Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Sand and Holocrons


Location: Tatooine
Equipment: Desert Attire, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain, Eyepatch
Tag: Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark , Anneliese Anneliese


The Tomb of the Jedi, that's what the Church of the Force calls the long thought forgotten facility that the Jedi once occupied. It was hard to believe that for a backwater planet like Tatooine, so many big things had happened here. From being a major staging point in the Cold War thousands of years ago to having great Jedi born on this Force forsaken planet, It shouldn't be a surprise that the Jedi had some things left over. Valery Noble Valery Noble sent Jax to Tatooine to explore the area as the Church of the Force claimed that a Holocron was hidden deep inside of the area. Any knowledge of the Jedi would be beneficial for the NJO, so Jax immediately departed to the Outer Rim though he wasn't exactly happy about going into the sandy dune known as Tatooine.

As soon as Jax arrived, he was greeted by a small force of the Church of the Force. Even though they were pacifists, it didn't mean that they won't defend themselves in the worse case scenario. However, Jax quickly sensed their uneasiness as if they discovered a horrible truth. "Hello there," Jax said smiling. "Master Noble has sent me to help excavate the area." The Jedi Master marveled at pyramidical shaped mountain that housed the hollowed building behind the Church of the Force. There were about 150 people each of them were setting up blaster turrets, planting mines, or looking over the horizon as if they were anticipating an attack.

A frown formed on Jax's face, his blood began to run cold, the Force was once again telling him that something bad was happening. "What's going on here?" Jax said as a man dressed in black robes approached him wielding an A280 Blaster Rifle. "Don't tell me we're dealing with tomb raiders already."

"Master Jax," the man smiled his accent very thick a native of tatooine it seems. "We are grateful to have you, we need your help. We just got word that a large group of Tusken Raiders are to attack this place."

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They weren't paying much.

That much was obvious from the scenery. The religious group had been digging in Tatooine of all places. Drab tan buildings, mixing with drab tan desert. They had some defenses, turrets and explosives, but nothing that would repel a coordinated assault.

That's why they'd sent out the call for mercenaries. Many didn't respond. The money wasn't good enough for most bounty hunters to make the trek out into the wastes. And everyone knew that Sand People lived in the Dune Sea. It was a foregone conclusion that there would be an attack.

So, with poor pay, a long walk, and the guarantee of trouble looming over his mind, why did Ghorua accept?

He figured it was a job worth doing. Pacifists needed someone to protect them. Ghorua could almost pretend he was finally doing something good.

So when he stepped out of a nearby tent, littered with black armor and weapons, the nearby Church members didn't scream and run in fear, but nodded solemnly, and wished him health. It was a good change.

He began to hear the calls of 'Jedi!' at the entrance of the camp, and shook his head. He'd had some... less-than-amiable interactions with Jedi in recent days. He could only hope this turned out better. Ghorua began to plod his way over, turning a corner and seeing Jax Thio Jax Thio speaking with a man. The Herglic leaned on the wall, removing his helmet. His deep black eyes appraised the Jedi suspiciously, even as his sharp-toothed mouth curled into a grin.

"Could certainly use the help," the Shark said, in his deep bass voice, wondering exactly how Jax would react to the massive hunter. "If you're offering."

- Anneliese Anneliese -

T h e D e s e r t R o s e
Anneliese sat quietly on the inbound freighter that made its way across the large expanse that was Tatooine's large dunes. Her hands found solace on her knees, moving back and forth slightly, showing the young girls anxiety. Her thoughts raced with questions such as, "Why now, Why here, Why me?". She never once doubted her choice to ask to be accepted into the Jedi Order, but due to her age, her race and her unique circumstances, she had little to no contact with a Jedi Master or, guidance from one. Days upon days spent training alone, watching relationships around her form only caused the hole and grief within her heart to grow that much larger. The freighter creaked and groaned as it jolted and sat down, just outside the temple.

