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Approved Tech Sanhedrim Drive

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  • Intent: To submit an alternative form of stealth hyperspeed travel that hopefully isn't considered too OP.
  • Image Source: Stargate: Atlantis
  • Canon Link: Sanhedrim Ship
  • Primary Source: /
  • Jury Rigged Translation Matrix
  • Liquid Metal NavCom Adapter
  • Rift Energy Reactor Unit
  • Instant Transmission: The Sanhedrim Drive is a form of instantaneous FTL travel. Extremely accurate at shorter ranges or inside the Rift, long distance jumps have a higher degree of error.
  • Off the Grid: Aing-Tii jump tech bypasses hyperspace and most forms of interdiction as well as early detection.
  • Recharge Cycle: While the Aing-Tii can jump at will, the technology they are willing to share is inferior and requires several hours in between activation. The drive cannot be used to gain a consistent maneuvering advantage in combat.
  • Gravity Well Distortions: Although it can bypass interdiction fields similar to a HIMS, the Sanhedrim Drive cannot jump out from or into an activate field. Interference from the gravity distortions causes an explosive reaction.
  • Advanced Midichlorian Physics: Through some incomprehensible means the drive is connected to the Force and requires a specially trained Warden of the Sky or equivalent to operate. Force nullification would interfere with its ability to operate.
  • Ghost Matter Blues: Sanhedrim Drives are powered by three portable ghost matter reactor units. Common side effects include hallucinations and intermittent psychosis. Prolonged exposure can result in permanent madness and/or death. Capital ship engine crews are vulnerable and carrying ghost matter on board a smaller subcapital places the entire crew at risk.
  • Just Renting: The Aing-Tii monks are indisputable masters of Rift travel. If their drives are used for any purpose they would disapprove of, the operator is likely to find themselves not at their intended destination but instead surrounded by Sanhedrim interdictors.

Enigmatic. Disinterested. Xenophobic. Isolationist. Regressive. All powerful.

The Aing-Tii monks are one of the most advanced space faring races in the known galaxy, and they care nothing for our petty squabbles over territory or resources or ideology. They worship mysterious 'deities' known only as Those Who Dwell Beyond the Veil, and subscribe to the Great River interpretation of the Force. There is not simply Light or Dark, but an entire spectrum. Aing-Tii technology is for the most part both superior to and incompatible with modern standards. Their secrets are ferociously guarded and even the mighty Sith Empire has had little success in seizing the aliens' property by force or through deception. Over the years however several rogue masters have begrudgingly earned the monks' respect, including the likes of [member="Jorus Merrill"] and [member="Julius Sedaire"].

Foreseeing the Sith Emperor's plans to build a terrifying new superweapon, the Aing-Tii temporarily aligned with the Underground, for the first time in modern history playing an overt role in galactic events by supplying the rebels with a Sanhedrim ship to infiltrate the Sith's secret construction facility. While the monks stubbornly insist upon continued neutrality, they have recently allowed their jump drives to be installed on certain Underground ships under close supervision.
Factory Judge
[member="Atlas Drake"],

Now onto your second submission!

Glad to see some new tech using some old and vague resources of the Star Wars universe.

Atlas Drake said:
Advanced Midichlorian Physics: Force training is more useful than a mechanic's wrench as far as maintaining the drive itself. A specially trained Warden of the Sky or equivalent is pretty much required for any Sanhedrim engineering crew.
Since the Aing-Tii are known users of the ability "Fold Space" which is the named term for being able to travel between the two, and this is just a engine that can perform this kind of jump, does the engine itself require the use of the force with whoever happens to be on board?

Here is my thought process.

The Sanhedrium Ships were noted as having a "Special connection" to the Aing-tii who were on board. And through their use of the force with the ship, could travel with it. That one mention is what brings up the question about the potential connection to the force. Because the Aing-Tii are the only ones who can do this, and we both know their xenophobic thoughts on sharing all of their shiny toys and abilities. This is essentially just an engine they created, to work on more conventional ship to "synthesize" or reproduce the effect of fold space, and their connection to their ships.

SO! If it is force sensitive, and someone were to bring one of those Yslamir lizards onto the ship, would it prevent usage of the engine? Or in the case of Void Stones, could it hamper, or make jumps more difficult?

