Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Scars of Remembrance



Tag: Open

Welcome to the Ee'Everwest Estate...what is left of it. The family has decided to dedicate the ruins of the famous Naboo estate to the people of Naboo. It will be a park and memorial for the people of the world the family loves so dearly. It is the hope that future generations of Nabooians will visit, play, picnic and remember.


Crowds have already gathered at the steps of the Estate's once magnificent mansion. Security is high, but still people mill about. Families are present. Children sit atop their father's shoulders for a better view. All look for the Lady of the Estate to arrive and unveil the statue to the goddess Shiraya. Thousands of voice hush as a radiant beauty steps to the fore...


The Ee'Everwest and Sal-Soren's loss is your gain. The grounds are open to you. There are less people exploring, but still more than would allow for a private interlude with your intended. Of all the features on the grounds of the Estate, the Temple to Shiraya is perhaps the most glorious. It stands untouched by the cataclysm as a shining beacon of hope to the people of Naboo.


JEDI ONLY ACCESS: Crates of tablets, vases, gauntlets and tapestries are lining the walls. Many items are gone, but plenty are still here for you to discover. The senior Sal-Soren's collection is vast. The room is cavernous, made up of four stories. The central atrium looks up to the now empty fourth floor. The second and third floors are mezzanine floors accessible by an open air cargo lift at the far end of the room. The location benefits from the security expertise of John Locke John Locke .


A galaxy full of stories intersect on one of the most beautiful planets imaginable. What happens on Naboo...

All the while, known only to a few on Naboo and a contingent of Jedi dispatched to Naboo, The New Way plots its first assault on the Force...on the Galaxy.

[Click logo]






Location: Safehouse
Tag: Blaire Sal-Soren Blaire Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren

"How long have you been a part of it, Blaire?" Baros fumed. He was not surprised at Blaire's reaction. He rarely if ever got upset with her. Of all his children, he connected with her most but the revelation that she had been working with The New Way had hit home just how alike they were. And it was undoubtedly for ill.

He had stalked away after releasing his firm grip on her shoulders. The unasked question still hung in the air. How long had she known about him? But it did not matter. She knew. She had followed him. Probably to her death once they found out who she was.

His head tilted back. The light from outside the hotel window shone through and fell on his greying hair. It was more now, either through lack of dye work or the stress of recent days. Whatever it was, his head now resembled patches of snow amidst the dark brown of his formerly youthful mane. "Please. Don't go down this path any further, my not follow me..."

His voice cracked. The first sign of an emotion other than anger since Blaire had let slip that she was working for the organization that he had begun. The very same organization that had recently tortured his son, killed many on Coruscant and now held his precious Teyla captive. He knew they were here - The New Way. They were planning something big tomorrow, at the dedication of the old Estate to the people of Naboo. It would forever be a melancholic reminder of the pain caused when the Maw paid their visit. It would stand as a testament to his own folly that neither of the living donors of such a vast tract of land would be absent from its dedication. His eldest daughter was standing in place of he and Teyla, a task she was surely perplexed to have fall upon her.

"Blaire. They have your mother," he said, words straining through clenched teeth.


- Dedication day -
~ Current ~​

The room was quiet. But someone else was there. Baros still flicked the lights on, and continued as if he was unaware. He walked to the case on the table. In it was the rifle that he had purchased through the last remaining underworld contacts he had that were not tied to The New Way. The case was supposed to hold a disrupter rifle, but as suspected when it was opened there was no rifle to be seen. His back tensed, naturally. He started to search the room as if looking for where he could have misplaced it, but while doing so sought out his hidden blaster to defend himself.

"You can stop the charade...father."

Baros paused. He felt his jaw tighten. Turning, he saw his son sitting on the lounge chair in the far corner of the room, the disrupter rifle on his lap. The elder Sal-Soren stood to his full height, face taut with frustration.

"What are you doing here, Brandyn?" He squeezed out between his teeth.

"I think you know." Brandyn sounded emotionally disconnected, but Baros knew his son and the emotion that was simmering just below the well controlled surface. Jedi or not, Brandyn had always been a child of high emotion.

"Enlighten me," said Baros after a moment of screaming silence.

He watched as his son, no child now, stood and dropped the rifle to the side of the chair. Baros noted the silver tube of his lightsaber hilt to his side. His clothing looked like that of a well to do Jedi, in fact he recognized the stitch work from one of his tailors at the store on Corellia. Brandyn had not forsaken being a Sal-Soren. This made a difference, as small as it may have been.

"I am here to arrest you."

Instinctively, Baros shook his head. And knowing his son's intent, he began to continue his work. He would not be leaving with Brandyn, not today.

"Arrest me for holding an elicit weapon? We are family, Bran..."

"You know what I you did," came Brandyn's firm reply.

"I have made mistakes..."


"It wasn't supposed to be like this, Brandyn..."

"Don't try to excuse yourself as in over your head. You know what you did...and the people that died...and..."

Baros glanced back to see that Brandyn had paced away to regather his control. Baros took the moment to slip a hypo-injector into his pocket, while palming another.

"...what was that?"

Brandyn surely hadn't seen him do anything, his back had been turned however briefly. He had sensed some deception through the Force, no doubt.

