Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Savannah Talks

TAG: Khoe Ghafara Khoe Ghafara

Jonyna raised an eyebrow at that. "I'm here because I have duties here as well as the council. I'm the Sage of the Denik, and representative of my people within the Order. If you did your research, you'd know that the cathar see jedi as the highest honor a cathar can achieve. Yeah, I'm here to keep the world in order. You're here to avoid responsibility. Which..." she chuckled. "I can respect to a point. My old self certainly would. And yeah, I'm a jedi master now. Can't help it." She stuck her tongue out in response. "Pro tip. Find an authority you actually respect. Then get over it. Trust me, just hating everyone because they're on a higher branch than you is exhausting."

Chill Jedi to relax and study to
Khoe was almost taken aback impressed she stood her ground on something she gave a shy smile now far more interested in Jonyna's story as she finished towelling herself dry.

"Never said I hated 'em, that's not very Jedi, I distrust them, a trait common these days it seems, buuuuut you got me on the rest there. I am definitely avoiding responsibility but hey! Acceptance is the first step, at least I'm not in den-"

Khoe paused steeping back from her bag on the speeder as a loud noise rumbled across the veldt, a cacophony of birds scattered as something clearly charged in Khoe's general direction, Khoe looked to Jonyna with a concerned expression before using the force to grab her lightsaber from the back of her speeder. From between the tall grass outlining the clearing surrounding the cenote a massive Wark emerged braying loudly, the passive creature clearly extremely upset a shard of razor sharp metal lodged into the skin just above it's back hoof out of view from Khoe but not Jonyna. It barrelled into Khoe's speeder with its mighty antlers at full speed sending it absolutely flying across the horizon out of view. Khoe rolled her eyes.

"Son of a-"

She stopped herself before force jumping onto one of the beasts mighty antlers quickly slicing off one of the prongs with a subtle cleave before spring-boarding from the antler onto the creatures back barely keeping her balance Khoe prepared to strike it through the back of neck...

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

TAG: Khoe Ghafara Khoe Ghafara

"Stop." Jonyna ordered, her voice sounding much more official than ever before. The Wark seemed to take a step back at that as it's prong was cleaved off, watching as Jonyna took control of the water, and flung a huge blob of it at Khoe, just enough to knock her off course.

Jonyna used the water as a sort of surfboard to glide her way over to the Wark, and onto it's back, mounting the creature as it rode into a bipedal stance for just a moment, trying to buck Jonyna off. Instead, Jonyna grabbed onto the metal piece and using the Force, removed it deftly with one clean pull, before telekinetically grabbing her own lightsaber and sealing the wound off with a simple pass of the blade over it.

It all happened in a half a second, Jonyna letting out a sigh as she jumped off the creature, who seemed to look back at the two with a confused, but relieved look.

<Go. Find your place.> Jonyna spoke in native Catharese, the Wark seeming to understand and went off into the forest once more.

Jonyna looked to Khoe, eyebrow raised. "You'd be better if you weren't so reckless. I had to learn that."

Chill Jedi to relax and study to
The soft bubble of water gently brought Khoe to about a foot above the ground before dropping her face first with a thud, her face covered in dirt by the time she'd wiped it away the creature was scurrying back into the bush, Khoe used the force to get the rest of the dust offer her and brought her saber to her and onto her belt as she stood up.

"Sorry master fight or flight there though that thing was trying to kill me, I can see why you're on the council." Khoe playfully elbowed Jonyna "I blinked and you dealt with that. Not to mention the water thing." Khoe looked to the since dislodged piece or scrap metal laying in the dirt slightly, in awe of her power.

"No matter how long I am a Jedi I continuously impressed by the talent of fellow Jedi."

Khoe awkwardly tapped her toes against the ground.

"Hey uhh... sorry for not really being able to talk about things. It's something I've always struggled with, came out that way I guess. You haven't done anything personal I promise you that. Communication is definitely something I need to work on."

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

TAG: Khoe Ghafara Khoe Ghafara

Jonyna let out a sigh as she put her saber back on her belt. "Come back to the temple. I promise, whatever preconceptions you have about us, I can disprove with a simple trip. It's not like you can't leave if you don't like it, yeah?"

Chill Jedi to relax and study to
Khoe let out a loud sigh as she looked towards the faint glow of the sun in the ever creeping twilight, insects had begun chirping the reflection of the water still illuminating both of them.


"But you guys owe me another speeder." Khoe smirked

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

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