Well, it's a dark time for the Minotaur.
I created Asterion to serve Lady Kyros in the Sith Order, but IC and OOC came together and the Faction disbanded and we lost Master Kara Vi'dreya who became one with the Force.
Having wandered the galaxy, generally crossing paths to help other Sithly-minded Force Users with some training, he has nothing anymore. No Faction, no direction, no motive, no relationships, nothing.
It has been a downward spiral, and thanks to a 15 year old Mason girl, he is now wallowing in the ruins of the Sith Order bunker on Teth with a fresh scar on his face and questioning his purpose in life, which is pretty meaningless right now.
So I'm looking if there's anyone out there who is looking to RP with or around a Sith Knight who is pretty much at the lowest he can be and no clear direction where he wants to go - he even finds it hard to class himself serving the Sith; it's a title he hasn't done anything with for months.
I'd hopefully like something more than just crossing paths to train unless it could go far with a good story and development arc, because he has effectively given up on everything now, so as I hope to re-invent him going forward, the call is out to see what's out there, before he is shelved for a while until I can find something.
Just tag / PM / shout out if you are interested and we can see what comes up to work on.
Thanks guys.