Atlas Drake said:
Just Renting: The Aing-Tii monks are indisputable masters of Rift travel. If their drives are used for any purpose they would disapprove of, the operator is likely to find themselves not at their intended destination but instead surrounded by Sanhedrim interdictors.
So how exactly does this work? Would that mean there has to be an Aing-Tii with the vessel at all times to be able to "shut it off" with some switch no one else can have access too? Or is there some kind of programming that they can access remotely to shut this down?

Atlas Drake said:
Instant Transmission: The Sanhedrim Drive is a form of instantaneous FTL travel. Extremely accurate at shorter ranges or inside the Rift, long distance jumps have a higher degree of error.
What kind of errors could you have? Is it like any other kind of Hyperdrive where it will just take you to the wrong location? Or because of its very unique idea, would there be other potential downfalls that could be more detrimental than just "getting lost?"

Atlas Drake said:
Material: Unknown Yorik Coral Equivalent,
Just some redundant asking, but this equivalent is just your explanation of the biological material that the Aing-Tii use to make their Sanhedrim Ships correct?
[member="Vigil Rostu"]

Vigil Rostu said:
The Sanhedrium Ships were noted as having a "Special connection" to the Aing-tii who were on board. And through their use of the force with the ship, could travel with it. That one mention is what brings up the question about the potential connection to the force. Because the Aing-Tii are the only ones who can do this, and we both know their xenophobic thoughts on sharing all of their shiny toys and abilities. This is essentially just an engine they created, to work on more conventional ship to "synthesize" or reproduce the effect of fold space, and their connection to their ships.

SO! If it is force sensitive, and someone were to bring one of those Yslamir lizards onto the ship, would it prevent usage of the engine? Or in the case of Void Stones, could it hamper, or make jumps more difficult?
That's as good an explanation as any, and I'm a little disappointed I didn't think of it myself. Its been a bit of a struggle to find the balance here between Force mojo and user accessibility, but I suppose if I'm going to have a FU on site for maintenance I might as well have them turn the damn thing on. Adjustments have been made to the Advanced Midichlorian Physics weakness accordingly.

Vigil Rostu said:
So how exactly does this work? Would that mean there has to be an Aing-Tii with the vessel at all times to be able to "shut it off" with some switch no one else can have access too? Or is there some kind of programming that they can access remotely to shut this down?
The implication here is that instead of arriving at your intended destination, the Aing-Tii would remotely hijack your signal to transport you into the Kathol Rift. Obviously they are not omniscient, but they have only handed out a small number of these drives and keep track of where they are at all times so they don't fall into enemy hands. If someone were to say spool up a jump to high orbit over Bastion they would interfere. Really this weakness is a "dumb idea" check for me to explain to people why the Underground couldn't execute some kind of un-counterable raid on the Emperor's flagship or what have you.

Vigil Rostu said:
What kind of errors could you have? Is it like any other kind of Hyperdrive where it will just take you to the wrong location? Or because of its very unique idea, would there be other potential downfalls that could be more detrimental than just "getting lost?"
As with hyperdrives its mostly a matter of coordinate drift. However since an instant jump ship would receive no advanced warning about impending obstacles the longer the jump the greater the drift and the greater the chances of ending up somewhere you really don't want to be along the same lines of a blind hyperspace jump.

Vigil Rostu said:
Just some redundant asking, but this equivalent is just your explanation of the biological material that the Aing-Tii use to make their Sanhedrim Ships correct?
That is correct. The genesis for ghost matter also began here, originally it was simply a link to the Kathol Rift article. Eventually I would like to submit an "Aing-Tii brand coral" to the factory and when I do the plan is to revise this one with a mod request.
Factory Judge
Atlas Drake said:
As with hyperdrives its mostly a matter of coordinate drift. However since an instant jump ship would receive no advanced warning about impending obstacles the longer the jump the greater the drift and the greater the chances of ending up somewhere you really don't want to be along the same lines of a blind hyperspace jump.
So there is no advance warning features that come with this kind of drive. You plot your course, and press go, and whatever comes up, comes up. So this would make the weakness of entering an Interdiction Field, Even more powerful than what it may seem.

Atlas Drake said:
That's as good an explanation as any, and I'm a little disappointed I didn't think of it myself. Its been a bit of a struggle to find the balance here between Force mojo and user accessibility, but I suppose if I'm going to have a FU on site for maintenance I might as well have them turn the damn thing on. Adjustments have been made to the Advanced Midichlorian Physics weakness accordingly.
Thank you very much for the edits. And I neglected to add this question in as well during my initial post. But since the force can affect it to some capacity, And it is tied to Ghost Matter, Can force users "tamper" with this engine and cause problems that way as well?