"Brandyn. Please. Let me go and I will turn myself in tonight. There is something I must do first."

"What did you put in your pocket?" Brandyn said, pacing towards his father. Baros took a step back.


"Don't dad." Brandyn shook his head, a snarl clearly forming across his face.

"Brandyn. I have to protect you all now. I have failed to do so...let me make something right."

That was clearly Brandyn's limit. His volume rose, as did a sharply pointing finger. "No. Dad. No. I don't know how much you have been involved in all this New Way...stuff...but it is not something you can ever be forgiven for. Never. It will break, will destroy Bri...and Blaire...I fear for Blaire the most...she is liable to follow you into this madness."


"No! Now you listen to you hear me," Brandyn said, the tears that now flowed saw Baros shrink within himself. "I am going to be happy. I will be a Jedi...something you never wanted for me...I will marry Cybelle...someone you never wanted for me...and you will rot in a jail cell...and I will never visit you...because I will be happy."

Baros stood silent, face hollowing out with his soul. There were no words that could repair what was done. No amends that could be made. He could only do right by those he was supposed to have protected all along.

Lifting his head, Baros still said nothing. Brandyn seemed disappointed in him all over. No words to defend himself. No words to attempt to correct or improve. No apology. Just a broken, old frail man. Worthless.

Brandyn approached and pulled his father's hand away from his pocket. The Jedi pulled the hypo-injector out and looked it over.

"Really?" Brandyn said, as he felt his father's hand rest on his shoulder.

Baros pushed the other hypo-injector into his son's shoulder. "I'm sorry, Brandyn...but I have to save her...and keep you safe."


As his son passed out, Baros caught him and laid him carefully on the floor. He did his best to make him reasonably comfortable, but knew that the sedative would only work for half an hour or so. He had work to do.

"I don't suspect that I shall see a cell anyway, my son," he said, before releasing Brandyn's shoulder and standing to gather his equipment.




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| Location: Undisclosed location | Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren

"You are awake. This is a good thing," said Ariadne. Her voice was calm, neither empathetic nor disdainful.

Her hands moved with precision around the portable table that had been set up in the corner of the storage room. There was was musty, as if too many old items had been left to sit and slowly grow moldy. The table held an opened black leather pouch. Various medical implements were stashed within, tied down by black ribbons that were a little too long. For Ariadne it was an intentional imperfection, something that she forced on herself to appear more human. A vial of clear liquid sat beside a syringe.

"Apologies if the restraints are uncomfortable for you. I did not wish for your tethers to be hidden from my view. This is an unfortunate miscalculation of many an individual in my current situation."

The lithe young blonde woman turned, her face not betraying any emotional state. Her head tilted as she examined the greying Jedi. The Sal-Soren woman was a natural beauty, even in her advanced age. Ariadne couldn't help but surmise that she would have been a much sought after mate in her youth.

"Please do not be alarmed if you have lost any access you once had the Force. That is the natural effect of being infected with the Pahzkic'Dau parasite."

She stepped across the room, kneeling before Teyla to check her restraints. Her eyes oddly softened.

"You will not suffer, Teyla Sal-Soren. My master's chosen method of execution is rather humane. He was most insistent on the method. Consider yourself among the fortunate."


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Wearing: XoXo
Equipment: Lightsaber
Location: Ruins of The Ee'everwest Estate, Naboo
Tag: Alora Ee'everwest Alora Ee'everwest , SID-10S "Sid" SID-10S "Sid" , Aiden Rennek Aiden Rennek , Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest , Brandyn Sal-Soren Brandyn Sal-Soren , Blaire Sal-Soren Blaire Sal-Soren

Walking up to the podium, her back straight and shoulders squared, belied a woman who looked more put together than she felt. Alora had asked her to give the speech at the unveiling of the new memorial for the victims and surviving loved ones of the Cataclysm. It was a heavy responsibility placed on her shoulders, one that normally would have fallen to that of her parents to perform, but was now expected of her to pick up. To carry the weight of her family’s legacy.

The folds of her pastel skirt floated behind her like a spring breeze taking form as she moved into place, revealing glimpses of the more practical attire she wore underneath, the shine of the silver hilt kept clipped to her waist, glinting in the sun's rays. The various colors that made up her garment had been carefully chosen for their significance, each shade a reflection of her home world's rich history and culture, blended into a tapestry that embodied both the grace and strength of Naboo’s people.

Her fingers curled around the edges of the podium a bit harder than necessary, a sure sign that she was nervous, though her face remained still and calm. Slowly her cerulean gaze panned briefly over the crowd, searching for the faces of her siblings that were missing from this event, feeling her heart lurch against her ribcage. Briana's mind was a whirlwind of emotions with the worriment of her missing parents pressing on her, now mingled with a mixture of fear and anxiety in the face of her siblings absence.

They all should have been there, together.

Inhaling deeply, she attempted to pull herself together and refocus her attention, steel her spine. She couldn’t mess this up by letting her emotions get the best of her, she needed to stand strong to honor the memory of today.