"End of the line miss, stay safe, i don' know what these troopers be needin with the payload I was hired to deliver, but, I'm happy I was able to bring you where you needed to be. Good luck."

Anne simply smiled at the gruff man, who's manners seemed to be contrary to his rough nature. She arose and walked down the ramp, the sun blinding her momentarily as she took in her surroundings and scents. There were several men, at least more than a hundred that she had begun to count setting up several explosive mines, turrets and other means for defense... what had she walked into? She reached out, and began to feel the life past what she saw, there had to be a Jedi in charge here, there had to be a Master she could report too, and then she felt the pull and went the direction she knew would lead her. Anneliese drew close to Jax Thio Jax Thio making her way up and through the crowd. She stood no taller than five foot, with maybe a few inches added in there. Wet, she couldn't have been heavier than a hundred or so pounds... but standing there in her armor, with her dark emerald eyes and her orange hair that in the light seemed to be ablaze gave this young girl a certain look of, defiance and tenacity. She stopped just a few feet away from him, as she heard Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark speaking directly to his man, and she awaited her turn to interject, as not to be rude.


Location: Tatooine
Equipment: Desert Attire, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain, Eyepatch
Tag: Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark , Anneliese Anneliese

"Why would Tusken Raiders attack an abandoned building?" Jax asked the man. "Possibly because of its nature of being rich with the Force," he responded turning around gazing at the Tomb of the Jedi. "Tusken Raiders are religious, but tribes are more....... fanatical than others. If anything, the Tomb is an upfront of their Gods and must razed."

He paused for a moment before smiling. "Forgive me Master Jedi," he said. "I didn't tell you my name, I am Dhal Chagosa I lead the Tatooine sect of the Children of the Force. We have grown in numbers over the years due to the oppressive regime of the Hutt Clans after the Confederacy collapsed."

"Pleased to meet you," Jax smiled. "How long have you been preparing?" he asked.

"About three days after we've sent our message to Valery Noble Valery Noble ," Dhal said. "Our temple at the outskirts of Mos Eisley was attacked by a small force of Tusken Raiders. It wasn't a typical raid, they have left messages which translated from their language was warning us to stay away from the unholy site before they purge it."

A frown formed on Jax's face. "Not like a Tusken Raider to warn others," he said remembering their customs and tactics. "They like to strike when people least expect it."

"I know," Dhal nodded. "This is not normal for a tribe even with ones who communicate with the locals. I didn't want to take any chances and had the Church set up a defense. My scouts tell me that the Tusken Raiders are on the move and could attack on midday."

Just then a large Shark appeared out of nowhere looking for work. Jax rose an eyebrow looking at the massive person, he definitely has never seen a Shark like person before much less in the Desert. "Ah! One of the mercenaries who have received my message!" Dhal said.

"You've pulled out all of the stops," Jax said. "Didn't think a fish would survive the heat of Tatooine much less a Shark, the name's Jax Thio and you are?"

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Ghorua's eyes remained suspicious for only a beat longer before softening. More amiable than other interactions, then. The large hunter hefted off the wall, rising to his full height of over ten feet, and walking up to the Jedi.

"Ghorua the Shark," the Shark replied theatrically to both Jax and Dhal, with a large personality to match his large physique. "Bounty Hunter extraordinaire." It was obvious by the armor he wore. Jet black and covered in bandoleers and holsters, hiding the tricks of his trade.

He looked as if he could assault a small army single-handedly. Blaster cannon on his shoulder, blaster cannon on his back, slugthrower pistols at his sides, sword fastened behind his waist... the list went on and on.

He stuck out a hand to shake. "Well met, Jax. Let's hope the heat is the worst thing we have to survive today."

Someone caught his attention over the Jedi's shoulder. Ghorua's face sharpened with calculation once more as he looked at the young girl beyond Jax. Adolescent, but armored. Not to mention the fire in her eyes.

"You with him?" the Shark said, motioning the girl forward with the tilt of his head.

