Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Saturday Night Role-Play: Drums of War - Saturday 6 PM EST

Flint Pherson

Oh. I just noticed that Coruscant was a Republic Raffle world. ...Lol. And here I was talking about a simple ranked Captain and his convoy trucks. Wow. I should have been referencing Colonels and Generals and Airbases. Haha. ...So much for FOB (Forward Operating Base) Echo. ...Hello Navy Air Base Delta!

This is no longer Planet-Side Security. It's time to bring in the Homeworld Air Force. :D

Flint Pherson

A round of applause for our Jedi and Sith members. Not a single Force-Sensitive NPC used. Whoa whoa. Nice work boys and girls. Props to you. :D
Kaine's isn't one to object to run away, if he feels really threatened he'll high-tail it out of there. He knew you guys had it all under control, and he's sworn vengeance on the bastard who shot him lol.

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