A palpable silence engulfed the audience as she opened her lips to speak, her voice carrying out over the crowd. Though parts of her speech seemed almost formulaic, there was a genuine sense behind them that spoke of one who knew their anguish all too well.

“We stand here today, united in grief, yet steadfast in our determination to move forward with the best of our ability, drawing on the resilient spirit of the people of Naboo - a spirit that has seen us through the toughest of times. Thousands of years ago, our planet endured the ravages of brutal infighting, but it was our sheer will to build a better world for all that brought us peace and has kept us strong. This estate,” she gestured, her hand waving to the remains of what had once been her childhood home, “has been a symbol of that same strength and the demonstrated resilience of the Naboo for generations. It has seen us through times of war, of peace, of joy, and of sorrow. Now, it will stand as a monument to the lives lost in the Cataclysm. It will be a place for us to come together, to remember, to mourn, and to celebrate those who have left us too soon. To the families and loved ones of those who have been lost. We stand with you. We share in your grief, and will continue to do everything in our power to support you and our beloved and beautiful planet, for years to come. We will never forget the sacrifices made, nor the victims taken, and will continue to ensure that their memory lives on through the legacy of this place. As we draw together on this anniversary of calamity, remember that this tragedy does not define us, but emboldens us to ascend and demonstrate to the rest of the Galaxy what it truly means to be a citizen of Naboo.”

With trained grace she withdrew from the podium to stand with her family that was there, her eyes catching the glint of a golden insignia on the guard's breastplate. With a simple nod, she signaled him to move forward towards a tapestry that had been draped over a mysterious shape on the stage.

As he approached, the guard's gloved hand found purchase on the fabric, tugging it gently until the violet gossamer veil of silk began to unravel before the onlookers, revealing a statue of the Goddess Shiraya.

In her majestic splendor, the deity's sculpted form towered above them all, her features carved with intricate detail, seemingly crafted by the finest artisans of their time; her glorious wings outstretched like a shield, shining with an ethereal light that glimmered and danced off the surface.

In one hand, the Goddess held her fan, the symbol of her divine authority, pointed towards the heavens as if beseeching the gods for their mercy and guidance. In the other, she clutched a sword, a symbol of her willingness to fight for humanity and the people she loved, to protect them from harm.

But it wasn't just the beauty and grandeur of the statue that elicited a hushed awe. Carved on the back of the statue were the names of all those who perished in the Cataclysm, etched into the stone in the Futhork script as a permanent reminder of their untimely demise.

Beneath those names, in bold, beautiful letters, was an inscription that read simply: "Remember Us."

“Let the remains of this estate and this statue stand as a symbol of that unbreakable spirit.”





Wearing: XoXo
Equipment: None
Location: Unknown
Tag: Ariadne Ariadne

The last memories she could recall were of unbearable agony, wave after wave of torment crashing down on her until the world faded away, leaving her feeling hollowed out and empty. But as Ariadne spoke, her words pierced through the fog of Teyla's consciousness, bringing her back to the grim reality of her situation.

The restraints bit into her flesh, causing her skin to burn and her muscles to ache. But it was the mention of the Pahzkic'Dau parasite that jolted Teyla awake, her eyes widening with the full realization of what was done to her. She’d heard stories of its cruel use in the Mandalorian Empire, stripping innocent individuals of their connection to the Force.

Teyla felt the heat of her own anger building inside her, jaw setting firmly and teeth gnashing in a vain struggle to control her emotions, tears brimming in the corners of her eyes and threatening to spill over. Ariadne's calm and almost soothing demeanor made it worse, like she was making a mockery of her pain and suffering. Her thick lashes lowered to the slopes of her cheeks, taking slow, deep breaths, searching to find that sliver of peace amidst the storm raging inside her.

How dare this woman speak of fortune and mercy? How dare she act as if sparing her from a painful death was some sort of benevolent act? "Fortunate?" Teyla's voice was rough and raw, laced with the pain and anger she’d held back. "You think this is fortunate? You people have taken everything from me - my power, my purpose, my very identity - and then sit here and call this mercy? You and your 'Master' and everyone associated with you, you're all monsters, nothing more. The only solace I take is in knowing that justice will be done. The Jedi will put an end to the New Way, and all the pain and suffering you've caused will be repaid in full."

But it was a hollow victory, for she knew it was a conflict she would never see the end of. The New Way had won this battle, and there was no escaping the fate that awaited her now. The thought of never seeing her children again, her family, never feeling the sun on her face, made her heart ache with a pain she had never known. This musty room would become her tomb, and she would perish in the most awful of ways - alone.






Wearing: A Fresh Coat of Paint
Equipment: These Hands
Location: Stage
Tag: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Aiden Rennek Aiden Rennek Alora Ee'everwest Alora Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest Brandyn Sal-Soren Brandyn Sal-Soren Blaire Sal-Soren Blaire Sal-Soren Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Sid was silent as Briana had instructed him. Save for the occasional swat at the hands of the being designated Briana's cousin. A pink skinned organic that was just as nervous as her relation by the constant pulling at her dress. Though likely for different reasons if the presented signals were correct. Both glanced about, and neither seemed comfortable with the whole situation of this dedication to fallen organics.

An event that had transpired some time ago it would seem.