- Jax Thio Jax Thio - Anneliese Anneliese -
T h e D e s e r t R o s e
"You with him?" the Shark said, motioning the girl forward with the tilt of his head.

Anne's eyes met with Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark and nodded, without speaking. Her eyes scanned his rather hulkish like appearance, and to some, he would come off as intimidating... but something about his eyes in combination with his voice, maybe call it an animal thing ( she inwardly chuckled, secretly reffering to her wolverine-like nature ), she knew must have a bigger heart than some realized or that he would most likely ever let known. She stepped forwards slightly more, now being more apart of the conversation at hand now, verses waiting to be interjected into it, all the while her hands moving politely to rest on each of her thighs as she bowed slightly to both gentlemen, speaking in a small, but steely voice. "I thank you for allowing the interuption. I am Padawan Learner, Anneliese Kaohal of the Jedi Order. I was sent here, albeit with vague directions as to whom I should be under, but I was told if I could aide in anything, to make myself useful...."

The trailing off, and sheer will in her voice seemed to crumble slightly as she began to state her purpose, her doubt and faith clearly seen under her own scrutiny. Furthermore, noting that between the two, she had also begun to safely assume that the man to her opposite side, Jax Thio Jax Thio was the pull she felt, and was indeed whom she had felt earlier. She was an oddity, her current age, still a Padawan Learner, and without Master... this knowledge though, as public as it was within the Order, she was curious as to how much Jax knew, for she hadn't ever seen him around the temple.
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Location: Tatooine
Equipment: Desert Attire, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark , Anneliese Anneliese

"There's one," Jax said to Dhal and Ghorua was a walking armory even without his weapons, the Shark looked like he could tank multiple hits before going down. "But he's equivalent to three mercenaries, and his price tag might fit it."

"Don't give him any ideas Master Jedi," Dhal chuckled while Jax sensed someone, a person who was strong with the Force. Turning around, Jax saw a small young girl with long red hair and was cladded with leather armor. She had to be in her mid-teens at the least "aren't you a little short to be a mercenary?" Jax quipped as the girl introduced herself as Annelise from the Jedi Order. "Well that settles it then are you from the New Jedi Order or the Silver Concord Annelise?" Jax said though part of him was a little miffed that either order sent a Padawan on an important and potentially dangerous mission. This required at least a Jedi Knight.

"In any case let's get you two up to speed," Jax said. "Behind me is an old Jedi Outpost discovered by the Church of the Force also known as the Tomb of the Jedi. Tusken Raiders are going to come and destroy the place because it's afront to their Gods and we're going to do whatever we can to discourage them."



"Only three?" Ghorua smiled sharply, playing up his offense. "I'm worth fifteen mercs, easy."

While he was mostly joking, he wasn't entirely wrong either. He'd taken on literal armies and
won before, after all. Storming bases and putting down street gangs were common occurrences for the Shark. Still, he wasn't going to ask for more. These people likely didn't have much anyways. And Jedi didn't usually have endless pockets.

As the seemingly young girl entered their conversation, Ghorua tossed her an easy grin. "I've worked with shorter. Glad to have you aboard, kid."

Despite his ease, he did notice strange things about the kid. She carried herself well, with a balance that belied experience. She was a fighter, that much was clear. And thanks to his genetic advancements, he could tell she didn't smell human, but like something else entirely.

He pushed it to the side, focusing on the job at hand. He stood in silence for a moment, considering the information he'd been given, before responding in a measured tone.
"Discourage," he repeated, looking between the Jedi with a knowing look, and adjusting a few of his devices. "Non-lethal it is."

"How many you think we're dealing with, here?"

- Jax Thio Jax Thio - Anneliese Anneliese -

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T h e D e s e r t R o s e

To Keep the Temple Secure | Tatooine
Jax Thio Jax Thio Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark
Jax saw a small young girl with long red hair and was clade with leather armor. She had to be in her mid-teens at the least "aren't you a little short to be a mercenary?" Jax quipped as the girl introduced herself as Annelise from the Jedi Order. "Well that settles it then are you from the New Jedi Order or the Silver Concord Annelise?" Jax said though part of him was a little miffed that either order sent a Padawan on an important and potentially dangerous mission. This required at least a Jedi Knight.

