Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Saying Hello!

skin, bone, and arrogance
Irajah Ven said:
So, I wasn't sure at first if I would say anything or not, but I'm seeing a lot of familiar names so I thought I'd say something.

For those old TGC faces, I used to play over there. I had to step away because things got too intense and I needed to do some serious backing up. My intention here is to keep things really light and casual ooc, but I *am* looking forward to writing here and reconnecting with you folks, and meeting new people! Before anyone asks, no, I don't intend on bringing back any of the old faces. Those characters are long gone.

So, from Bethany Kismet/Saede Taggart/Xyra Sizhran/Kith Verloren and all those other wacky faces, hello.

EDIT: It is HILARIOUS that place is a cuss word here. I approve.
NOW it's a party!
[member="Jorus Merrill"] Good to see you again :)

[member="Cira"] I'm not on Skype these days, but you can hit me in a private message here if you like! I'm serious that I'm going to keep ooc stuff really chill and not get completely embroiled. One character for now, just a couple threads. All of the drama for the character and as evil as is fun of course (people don't change *that* much you know!).

[member="Rianna Ar'klim-Organa"] We can definitely do something. I've created a character with a history for sure, but not a hard future. I don't know where she's headed, and it'll be largely shaped by who she meets and what happens. You know how I roll ;)

[member="Avadreia Lacroix"] Great googly moogly, you are *dangerous* woman, but it's good to see you
[member="Irajah Ven"]

Sorry i had to.. its the dark side.
I feel like I'm supposed to know you,but I don't.....

Anyways,Welcome to Chaos! :) I see you already have friends on this site,so you know who to ask for help. (If you need any,that is)
[member="Irajah Ven"]
[member="Xiarr Sair "]Many thanks for the welcome! And trust me, I'm just as happy to meet new people who don't know who I am already. No expectations. (And I swear, I only burned the site down once. Maybe twice. >.> )
I joined TGC at the behest of Ryori and Ti'Cira. It's because of those two that I'm here, and I've 'grown up' on stories of your roleplaying ability. I'm excited to see you around, and I wish you all the best in getting settled at your new home.

Connor Harrison

[member="Irajah Ven"] "...I got a bad case of loving you!"

Welcome to the Chaos! Have fun and please shout if you need help at all. :)
[member="Yarva Adisu"] See, stuff like that makes me *nervous*! I'm just me and I hope I don't disappoint! I'm glad to be here and I'm glad that you are here and I'll have a chance to RP with you! Thank you for the welcome!

[member="Connor Harrison"] haha! Thank you!

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