Reports that Sid had found were of great alarm to those that had survived the event. And likely the cause for Briana's discomfort. Or at least upwards of 50 percent by his calculations. The blue orbs of his lenses floating to the being that had leeway to roam about Briana's abode against his staunch protests before fixating on Briana.

Her discomfort was irrational by his own measure.

This was certainly a large gathering of strange organics to remember a tragic event, but it was not as stress inducing as fighting an enemy on a changing battlefield he concluded. From what information he had gathered and drawn conclusions from, he could only suppose that his owner had a case of anxiety during public speaking.

Something the droid could not assist.

When she began to walk towards the assembled family units present, Sid tried to give her a sly thumbs up, hiding it behind Aiden Rennek Aiden Rennek to better shield it from the crowd. A gesture he had seen the pink one deliver more than once to provide positive feedback without speaking.

She turned before making another presentation, his gaze shifting to the crowd before she spoke the final words, and he leaned down enough to not be blatantly loud.

"You did a good job. Despite how nervous you were. Which wasn't plain at all I should inform you." The droid still had yet to learn how to properly lie.







Since the collapse of the Brotherhood of the Maw, Sularen had spent too much time sulking in his palace on O'reen, doing nothing as people we're quick to walk over the corpse of the Maw to take advantage of it's collapse. It wasn't until recently when a Corporation had dared to set up shop on one of his worlds without his consent that the High Regent decided to finally take action against those who sought to undermine him.

In a Galaxy where so many individuals and factions sought it's demise, Sularen was in desperate need of new allies, allies that could help him topple the new galactic status-quo spearheaded by the Galactic Alliance and their Jedi allies and reshape the galaxy as he saw fit. Already he had gathered the support of other Mawites such as Onrai Onrai who shared his opposition towards the Galactic Alliance and the New Jedi Order and had shared with him valuable information that could enable him to gain an upperhand against his enemies in the Core when the time was right. However, Onrai's support would not be enough and as such Sularen needed someone who held some clout within the Political Arena, enough to enable him to contest the Galactic Alliance on a geopolitical scale.

Thus Sularen had set his sights on a Corellian Aristocrat by the name of Baros Sal-Soren Baros Sal-Soren , an individual who supposedly held connections to the
New Way, a Political Movement that sought to unseat Force Users from places of power and replace them with Non-Force User controlled Governments that protected the interests of who lacked force sensitivity, a noble cause in Sularen's eyes as he too held similar views towards Force Users, although given their recent actions such as the Terrorist Attack on Coruscant, it was clear that they we're becoming more and more radical, willing to utilize more violent means to achieve their goals, something Sularen knew would ultimately fail especially if it was against the Jedi, considering his prior experience with the Maw.

Regardless, establishing formal ties and perhaps even a partnership with Sal-Soren and by extension the New Way would be beneficial to the High Regent. They both shared the same desire to topple the Jedi from their positions of power, although the only difference between them was that Sularen was willing to work with even darker powers to see them toppled. But in the end their objectives still aligned with one another, and to Sularen that was what truly mattered. After all the ends justified the means.


Thus Sularen's Personal Shuttle emerged from hyperspace arriving in proximity of the Naboo System, marking the notorious High Regent's arrival at Naboo. It was his first time visiting the Mid Rim World, renown for it's natural beauty which had remained untouched for millennia, although it was one he was well familiar with, as the Final Dawn itself had previously supported a Failed Gungan Uprising on Naboo in the hopes of capitalizing on the collapse of the Confederacy to expand their influence within this side of the galaxy, a goal that had since been abandoned due to the rapid advances made by the Galactic Alliance and Rimward Trade League and recent setbacks within the Seswenna Sector.

After a short journey through Naboo's Atmosphere, Sularen's Shuttle would arrive at it's intended destination, the Ee'Everwest Estate where a ceremony hosted by the Sal-Sorans was taking place. Being the patriarch of the Sal-Soran Familly, Baros was most certainly going to be present at this celebration, either to stand by his family or to advance his own plans with the New Way. Nevertheless, there was no way Sularen could miss him at such an event and thus it was imperative that he found him as the sooner he could meet with Sal-Soren, the sooner he could advance his plans with little interference.

Eventually, Sularen's Shuttle would make landfall within the vast plains outside of the estate with the High Regent soon emerging from it flanked by a small entourage of
Raptor Commandos, who served as his personal bodyguards. Even at a place like this, there was no telling what unpleasant surprises, Sularen might face especially considering the bounty placed on his head by the Galactic Alliance a while back. Soon enough, the High Regent was on the move, headed towards the Estate and ready to meet with Sal-Soran. If everything went well today would mark the beginning of a new partnership, one that might perhaps even bring forth the downfall of the Galactic Alliance and their New Jedi associates, once and for all.

Tags | Baros Sal-Soren Baros Sal-Soren | OPEN




Wearing: XoXo
Equipment: Long Handled Double Lightsaber
Location: Ruins of The Ee'everwest Estate, Naboo
Tag: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Aiden Rennek Aiden Rennek Alora Ee'everwest Alora Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest Brandyn Sal-Soren Brandyn Sal-Soren Blaire Sal-Soren Blaire Sal-Soren

Lossa fiddled with the dress she had procured from Briana's rolling store of rather elegant attire. Fabrics and styles the Zeltron had never even heard of, or for that mattered worried about. A number of try this one and try that other one's later, the easiest thing was something adjustable that they didn't have to hem up given the different heights between them.