Anneliese squared herself even further once Jax addressed her directly, at first, chiding about her height in relation to being a mercenary. Smiling just slightly, not really getting the comment was more of a joke than an actual statement, Anneliese opened her mouth to speak. "Well I'm no--....." Without thinking, she had opened her mouth before the Master had completed his thoughts, she scalded herself inwardly. He wanted to know which Order she had been sent by, which in her eyes was a logical question to ask, was it possible he was hoping for more reinforcements? "I was sent by the Sliver Jedi Order Master Thio. I was simply told If i could aide in anything then it would be beneficial for all parties involved, I--...." Anne noted, only in what her eyes she viewed as disappoint from the Jedi Master. Had he expected more? She wouldn't have blamed him for being disappointed with only her, in her own eyes, she wasn't that special and once again, questioned why she was even here.

As the seemingly young girl entered their conversation, Ghorua tossed her an easy grin. "I've worked with shorter. Glad to have you aboard, kid."

Already by this time feeling inadequate for the job at hand, Ghorua, the large fish man spoke up, but once again, she heard the heart within his voice again as his words seemed to bring the young woman confidence again. Her eyes sparked once again as she chided, her small steely voice back. " Thanks, I'll try my best."

Jax spoke up once again, informing them of the job that they would be doing. Defending the temple from the Tusken Raiding party, simple enough, or so she thought. Her hand began to raise slightly, as if in some classroom setting, until she forced herself to push it back down, reminding herself that this was an adult situation, and an adult setting. She had to push her confidence issues and her own personal fears under the surface and focus. She spoke up. "What will we be doing personally? Is there something that you had in mind for us to do, or will it simply be just to eliminate any hostiles that come near the temple?" She shuddered just slightly as the word eliminate rang in her head. She had never killed someone, in fact outside her own family members, she had never seen death up close, her stomach clenched just slightly.


Location: Tatooine
Equipment: Desert Attire, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark , Anneliese Anneliese

A quick look at Annelise's shudder revealed that she had never been in a battle before. That's even worse, it's bad enough to bring a Padawan alone in the middle of the battlefield but a Padawan without combat experience? The Silvers might as well bring malfunctioning droids, still Jax will need to handle what he was dealt with. Not like the Church who were setting up the defenses were slouches in a fight. "You don't have any live combat experience do you Annelise?" Jax said. "I can tell by your reaction."

The Jedi Master pointed at the people working on the turrets. "Go and help them construct turrets." Jax instructed. "When the fighting starts, I want to you to find some place to hide."

"I'll yell at the Silvers when this is all done," Jax thought before turning to Ghorua and Dhal. "So we're just going to sit and hold as long as we can?" Jax asked. "How many Tusken Raiders are there?"

"About 350 by my scout's count," Dhal answered. "If all goes well, then I'm confident in my people's ability to hold off the Raiders."

"So take high ground," Jax said. "And lure the Raiders into mines."

"That's the plan," Dhal replied. "That's the long and short of it, it'll be easier to bottleneck them down the hill based on the narrow entryway."

"Got it," Jax nodded clenching his prosthetic arm. "Let's get to work people."



Ghorua frowned a bit as he observed the interaction between the Jedi. Anneliese was eager to please, that much was clear. Perhaps a bit more green than the Shark had first assumed, as Ghorua also picked up her discomfort at the thought of killing the Tuskens.

Jax's reaction to this information was a noble one- protect the girl, and her state of mind. Still, when the Jedi Master turned back to the bounty hunter, an eyebrow was quirked up accusatorily.

Yeah, tell the eager-to-please Jedi padawan she shouldn't do anything but hide in a corner. That'll do wonders on the old self-esteem.

