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Sayu Ni (Form V Lightsaber Tradition & Philosophy)
  • Tradition Name: Sayu Ni (Lightsaber Style)
  • Pronounciation: Say-YOO-Nee
  • Tradition Type: The Enclave Order which practices Sayu Ni is located on Dantooine, Bastion, Entralla, and Naboo.
  • Tradition Focus: This is a Form V style. The focus of Sayu Ni is on just that: focus in spite of conflict. The style uses strong, precise, sweeping strikes while making use of the blaster to distract and then to attack the attention of the opponent. Like its brother Form V branches of Shien and Djem-So, there is a heavy focus on blaster deflection.
  • Influence: Interplanetary, but spoken about in hushed tones. It is considered offensive towards the dueling conducts of traditional Jedi and Sith styles to clip and unclip one's blaster during a duel.
  • Orientation: Diarchical. This lightsaber and training tradition uses both the light side and dark side of the force. On the light side, the tradition focuses on non-lethal stunning blows and on disarming the opponent efficiently. On the dark side, the tradition may implement mind trickery and hip-fired blaster blows to try and surprise the enemy duelist.
  • Influence Area: Dantooine; Naboo; Entralla; Bastion; Growing to other areas.
  • Symbols: " SYU-NI " written on a circular quartz rune; A nine-sided star.
  • Membership: A Diarch initiate may choose to train in the tradition of Sayu Ni at any time, with assistance from a mentor. Other types of force user characters could likely barter for, or outright purchase, the training.
  • Motives: The focus of Sayu Ni is diarchical: "utter destruction of the enemy" (Bokyaku) and "dutiful restraint" (Kosoku). This means that the overall focus of the saber form is to end combat in the most expeditious way possible: hands, saber, minor force user, and/or blaster use are all considered part of this style. The practitioner uses the attacker's own force against them frequently, especially deflection of blows and blasters. A lot of Masters will summarize the motive of any Sayu Ni battle as, "victory, whatever it takes".
  • Rules and Teachings:
    "utter destruction of the enemy" (Bōkyaku)
    "dutiful restraint" (Kōsoku)
    "Order to Chaos"
    "Victory, whatever it takes"
    "Sayu Ni" - Literal meaning, "Side by Side" - referring to the use of a second weapon and a saber, and also to the efficiency of teamwork.
  • Reputation: The Sayu Ni style is considered deeply heretical to both the Jedi Order and to the Sith Empire. It is considered a bastardized and lesser form compared to styles such as Form II Makashi, which force practitioners may take years or decades to fully master. Sayu Ni has a reputation for being "the easy way to use a lightsaber", skipping some of the training, meditation, prerequisites, and knowledge that is transferred to acolytes of more traditional lightsaber / force traditions. Moreover, the use of a blaster pistol is considered an abrogation of the force user's full abilities. Although not as offensive as Trakata (in which a duellist turns their lightsaber off and on as they feint), Jedi and Sith alike are known to have to sneak around their respective authorities in order to learn Sayu Ni. Even then, the Acolytes who learn Sayu Ni in secret must make certain that their traditionalist Master or Lord does not become aware of what they have done.
  • Openness: Despite their almost monk-like reputation, the Sayu Ni Enclave Practitioners are more than welcome to teach their style to people who have gained their trust and respect. One of the reasons that Sayu Ni is so offensive is because old, grizzled practitioners will sometimes simply teach a talented Sayu Ni Acolyte in exchange for money. In some ways, the Sayu Ni Masters dedicate even more time and energy to Acolyte training, knowing that their lifestyle depends on being good teachers. On the other hand, Sayu Ni Masters are considered "lower-class" in the eyes of force users because they have skipped major areas of training and military discipline.
  • Characteristic Equipment: Practitioners of this style are frequently provided with a Dantari Ceremonial Lightsaber once they reach the Temple Enclave's equivalent of a "Jedi Knight". This style of lightsaber use is adopted from the Naboo tradition of Jedi, which were spread across the galaxy during the Old Republic days. Practitioners at all levels are provided with a blaster pistol of their choice, and they are expected to be an expert with their pistol by the time they gain their stripes.
  • Notable Force Skills:
    Blaster Deflection
    Bowcaster Deflection
    Grenade and Thrown Weapon Deflection
    Force Push
    Force Pull
    Force Quickening
    Force Distraction / Mental Voices / Force Persuade / Mind Tricks
    Force Stun
    Force Lightning (As a Last Resort)
    Understanding of the Diarchy's Force and Lightsaber Traditions
  • Notable Force Limitations:
    Lack of Lethal Force Options e.g. Force Choke
    Poor Understanding of the True Nature of the Force
    Poor Understanding of Military Discipline
    Poor Understanding of Organized Jedi History
    Poor Understanding of Organized Sith History
    Poor Understanding of Meditation or Battle Meditation
    Poor Ability to Defend Against Well-Trained Foes
    Attracts Star Weirds in Space
[ Sayu Ni Enclave - Minor Faction]
[ Sayu Ni Enclave Members - Minor Faction ]
[ Sayu NI - Leadership Information and Roster - Minor Faction ]
[ Sayū Ni Enclave Acolytes - NPC Group ]

What is Sayu NI?