It wasn't exactly what she had in mind for an outfit, but she had different color choices than most.

In front of the large gathering of strange faces, she couldn't help but feel the rising tension in her. Going to the Outer Rim and engaging in combat was preferable to standing here under the perceived scrutiny of so many people. Alongside a family that she, while related to after much debate and bloodline tracing, had barely come to know in the short time of recognition.

Now she was here, standing with them in a place she had blood ties but no personal ties with.

If nothing else she was here for her own family. She hadn't been around for the Cataclysm, but had heard enough to mind herself on what she spoke of. She desperately wished however the formal proceedings would wrap up so she could sneak off for an anxiety tab. Her mouth felt dry, and the only relief was the nervous picking at her dress that she could get by the stupid droid of Briana's.

Her hands never quite found a comfortable spot to settle, twining together behind her until the need to put them in front struck. Then at her side before once more held together in front of her. Her throat felt tight, and she was thankful she didn't have to speak. Pitying Briana for the task as her cousin returned to see her giving a weak smile before turning to recognize the presentation.

Her thumbnail picking at a spot on her index finger as she felt the seconds drag on.

She was eagerly awaiting the chance to scamper off to get some water even if the air of Naboo seemed laden with it. This was not what she had in mind either for visiting a foreign planet, especially under such circumstances as a memorial.

She shifted her feet, hands twitching at the urge to flatten out some perceived wrinkles that had formed with a look from the droid as she scowled back at him.






Wearing: XoXo
Equipment: Lightsaber
Location: Safehouse
Tag: Velda Nar-Donna Velda Nar-Donna

Even before Brandyn was fully unconscious, he was aware of something outside of the room pulling at his mind. As consciousness slipped away, a new reality formed about him. At first it was just a staircase, dark and foreboding. It swept up to the right with large dark granite pillars, and wrought iron balustrades lining the edges. He was already ascending the stairs before full cognition was granted his ethereal form.

His path up the stairs and into the red, shadowy mists above, was straight up the middle. He couldn't reach either balustrade even if he had stretched. The location was familiar, and yet not. The air was familiar, and yet not. It was like the smell of his old family home, but the hint of carbon let him know a fire burned somewhere. The shadowy red mist parted as he walked higher up the stairs, only to fill in behind him. With a glance back he noted that he was now completely surrounded by the mist. And it only parted when he walked upwards.

His path was set. It always had been.


The noise was more gust of wind than it was a voice. But the message was undeniable. His life pointed towards destruction. Either his, or others.

The mist parted still further as his oddly self-assured steps took him higher. But now a pillar appeared in the middle of the staircase, directly in front of him. to the right, the staircase began a slow descent back towards where he had begun. A warm breeze carried a hint of lemon blossom. He knew what it meant. He knew where it lead.


His hair tousled in the gust, whipping at his eyes as he looked up to the left of the staircase. He blinked once, then again...and there she was. The woman in shadow. For how far away she was, he was amazed at the detail that he could see on her red robes, the black embroidery was of the finest craftsmanship. Still, her face was obscured in shadow.

His path was set. It always had been.

Brandyn turned without any further consideration and continued to step upward. His eyes locked on where the woman's eyes should have been. With each step the past seemed to fall away, his future became more apparent. The pillars showed signs of age and deterioration now. Large cracks formed by growths of ashen coloured moss indicated that he had taken the riskier path. But his heart raced with excitement.

He was instinctively stepping over bodies now. But did not pay them much heed. There was a woman with dead orange eyes with scratch scars across one. A blonde man with cybernetic limbs. A blonde woman with an expression that seemed to indicate annoyance, despite her being dead. Various forms and figures that would perhaps at one point meant something to him.

A hand grabbed at his ankle. With a start he looked down to see the face of a young child looking up at him. "Father. Please. Help us."

Twisting his foot, he pulled away from the grasp of the child, and began his ascent up the stairs with renewed vigor. The pillars were rubble now. The balustrades were rusted, broken to pieces. A few steps from the top, Brandyn stopped. The woman at the top of the stairs was Sith. A Sith he knew, from somewhere. From his future. From his past.

"The visions you have shown me. What must I do that they may come to pass?"



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| Location: Undisclosed location | Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren

"I am no monster, Teyla," Ariadne said. The familiarity with which she addressed the Sal-Soren wasn't meant to be unpleasant. She hadn't responded with even a twitch of annoyance to the accusations and vitriol that had been unleashed. It was to be expected. Ariadne found it more curious than anything else.

"I am a machine," she said with the slightest of smiles tickling the corner of her mouth.

Stretching out a hand, Ariadne paused. She almost asked permission, but decided it would not be granted. Instead, she proceeded to tuck a thread of grey hair behind Teyla's ear. "You have a beauty I shall never obtain, Teyla...that of one who ages well...I can certainly understand Baros' infatuation with you."