Wasn't his place to say as much. He was only the hired help, after all. Ghorua kept his mouth shut, listening to the battle plan laid out by Dhal.

"Oh, only three hundred and fifty," Ghorua said, in a playful, mocking tone. "Easy."

It would be anything but. One wrong move, one surprise, and they would be overwhelmed. It didn't matter how many glowsticks their side was waving around. In those numbers, with the home field advantage... Ghorua didn't want to think about all the things that could go topsy-turvy.

The Bounty Hunter opened a satchel at his side, pressing a button on his wrist. Four small black probe droids floated from the bag, tweeting and twittering to each other before flying away, covering the perimeter of the dig site. When the Sand People finally came, Ghorua wanted to make sure they wouldn't catch him unawares.

- Jax Thio Jax Thio - Anneliese Anneliese -

T h e D e s e r t R o s e

To Keep the Temple Secure | Tatooine
Jax Thio Jax Thio Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark
"You don't have any live combat experience do you Annelise?" Jax said. "I can tell by your reaction."

Anneliese looked at Master Thio, her head shaking in agreement. "No Master, I'm afraid I haven't seen any live combat experience. Truth be told, i think i was sent at the councils behest mainly because I have no Master, nor has one shown interest in me... so at this point I either need to find my own way, or leave." Her head tilted down just slightly as Thio continued on with his instruction.

The Jedi Master pointed at the people working on the turrets. "Go and help them construct turrets." Jax instructed. "When the fighting starts, I want to you to find some place to hide."

Anneliese at this point simply stood there and accepted the Masters instruction, she was not about to argue the matter and knew that her energies could be put to better use elsewhere. She bowed politely, in submissive silence as she turned, simply flashing a small and meek smile at Ghorua. As she walked down the corridor, she couldn't help but to hear Master Thio speak on the sheer number that they would have to fight against, her fists tightened and dispite the crowd around her, she let out a shrill shout of frustration, she wasn't about to tuck her tail in when the fighting started, she had to help. Her right hand trailed downwards to the white gold hilt that bounced freely on her utility belt... she had made an oath to help, she was a Jedi, regardless of her rank.

Anneliese made her way to the defensive barriers that had been quickly set up, people hustling back and forth to get all equipment in place before mid-day. Moving quickly and introducing herself, the young woman began to assist in the set up of the turrets.



Location: Tatooine
Equipment: Desert Attire, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark , Anneliese Anneliese

Jax could sense that Anneliese wasn't happy with the job he gave her. She definitely was a girl who needed somebody to guide her, Jax thought about helping her but right now it wasn't the time to focus on that. All Jax hoped was that Anneliese would obey but he was certain that she would try something to prove herself. Afterall she did say that it was her last chance at being a Jedi which was strange considering the Silvers are usually generous in letting prospects stay as long as possible.

"Good work Ghoura," Jax said seeing the Shark dispatching probe droids towards the Dune Sea. "We can more eyes on those bastards." Jax looked up at Anneliese. "I have a feeling I need to talk to her though," Jax said. "She's restless and is likely going to do something reckless."

"Very well my friend," Dhal said. "I'll make sure that the minefield is finished."

T h e D e s e r t R o s e

To Keep the Temple Secure & To Successfully set up the Defensive Turrets | Tatooine
Jax Thio Jax Thio Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark

Doing as she was instructed by Master Thio, Anneliese quickly took to her role and helped to direct the work flow of the turret assemblies, all the while on edge as her eyes would frequently scan the horizon. Controlling her breathing, she continually sought to reach out with the force, to look and feel past the physical, she had to be ready, she had to help. She saw the workers, the soldiers rather and wondered how many had families, what it would be like if some were to not make it back. Anneliese shuddered once again, despite the overwhelming heat of the desert, a bead of sweat moving down her forehead.

