Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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SARI's Body (Enigma)

SARI waited patiently for Cassandra to enter the mechanics lab. It was going to be a long day, but she couldn't be more ready for it. Today was the day that SARI was finally going to receive a body of her own. It was going to be a solid-state holographic body, but nevertheless, a body it would be. The only thing that was going to take a while was building the portable projector that would allow her to move about on her own. It was going to take complex configurations, hours of designing and building, and pure determination to finish it. SARI only hoped that Cassandra would be able to do it.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

"I'm guessing you've been as restless as I have, Sari?" Circe wiped the sweat form her brow. Her temperature at bedtime had intentionally been set a few degrees higher than what she was used to. This was so she would be ready yo get up and get to work on the technological advancements that would become the digital woman's solid-state body. "This is the first step to your Apohomosis. That is, your becoming human. It's something I honestly never believed I would see in my lifetime."

Smiling, she stepped over to a computer console and booted things up.

It was time to get busy.
((OOC: Lol seriously? :laugh: ))

SARI nodded. "Yes, ma'am! I was pacing through my circuitry while you slept. I don't think I've been this excited since... Well, ever!" She said smiling. She temporarily vanished, reappearing on a small projector next to the computer's holo-screen. "So, what's first?" She asked.
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"Well..." Circe paused, examining the file for the holographic projector. "From what I can tell, it's all a matter of making the light dense enough for you to physically affect objects, or be affected by objects. We already experimented with such technology a while back when I injected you with data packets to see whether your digital DNA could mesh with that of a human, but that's unstable and big. We need something a bit more... A bit more mobile, less power-hungry."

Examining the lighting, she added more light emitters, in order to further increase the density of the formed image.
SARI nodded, contemplating what methods could be used for a few half-seconds. "We could try re-routing the nano-circuits to fit into a more compact design. We might have to get a more convex projection system so I can appear life-sized, though. Those don't usually come small, or cheap. we'd have better luck building one ourselves."
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"True... And for that, we'd need crystal. Our complement is nearly empty, and I don't know if we have a big enough chunk to grind down into a convex lens. Let me check, though." Stepping back from the screen, she went into the nearest storage room. "Skeleton, VInithi biosample, lightsabers... Ah! Here we go." She grabbed a very large jewel - though it was merely just a crystal - and brought it back into the room. "I think this will suffice, once we grind it down enough. Can you check what angles we'll have to grind down in order to make a convex lens that'll work with this projector?"
"Analyzing..." SARI replied. A holo-panel appeared in front of her, and she began quickly typing and sliding her hand across it. "according to my calculations, in order to get it to work correctly it needs to be one inch in diameter, 50 millimeters in thickness, and the angle of the point of convection should be 85 degrees." She said matter-of-factually.
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Circe nodded and got to work, tediously trimming the large gemstone down until it was the proper size that it would adequately focus the beam. "Alright... We've got it situated. Now all that's left is to get the milling machines to construct the other parts we'll need for this solid-state emitter. I'll leave that to you, since you have access to the manufacturing computers."

And today... Well, she was going to tell Sari the truth.

SARI now had six panels before her, her arms moving almost in a blur. "I've already begun... " She said, her voice trailing off as she pulled her concentration into her work. For thirty minutes, her fingers typed as her mind worked at the speed of light, designing and starting the construction of every part of the machinery, down to the smallest of details. Finally, the panels dissipated. SARI sighed. "There. Now we just need to wait while the parts are being processed and dispensed. In about twenty minutes, we should check and make sure everything came out right."
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"Sounds like a plan to me!" She smiled, then sighed, turning to look at the blue-tinted holowoman. "Sari... I have something kind of important to tell you. I haven't exactly been truly honest about who I am. Yeah, I am a Cinthra in a way - my mother was an Echani and a very good friend of mine - but I have an identity I've tried to keep hidden from you for some time now."
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

"I'm not Cassandra. I never have been. The only reason I went for that name was for my mother's sake - we're not even related that way. She didn't pop me out - I'm a clone of her. And this is hardly my first body..." Circe sighed. "You might know of me as someone different. Someone who once wielded tremendous power and influence in the galaxy. Someone hunted down by the Omega Protectorate, the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and the Republic. Someone whose crimes, while false, are claimed to be horribly heinous." Her eyes flashed green.

"The name is Circe Savan."
SARI's eyes widened for only a second. "I'm surprised. I never thought you'd actually find the strength to tell me yourself," She said. She smiled a bit. "It wasn't very hard to look through your personal logs. True, some were pretty blotted and missing completely. But all I had to do was dig a little deeper into certain 'restricted' databases via the Holonet. From there, I compiled enough information to prove that you are, in fact, Circe Savan. I don't believe you committed some of the crimes you were accused of. Others, however, sounded like you." She crossed her arms over her chest. "What I don't understand is why you thought it was better to hide the truth. Delaying the inevitable only causes a whole lot of unnecessary grief with me. I'm not one to judge someone for past mistakes. Honestly, Cassie, I thought you knew me better." She smirked.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

"And what crimes do you find me guilty of, and what innocent?" She raised an eyebrow. "You'd be surprised how the mere mention of my name can cause me to have to deal with copious amounts of bounty hunters and people after my head. I've been roasted, sliced, diced, mutilated, infested... All sorts of ways to cause me trouble. But I've evaded them so far, for at least eight manhunts." She smiled. "All I want to do is help people. And it's hard to really know you, considering your existence as a program instead of as a physical being. That will change soon, though. Very, very soon."
"Mainly ones concerning theivery, and some fraud. But the majority of them were brutal and twisted. If anyone could commit such atrocities, I know that it wasn't you. You're not the evil person people claim you to be, Cassie. I gathered that the minute I was activated." SARI said. She put one hand on her hip. "You're a good person, and an even better friend."
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

"Thank you for your kind words, Sari. In the event that I'm captured, I may need you to provide the necessary evidence to showcase that I am indeed not guilty of what they claim." Taking the crystal she had shaped, she placed it in the center of the holoemitter's frame. "Just tell me once the remaining parts are complete and I'll get to work on finally constructing this solid-state holoemitter. The first thing I'm going to do one you have physical form is to give you a hug."
SARI laughed. "You always were the cuddly type," She joked. About ten minutes later, her tiny form twitched a little. "There's the signal. The parts should be done now. Let's go and have a look."
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Circe nodded, stepping to the milling machine and removing the recently formed parts. "Everything looks in order here, Sari. Shall we get to work making you life-sized and solid?" She smiled, already getting to work on assembling the pieces of her extraordinarily complicated puzzle around the base and the focusing lens she had previously worked on. "Remind me to get you some data chips as a snack soon."
SARI rolled her eyes, smiling. She did a scan of the parts to double-check. "Yep. Everything appears in order. Even the little port where my chip can be removed. Good. I was almost afraid I got the measurements wrong." She said happily. She pulled up the blueprint she had made for the device, and displayed them on the computer's holo-screen for Circe. "Alright. First off, place part 2A with parts 4E and 8F..." She began, giving Circe the instructions with every piece.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

And after a good half-hour of constant work, Circe was done. The solid-state projector was completed, and it was time to test it out. "Alright, Sari, back to your chip. Once you're in there, I'll remove you and install you in your new projector. It should be small enough to mount in a droid or something. Likely on top. Maybe we can give you a hovering droid, to allow you to go a variety of places."

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