this time. The servant came back with the water and Zathra grabbed it and handed the servant some credits secretly. Even if she couldn't save the servants and slaves, she could still help them buy their freedom or just help them by giving them money. Zathra set the water down on the ground near her and reached up and took off her helmet and held it under her left arm while she knelled back down to pick up her water. She brought the surprisingly cool glass up to her lips and drank it slowly. If only you could drink when you had a helmet on, that would be so nice.
[member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"] [member="Zathra Fett"]

Ka approached the armor wearing women and asked "Ka not see you on Tatooine before, You new?" after saying this Ka realized that the woman was armed so he backed away and said "No shoot, No shoot I leave you."

Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha

Drinker, singer, smoker. All round Fun haver and C
"What I'm interested in is the technical aspect not the interior flair Sempra and for your help I am willing to design a ship for your company's line as an added incentive." Zreame then said as she was handed her drink and she took a small sip, that caused her tail to whip a little as she lit up. "Seems your people know how to mix drinks properly." She said with a smile as she then looked at the Jawa back away from the mandalorian. "I understand that your company sells luxury yacths and ships but mine sell the military or the almost-military type's of merchandise. We wouldn't be cutting in on your profit at all and by working with me you could have a talented engineer that is willing to take a second look at your designs for any flaws that might have been over looked, thus holding your company to a good reputation." She said with a smile as she then took another swig of her drink.

@Ka'Tal @Zathra Fett [member="Sempra the Hutt"]
Sempra smiled.

"We are still talking about company technology, something I trust you understand I am weary about selling to others, However, as a test, perhaps we can reach an agreement. I am willing to let you do some research on the sug-light engines we are using. They seem to fall behind the more modern versions. Would that suffice as a start?"

[member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"]
[member="Zathra Fett"]

Zathra Fett

Graffiti and Art are the same thing, right?
[member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"] @Ka'Tal​
"Hey little guy, a Jawa right? Don't be scared and I've been on Tattoine before, doing a hunting competition for krayt dragons that's how I got this."
Zathra takes off her left shoulder pad revealing long claw marks seared by some burns. Yep, the cut did hurt but when Willa closed the wound with fire.....well let's just say it began to hurt a ton. Zathra smiles at the Jawa before turning her head back and looking back forwards. Boy, meetings were boring especially when you didn't do anything but will, Zathra couldn't change that right now. Zathra set's her helmet down by her left foot and spikes her violet purple and amber orange hair out of her eyes. Yep, this was gonna take a long time.
Ka was relieved that this person was nice "That look like nasty cut." Ka says pointing to the marks ​"My name Ka, Ka scavenger but now Ka work for Hutt." Ka suddenly realized something "You, you mandalorian. You bounty hunter, Ka bounty hunter too!" Ka got very excited there was so much he wanted to know.

Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha

Drinker, singer, smoker. All round Fun haver and C
Zreame listened to [member="Sempra the Hutt"] and then took a light hold of her chin as she thought it over. "All right but with two conditions. One you don't screw me over and I won't rig it so your ships blow up when they enter hyper space. and two no using that Hutt way of buissnes you come clean to me and I'll do the same for you." She then said as she moved her hand to him in a gesture to shake hands, her expression however gave a clear message she was one that shouldn't be double crossed or crossed in anyway.

@Ka'Tal @Zathra Fett

Zathra Fett

Graffiti and Art are the same thing, right?
[member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"] @Ka'Tal [member="Sempra the Hutt"]​
"Yeah I'm a bounty hunter. Why you want my autograph?"
Zathra grinned when she finished and said autograph. Boy, she just wanted to try her luck hopefully this little Jawa or small people she called them wanted to know something . It would be even better if the little man wanted her autograph cause well, she would be flattered and probably blush but that was a long ways away, she was just starting in the bounty business anyways but she was good. She tightened the strap on her shoulder to cling the rifle to her back and she just stared down at the little man or Jawa as people commonly knew them. Please, Please want a autograph from me.....please!!!
"Dont you worry. I am not giving you access to Ubrikkians entire fleet allowing it to be blown up on the whim of a fresh associate like yourself" the hutt grinned.

"However, you have still not provided me with something concrete of interest in return. How exactly will this benefit Ubrikkian Industry?

[member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"]
[member="Zathra Fett"]

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