Yelling would be heard, she tensed up as her hand instinctively came to her lightsaber, a set of crates was beginning to topple, people rushing over as one began to fall. Her eyes widening as she saw the solider underneath, now in a prone position awaiting the inevitable. Her hands shot up as she grunted, the heavy artillery crate now suspended in the air. She shouted in a strained and irritated voice, the crowd slightly shocked and awed at her abilities. "Quickly! It's not like I can hold this all day!" They quickly pulled the man, unharmed as she allowed her breath to empty, the crate slowly setting itself down. Dropping to one knee, she huffed out, moving her frizzled hair from her face and sat for a moment to compose herself, the group congratulating her as she managed to work words out between her breaths. "Make sure that doesn't happen again, it won't help if we blow ourselves up for them… back to it y'all."

She was proud of herself, as her self congratulatory smirk formed upon her face.



Ghorua watched his probe droids float off into the Tatooine noon, beeping and squeaking to each other as they went. Two, Three, and Four each had their own personalities and quirks, developed after years of working together without memory wipes. Five was the new acquisition, and it's, for lack of a better word, robotic nature, gave away it's age.

Ghorua had nodded to Anneliese as she left, giving the Padawan a confident smirk, and noting with a bit of humor when he heard a shout after she was out of eyeshot. She reminded him so much of his daughter.

"I try to think ahead, Master Jedi." He responded to Jax's praise with a half-smirk. "Information is the god particle of success. First lesson the universe teaches us Bounty Hunters."

Then, Ghorua's smirk changed to a more sympathetic expression. "Look at it from her point of view. She's sent here by the Silvers, a group of warriors trained to keep the peace. And you said the best way she can help is by hiding when things get rough. The first thing she'll want to do is prove you wrong."

"Or, maybe she won't. I dunno how young Jedi work."
The Shark laughed, the sound coming from deep in his gut. "But I say give her a chance. I bet the safest place in a battle is next to a Jedi."

- Jax Thio Jax Thio - Anneliese Anneliese -



Location: Tatooine
Equipment: Desert Attire, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain, Eyepatch
Tag: Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark , Anneliese Anneliese

The worst part about Anneliese was that she reminded Jax of him but without the skill to back it up. He sensed that the Tusken Raiders will be arriving soon and he needed to make sure that everyone had a clear mind. "You're right," Jax said to Ghorua. "Don't want to get her all gung-ho to prove a point."

The Jedi Master turned to Annelise who was helping people build the defense. "Let me talk to her," Jax said. "In the meantime, let's make sure all these people are ready."

Jax approached the red headed girl who he can sense was still unhappy with her task. "Hey Anneliese," Jax said. "Come here let's talk for a moment."

T h e D e s e r t R o s e

Defend the Temple from the Tusken Raiders | Tatooine
Jax Thio Jax Thio Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark

Anneliese scanned over the area she had been overseeing to ensure that the last of the Turrets were now out of all the containers and being assembled, with the exception of the cargo container earlier, there had been little to no excitement; which in her eyes was a blessing, but also a curse. She knew in her mind, she should be content with being of some use, but there was a nagging, and extremely annoying voice which was her own 'inner self' that wouldn't shut up on how she felt when she was around higher members of the Order. They were nice, friendly and accommodating... but in her eyes, did they trust her? Did they want her around? Why didn't she have a Master by now... and was it all her fault. Her thoughts were interrupted as she felt Master Thio approach and address her.

Jax approached the red headed girl who he can sense was still unhappy with her task. "Hey Anneliese," Jax said. "Come here let's talk for a moment."

Anneliese perked up just slightly as she quickly hurried over to Master Thio, "Chit" she thought to herself, "What did I do?". She bowed just slightly, once again showing the proper respect due and owed to the Masters of the Order., raising out of the bow, she spoke. "Yes Master Thio, you wished to speak with me?"


"I'll do the rounds," the Shark said to Jax, giving him a casual salute. "Speeches aren't my thing, but I'll make sure everyone at least has a weapon in their hands."

