Jasper Candos
Kyra Perl
Milla Caranthyr
Amani Serys
Objective 1,
At this point, both Masters were constantly moving to students as they struggled or had success. Kei was doing the rounds, hands behind his back, slightly limp as always if you looked close enough, Valrel with a bit more subtlety.
Milla Caranthyr
Reminding him of himself, or rather what he always aimed for. There was a grin and a nod, a simple nod. She’d fully got what he was trying to offer them.
You can do a lot with a little, that was the Jedi’s advantage over all the loud sith saber-rattling. He tapped the Padawan on the shoulder as he did the rounds through the students and nodded.
Amani Serys
Valrel looked at Amani and began to smile.
“What is heating you?” Hopefully, that would begin to take her technique to the next step.
There is no spoon… or in this case there is
only the spoon! The Hapan Jedi master watched carefully to calm any sudden increase of technique, hopefully, it would remain a gradual increase if not she would help balance the student's external focus on stimuli. Happy that Amani seemed to be taking good steps towards understanding.
Kyra Perl
Kei stopped at Kyra again, he didn’t try to calm her down, letting her get all the anger out. Back in the day at the temple other Jedi would have wagged their finger, told her how she was doing it wrong, telling people their emotions were wrong was futile. He just nodded, understanding fully,
“nobody gets every technique first time, not even the oldest of us.” Calmly, no judgment. Plenty of techniques he’d never be able to achieve. Offering her one his many scarfs instead, a red
wooly-nerf one with a grin, it was comfortable but lacked any fashion sense whatsoever. He’d told nobody but,
"barely succeeded myself. When in doubt,” he looked at the scarf he'd offered,
"wooly-nerf it." With or without Tapas, more than one way to skin a one-legged bantha. Hoping she’d understand it wasn’t all or nothing, failure was part of it.
"Keep trying."
Jasper Candos
Much like Milia with Kei, Jasper had this. He was really connecting the dots, still dots not one flow but the padawan had made a great step on his journey. It would probably take training but he had such a strong foundation and understanding. Valrel smiled brightly, sensing Jasper didn’t like being singled out she didn’t linger long,
“well done.” The Jedi Master congratulated, quietly,
“that peaceful flow, breathing, hold onto that.” Like all the most well known Jedi did. It could benefit him through many challenges and times in his life.
With the temperature dropping as time passed on. The lesson was slowly concluding and it had been a successful one he was happy to say. They hadn't had a lot to work with, a desert, a prop and a technique that was largely internal. All in all he was very impressed that they'd focused this long. He'd answer any last questions they had before it ended, and offer what parting advice he could. Picking up his walking stick at the front of the group to ease the limp.