Her hand fell to the prisoner's arm. Again, an oddly soft expression fell across the face of the blonde woman. Her eyes narrowed.

"Does being so close to death bring your life into focus?" Ariadne asked with a deeply unnerving sincerity.




Location: Ruins of The Ee'everwest Estate, Naboo (Rooftop)
Objective: Security Detail (...ish)

Serren had managed to pass herself off for hired security. Now, she sat unseen on the rooftop -- monitoring the situation from above.

It was odd... being here for reasons all her own. Her mother, Jolene Bastra Jolene Bastra , didn't mind force-users. She'd do business with just about anyone, so long as she got paid. But Serren didn't see things like that. She'd trained hard her whole life, just to measure up. It was time that the playing field was... leveled off. Serren knew her mother would object to her affiliation with the New Way.

But what mother didn't know wouldn't hurt her.

Her earpiece amplified the voices -- especially those speaking below, dedicating the monument. Solemn words and a message of hope.

Hope wouldn't save them.

See with eyes unclouded by hate


Equipment: Double Bladed Lightsaber
Location: Naboo, Theed (Heading towards Ee'Everwest Estate)
Tag(s): OPEN


Strange how the stars can seem to align just right for a day like today. Recently back on his homeworld A’Runda had a chance encounter with someone dear to him. Another relic of the bygone days in the Confederacy. Back when things were rather simpler for him. Which was a little funny to think about in hindsight since he still felt so overwhelmed from learning about the wider galaxy.

Now he was once more back on the lovely planet of Naboo, in the capital of Theed. Standing and looking over one of the water-ways that cut through the city. It almost felt like yesterday he was in the same spot years ago. However, the bench he had sat on was long gone now. Once more he kept his body wrapped up. Anything less had always felt weird to him. Yet he still felt embarrassed wearing his traditional garbs. But in a recent turn of events has wanted to dawn them once more with pride. He was older now and that stuff didn’t quite concern him anymore, he was already a bit of an outcast anyways.

Although it was at this very spot that the Tusken had shown his face for the first time to anyone. Damsy Callat Damsy Callat was the first since he had been adopted when he was a child. Odd how in both instances he has felt comfortable with who he was in opposite ways. Stepping away A’Runda began to make his way finally to the famed Ee’Everwest Estate. The property was one of the seemingly many losses of the calamity that had befallen Naboo and her people. The Tusken had felt some sorrow and regret. He wasn’t a local of the planet, but he was a part of the Confederacy. Although he left well before it collapsed, deserting the superpower. Because of this he regretted not being here when the cataclysm occurred. Although he had no real personal connection to the planet. They were still his fellow country-men at the time, back when he still called himself and Obsidian Knight at least. Instead he was off on his own crusade against the Brotherhood of The Maw westward in the galaxy.
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Wearing: Dress
Equipment: Training saber
Location: Ruins of the Ee'everwest Estate, Naboo
Tags: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren | Alora Ee'everwest Alora Ee'everwest | SID-10S "Sid" SID-10S "Sid" | Aiden Rennek Aiden Rennek | Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest | Brandyn Sal-Soren Brandyn Sal-Soren | Blaire Sal-Soren Blaire Sal-Soren

Lily had been determined to join her Master on a trip to Naboo. While she had not been training under Briana for long, she did not want to be left on her own. Nor did she want to be forced to take lessons from strangers. Instead, she decided to be uncharacteristically stubborn, insisting that her Master take her on mission, that she had been promised to be by her side at all times. It was the role of a Padawan to be with their Master, especially early on in the training, from what Lily had been reading and she was not letting her Master leave without taking her along. It was also a chance for the Padawan to see Naboo, which was a world she had heard of and knew some about but had not visited. It was a curious planet that had seen a lot and Lily was intrigued if it was faring as well as Eshan had.

When they arrived on the world, it was different a unique experience that Lily could not help but admire. She was interested in the grassy plains, the animals that lived there. She was also curious about the city of Theed and how that looked quite regal and very different to the life outside it. Apparently the world had been once the capital of the CIS, a faction she knew little about, just that for a time her aunt had spent time there. It was all very curious, especially since there was not much that informed Lily of the history of the world.

Arriving at the estate, she smoothed her dress, having allowed herself the chance to shower and redo her appearance to be more suitable as someone of a noble background. Such as she had. Lily had been eager to demonstrate her skills outside of the Jedi traditions, she could be formal, pleasant and get along with nobility as well as be able to settle among more common folk. She smoothed her dress slowly and sighed deeply, she felt nervous for her Master. To stand and give a speech, it was a big deal. Not one that Lily herself thought that she could do if that was required of her. There was too many concerns of her blasting with the Force again, or just simply running away and curling into a ball.

Her life was a chaotic time at the moment and not a fun chaotic time she felt.

Listening to the speech, while she was only a face in the crowd, she would hope that her Master would be able to spot her and see the bright beaming smile of pride that she gave. It was a good speech and one that showed the wisdom and courage of her Master. The dress was very elegant as well, with colours associated with key Nabooian traditions and customs, a smart choice. Lily selected a dress that looked elegant but also gave her the movement to kick and express her body freely.