An example I can think of, is the "Bleeding" or "Purifying" of lightsaber crystals. Where the attunment of the crystal can be changed to fit the user. In the same vain, can this engine be affected by powers such as Mecha-deru, or Technomacy? I know these are more niche kinds of powers, but there are users out there.

Atlas Drake said:
That is correct. The genesis for ghost matter also began here, originally it was simply a link to the Kathol Rift article. Eventually I would like to submit an "Aing-Tii brand coral" to the factory and when I do the plan is to revise this one with a mod request.
Since you mention Ghost Matter? I'd like to pose the question for one of the weaknesses of the Ghost Matter. Is there enough of that energy source here, to cause the hallucinations mentioned in the sub for Ghost Matter? Or is it contained enough, that you wouldn't need to worry about people being too close to it for long periods of time?

As with larger ships you have dedicated crews to working on just the engines, just the guns, or just the bridge. So with the Engine crews, would they be safe around this kind of drive?

Sorry for all of the questions. But with this kind of technology where its really unique and different, I want to see it a little more fleshed out. That way if you make other technology based around Ghost Matter, or ships that use this engine, its more concrete than just "Handwaved." Secondly, I am not the best Ship-Tech guy around, so I am also attempting to learn more of this. Two birds with one stone if you will.

[member="Atlas Drake"],
[member="Vigil Rostu"]

No worries man, you're doing fine. I recognize this is an idea that pushes at some boundaries, and this isn't my first rodeo.

Vigil Rostu said:
So there is no advance warning features that come with this kind of drive. You plot your course, and press go, and whatever comes up, comes up. So this would make the weakness of entering an Interdiction Field, Even more powerful than what it may seem.
You got it. Its definitely something you want to keep to short-mid range transit whenever possible.

Vigil Rostu said:
Thank you very much for the edits. And I neglected to add this question in as well during my initial post. But since the force can affect it to some capacity, And it is tied to Ghost Matter, Can force users "tamper" with this engine and cause problems that way as well?

An example I can think of, is the "Bleeding" or "Purifying" of lightsaber crystals. Where the attunment of the crystal can be changed to fit the user. In the same vain, can this engine be affected by powers such as Mecha-deru, or Technomacy? I know these are more niche kinds of powers, but there are users out there.
That's a great question. Especially given the alterations you have suggested to the drive's method of action, I would say it is absolutely vulnerable to things like mechu-deru and technomancy. Force sabotage just seems like a really cool concept so it has my stamp. Let me know if you'd like me to make specific revisions here.

Vigil Rostu said:
Since you mention Ghost Matter? I'd like to pose the question for one of the weaknesses of the Ghost Matter. Is there enough of that energy source here, to cause the hallucinations mentioned in the sub for Ghost Matter? Or is it contained enough, that you wouldn't need to worry about people being too close to it for long periods of time?

As with larger ships you have dedicated crews to working on just the engines, just the guns, or just the bridge. So with the Engine crews, would they be safe around this kind of drive?
Absolutely there is enough here. That is very much meant to be another limiting factor for non Aing-Tii use. Our galaxy's current level of technology hasn't developed proper containment technology. A capital ship's engine crew would be susceptible to ghost matter's weaknesses, and for smaller subcapitals the entire crew would be vulnerable.
Factory Judge
[member="Atlas Drake"],

Atlas Drake said:
That's a great question. Especially given the alterations you have suggested to the drive's method of action, I would say it is absolutely vulnerable to things like mechu-deru and technomancy. Force sabotage just seems like a really cool concept so it has my stamp. Let me know if you'd like me to make specific revisions here.
For this no. To be honest, if we had everything that could be altered by the force listed as a weakness, it would be redundant. What you have currently is plenty enough.

Atlas Drake said:
Absolutely there is enough here. That is very much meant to be another limiting factor for non Aing-Tii use. Our galaxy's current level of technology hasn't developed proper containment technology. A capital ship's engine crew would be susceptible to ghost matter's weaknesses, and for subcapitals the entire crew would be vulnerable.
However, a revision to the weaknesses may be needed for this. Because it uses Ghost Matter as its main fuel source, working on it can be done, but in short bursts, but not for prolonged periods of time for anyone other than the Aing-Tii. And like you say, on smaller ships, Everyone can feel its effects. A small blurb about this should be enough for me to give you the green light.

Thank you for working with me on these submissions, and answering all of my questions.

[member="Atlas Drake"],
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