It looked like the Church knew how to entrench themselves pretty well, which Ghoura only found a bit surprising. If you were excavating on Tatooine, you needed to know how to defend yourself. Ghorua walked along the perimeter of the dig site, checking for weak points and making sure the churchfolk were prepared for a battle.

Most were nervous. Some had rarely held weapons. Others were more hardened than Ghorua would have thought. All were glad to see him walking along, a tank-sized bounty hunter offering a joke or a bit of advice.

After only a bit of walking, however, Ghorua heard a twittering from his communicator. The Shark tensed and frowned, before turning to the nearest defender.

"Long line of Tuskens in the distance, coming in from the west. ETA ten minutes. Warn everyone you find." Ghorua ordered his droids to continue circling, looking for any side attacks or flanking maneuvers as the young archaeologist ran off, shouting the message to the camp.

It was unnecessary, in the end.

The sound of the erupting Sand People war cry could be heard for miles.

- Jax Thio Jax Thio - Anneliese Anneliese -

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Location: Tatooine
Equipment: Desert Attire, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain, Eyepatch
Tag: Anneliese Anneliese , Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark

"How do I put this without offending her?" Jax thought closing his eye, the last thing he wanted was to discourage Annelise. In fact, he liked her determination and will to do what it takes to be a Jedi. However, a mission where she has no experience is very dangerous and not to be taken lightly. He sighed letting the Force guide his actions.

"You want to be in the front lines fighting the Tusken Raiders?" Jax asked. "Please be honest with me Anneliese."

It was etched on her freckled face, Anneliese wanted to prove herself and not run and hide. The Jedi Master heard Ghoura's message through the radio, he can already feel a disturbance in the Force while the cries of the Tusken Raiders were faintly heard. "If you want to fight," Jax said. Follow me but you must stick with me and Ghoura at all times. No heroics, the first thing you must understand as a Jedi is to know and accept your limitations."

Jax leapt off the bridge landing near the Ghoura along with Dhal. "Are the mines in place?" Jax asked taking out his Lightsaber.

"We just armed the last one," Dhal said handing Jax the detonator. "As soon as they cross the chokepoint press the button."

"Let's get ready to party people." Jax said staring at the detonator. "May the Force be with us."

T h e D e s e r t R o s e

Defend the Temple from the Tusken Raiders | Tatooine
Jax Thio Jax Thio Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark
"You want to be in the front lines fighting the Tusken Raiders?" Jax asked. "Please be honest with me Anneliese."

Anneliese looked at Jax, her emerald green eyes not faltering as her whole demeanor shifted to a more serious nature. "More than anything Master Thio, I want to help ensure these men and women get back to their homes and families, and above all, I want to help serve the Order." She paused as her fists tightened just slightly. "It's true I've never seen real action, but I know my roots Master Thio, I can be of help -- I can ---...." That's when she heard the most bone chilling noise, to this day she had ever heard. The sound of a Tusken Raiding party... in all its glory, heading straight their way. Her breathing hitched as her blood chilled, Jax speaking now on his terms and conditions to allowing her to fight.

It was etched on her freckled face, Anneliese wanted to prove herself and not run and hide. The Jedi Master heard Ghoura's message through the radio, he can already feel a disturbance in the Force while the cries of the Tusken Raiders were faintly heard. "If you want to fight," Jax said. Follow me but you must stick with me and Ghoura at all times. No heroics, the first thing you must understand as a Jedi is to know and accept your limitations."

Anneliese nodded sternly at Jax as she allowed the force to aid her jump and she landed securely by him. She watched Jax removed his sabre off his belt, the blade humming to life. She held her hand up as the white gold handle shinned in the desert light, the blade breaking forth and materializing out of thin air. Much like the fiery hair and persona she held, her blade shone an Amber color, her body squaring up just slightly as she began to control her breathing like the Masters of the Order had taught her to do when she was just a young girl; she began to channel the force within her body, she had to be ready. It was time to fight.

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