Theezo Pierbinn



Location: Private Docking Area
Attire: Jumpsuit, Leather Duster, Utility Belt with Quickdraw Holsters, Accuracy Gloves, Kaldrweave Clothing, Shock Boots with Magno Grip Soles, Wristband
Weapons: Glórach, Vibromachete, Adjudicator on Wrist Holster
Ship: The Anarchy
Droid: Slick
Tags: Ariadne Ariadne

Credits made the galaxy swirl.

They greased the gears of every political action, act of war, and discreet job that needed doing. Whether done in the name of relief, in defense, or preemptive measure, it all started with the backroom deals and murmurs of voices that thrummed with wealth heavy clout. Part and parcel with as vast as the galaxy was. People always needed things done, and either by money or power did they exert their greed.

That's all it came down to in the end.

The most base and widespread expression of life. Painted in glorious descriptions for want of the betterment of other's. For the benefit of those immediately surrounding them. And for the brave and bold few that openly admitted, themselves.

Theezo was among those that was not ashamed of admitting his avarice. Why shy away from the truth? Lying to one's self was the quickest path to unhappiness.

And in a galaxy of possibilities, that just simply would not do.

He'd run himself dry on local jobs that had paid little more than fuel and food costs with the developing situations in the Outer Rim. Larger parties slowly moving in or making their presence known by squeezing the local lanes for passage.

More than once in the hot seat of a dark room with more lethal beings questioning his presence. And a clear sign of his needing to find more dedicated work away from those sectors.

A string of courier jobs with rather exorbitant payouts had apparently placed him on a secretive groups radar. The jobs starting as an off chance when a rather harried individual had pleaded their need for a speedy delivery without questions. An up front payment that more than covered the usual costs with promise of more upon successful delivery. If it hadn't been for the up front payment, he might have thought otherwise.

And the end result was a decent night out.

To his surprise, or maybe alarm, a message had come across his systems for more work. Pleased with the haste he had acted with.

Their direct contact after several months of similar dead drops and cargo hand offs a surprise given his inherent lack of interest in other people's business. The messenger simply informing him of their interest in him acting as a dedicated pilot and to arrive at a particular location for further details.

While he wasn't thrilled about the runaround for the meeting, the offer they extended seemed to good to be true.

But the money was good. No. That was underselling their offer to the point of insult. The money was excellent, especially compared to what he was used to. And being a dedicated pilot for them promised a rather lavish lifestyle previously outside of his standard work. It wasn't the typical contract work he was used to, but it beat keeping an ear to the ground for work.

Which was how he found himself on Naboo playing taxi for The New Way.

Sitting in the dock yards while a lavish event of some variety played out in the distance hadn't been his wonder filled visit to the place. Apparently some great and tragic event happening with a bunch of folks passing and some to-do about a families estate that he really couldn't be bothered to read about in the informational pamphlet he'd been handed.

It had gone to the waste bin before he'd pulled out his sabacc deck and offered a game to the waiting delivery pilots.

His venture over to the general dock yard something of an adventure itself to find his way through the gathering crowds. Most parted without much fuss, though a few turned up their nose at his drab attire. The other pilots were glad for the distraction however, a few making conversation about the event as he played the part of interested outsider and dealer.

They'd taken their respective turns, each bringing just a bit more to the growing credit pile as the intricate dance of wasting time happened. Some leaving with what they'd come with, others with a bit less, some a bit more. But never enough out of his own pocket to be worrisome.

It hadn't been an entirely rigged game.

But it was a right difficult thing to spot a marked deck of cards after only seeing them once. A small change in the back pattern, just a bit of different wear around the edges. Easy pickings when you spent enough time paying attention without drawing attention.

An especially handy thing when Slick was mingling with the the dock personnel doing their legwork to snag another Transponder code or two from the unaware card players. A small but clear sighting of the droid informing him of a catch. Packing up the game after what was a perceived loss, Theezo departed for The Anarchy with a final wave and knowing grin.

A hop and a skip had him tailing behind the minimech. Performing an awkward jumping-shuffle when his leg smacked the droid in just the wrong spot. A reward for his eagerness to get to work on a masking code for their own Transponder.

A sputtered set of curses along with a healthy grip on the loading ramp piston for support, the leg began to cooperate and function without the strange tingling pain. Closing the ramp behind him, he hobbled after the droid.

Safely within the confines of the ship, he let the facade drop away, the welcoming smile falling back to the usual amused but dismissive expression.

"Let's get this going before the ladies finish their business. Last thing I want to know about is what they do for work dressed like that." The droid chirping and clattering across the floor panels as he nodded in agreement. "Or how good they are."

His hand pausing against the dials of the device the droid had plugged into. Even leaned over in the midst of their work, Theezo still found a moment to ponder.

"Shame though. If either of them didn't give off crazy-ex vibes I-" Slick cutting him off with a disappointed warble as he feigned offense. "I'm just saying."





Wearing/Equipment: XoXo
Location: Safehouse
Tag: Brandyn Sal-Soren Brandyn Sal-Soren | Baros Sal-Soren Baros Sal-Soren | Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren

He wanted to go alone.