Sayu Ni is a Form V lightsaber style and force tradition that is based on expediency. The focus of Sayu Ni is on focus in spite of conflict. The style uses strong, precise, sweeping strikes, while making use of a blaster in the off-hand to distract and to strike at the opponent. Like its brother Form V branches of Shien and Djem-So, there is a heavy focus on blaster deflection. It is an ideal form when facing the enemy from a medium to short distance.

Sayu Ni is considered a "hidden" force tradition. It is considered offensive towards the dueling conducts of traditional Jedi and Sith styles, because a major aspect of Sayu Ni is to clip and unclip one's blaster during a duel.

The Sayu Ni Temple Enclave

The Sayu Ni Temple Enclave, which practices Sayu Ni and teaches the tradition, is located on numerous planets including Dantooine, Bastion, Entralla, and Naboo. The literal meaning of Sayu Ni is "side by side", referring to both teamwork and also to the saber-plus-blaster style.

Early History: Discovery by the Mandalorians and Continuation by the Jedi

The Sayu Ni tradition started during the Mandalorian Wars: a carry over from certain Mandalorian clans who believed that interchangeable blaster and melee weapon use was necessary. At the time of the Temple Enclave's founding, the Mandalorians were frequently outnumbered. The tradition of using both blasters and melee weapons continued throughout the Mandalorian era and well into the Republic era.

While this style is deeply offensive, it has allowed the quiet and reclusive Sayu Ni Temple Acolytes to survive repeated attacks. When the Sith attacked the Sayu Ni Temples following the rise of the First Empire, the Acolytes escaped through cunning, misdirection, and sparing blaster shots aimed right towards the chest of the enemy. Sayu Ni exists because they had the will to resist Order 66 and to go into hiding.

Late History: Purging and Destruction of the Sayu Ni Temple by Sith

The Sayu Ni Temple Enclave has been purged, destroyed and even genocided during the Sith era of Dantooine. Though the Jedi Temple has had a renewal, the Sayu Ni Diarch Temple has remained in ruins until only recently.

The persistence of this style has led to a few hundred adherents remaining today, spread over the last five hundred or so years through less than fifty Master Diarchs, Jedi Masters, and Sith Lords.

Training Philosophy

The focus of Sayu Ni is diarchical: "utter destruction of the enemy" (Bokyaku) and "dutiful restraint" (Kosoku). This means that the overall focus of the saber form is to end combat in the most expeditious way possible: hands, saber, minor force user, and/or blaster use are all considered part of this style. The practitioner uses the attacker's own force against them frequently, especially deflection of blows and blasters. A lot of Masters will summarize the motive of any Sayu Ni battle as, "victory, whatever it takes".

Some rules and teachings of Sayu Ni style...
  • "utter destruction of the enemy" (Bokyaku)
  • "dutiful restraint" (Kosoku)
  • "Order to Chaos"
  • "Victory, whatever it takes"
  • "Sayu Ni" - Literal meaning, "Side by Side" - referring to the efficiency of teamwork.
Despite their almost monk-like reputation, the Sayu Ni Enclave Practitioners are more than welcome to teach their style to people who have gained their trust and respect. One of the reasons that Sayu Ni is so offensive is because old, grizzled practitioners will sometimes simply teach a talented Sayu Ni Acolyte in exchange for money. In some ways, the Sayu Ni Masters dedicate even more time and energy to Acolyte training, knowing that their lifestyle depends on being good teachers. On the other hand, Sayu Ni Masters are considered "lower-class" in the eyes of force users because they have skipped major areas of training and military discipline.

Relationship with the Rest of the Galaxy

The Sayu Ni style is considered deeply heretical to both the Jedi Order and to the Sith Empire. It is considered a bastardized and lesser form compared to styles such as Form II Makashi, which force practitioners may take years or decades to fully master.

Sayu Ni has a reputation for being "the easy way to use a lightsaber", skipping some of the training, meditation, prerequisites, and knowledge that is transferred to acolytes of more traditional lightsaber / force traditions. Moreover, the use of a blaster pistol is considered an abrogation of the force user's full abilities.

Although not as offensive as Tràkata (in which a duellist turns their lightsaber off and on as they feint), Jedi and Sith alike are known to have to sneak around their respective authorities in order to learn Sayū Ni. Even then, the Acolytes who learn Sayū Ni in secret must make certain that their traditionalist Master or Lord does not become aware of what they have done.
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