Cybelle could still feel a gentle protest rising in her throat but the resolute expression on Brandyn's face bought her acceptance. She was glad to be back on Naboo. Likewise, she wished the reason weren't so fraught with endless tragedy and sadness. Her home was her home…But it was often the site of deafening ruin. From the disastrous Cataclysm of the Unmaker to the discovery of a deeply dangerous artifact collection in the under dark of the Ee'Everwest Estate—To hunting Baros Sal-Soren Baros Sal-Soren .

How could anything good come from being here?

She was a Knight that had been trained from an early age to anticipate light on the horizon. No matter the danger or evidence that ran contrary to that belief, Cybelle, tried to keep that teaching close to her chest. Look to the Light. It would provide. The auburn-haired woman could only hope that her Master was correct while she held up a corner of the hall while Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren gave a speech to the locals that had been devastated during a cascade of bad luck. A memorial. They were…Distracted.

Cybelle was not.

Seconds became minutes. Minutes to a quarter of an hour. To a half. While patience was a virtue that she had been known to exercise into infinity—It had been too long. There was a sudden throbbing pain that began at the base of her skull. It was accompanied by a sense of displacement and the sensation of the world tilting, vertigo, that stopped just as abruptly as it arrived. Her heart skipped. Brandyn. She didn't know what was wrong, not exactly, but it was something.

A mental apology that would perhaps go unheard would precede her crossing the hall with a speed that would have left a flatscan stunned. These doors, these walls, were not the state-of-the-art bastions that she was used to forcing her way through. They posed little more than a hurdle for anyone capable of using brute force, which, she employed. If something had happened to Brandyn the target of this entire escapade was already aware they weren't alone.

The last time one of them had gone dark while following the Elder Sal-Soren she had been left powerless for weeks. Months. Cybelle couldn't bear the thought of Brandyn going through the same thing. Or worse. Breaking into the office caused the hinges of the door to splinter but the stoic creature merely took stock of the room. Empty, save Brandyn lying on the floor.

Another door, open, to the south end. She frowned. That wasn't on the blueprints.

Soundless footsteps brought her down to the dark-haired man she loved so very, very much. Were it not for the fact that he should have been arresting his father for being involved in a group that was set up to nullify and or kill everyone she knew…Cybelle could have thought him asleep. Boyish features were more prominent when he was lost to dreams, less angled, by collective experiences. Her glove retracted as nanites flipped up her arm in a shimmering mirror and she knelt to touch his face.

Checking temperature, status, and vitals.

But also seeking to soothe him. He wasn't hurt—But he was drugged. That could make for some intensive lucid dreams and there was very little on his mind now that would lend toward a pleasant experience. "I should have come with you.", she admitted her fault, though, Brandyn would likely never hear. She leaned down to press her lips to his forehead before calling in Jedi reinforcements and a medical team. Their operation was already starting to fray at the seams because of personal attachments. She was delaying because…Her heart was on the floor.

He was on the floor because their target was his father.

"…I'll bring him in."

Alive. That, was the important part. Many in her position would have done the exact opposite. Her feelings toward Baros Sal-Soren Baros Sal-Soren were extremely complicated but her connection to the Force was crystal clear. She would do the right thing. Even, if others disagreed.

Cybelle drew up and her hand re-encased with protective technology while her senses leapt through the building like dozens of mental fingers crawling through shadows. She knew, what Baros felt like. It was similar to his son and the rest of his children. But, so very different. Through the secret door, down the rabbit hole, she was already late. Late, late for an important date. Brandyn would be safe. The rest of their friends and colleagues would see to it…But she couldn't let Baros get away.

Not again.

There was a flicker of green light while she disappeared down the dark corridor and her form faded from the visible spectrum. The active camouflage that her adopted father had built into her battle robes wasn't complete but it would make her hard to pick up by sight or any other sensor. Her last round with the New Way had taught her not to rely, solely, on the Force or technology. Her Kushiban friend had still died when she should have been safe. Cybelle had been caught when she should have been safe. Against all odds—The New Way prevailed.

She had to be prepared for any eventuality.

Dampeners in her boots made the rhythmic sound of her steps all but nothing. Baros had a head start. That was fine. She would catch him, if only, because she cried tears of gold for his son. No one could defy that level of commitment, nor, would she abide it. The impressions of his path were beleaguered by something. As if he were carrying more than his own weight. Hurriedly, but still far slower than she was. Wouldn't a man of his resources have a better escape plan?

Her head shook reflexively.

When the door to the land speeder began to open and pull upward the dark-haired man would find that it slammed shut. Cybelle would appear from what seemed to be nothing with her hand soundlessly extended. Her hood was down, revealing quiet, caramel eyes and lengths of pin-straight brown hair. There was nothing exceptional bout her. Not in the slightest.

Only, that she stood in his way.


The singular word was obviously meant for the fugitive to keep his limbs where she could see them. The last thing Cybelle wanted was to devolve into any sort of violence, though, that seemed to the be the path for so many. Especially, the New Way. The irony was not lost on her. That…She would rather die than kill. And yet, she was the monster. She was the thing that they were all so frightened of. Enough to form a complex terrorist network and experiment on hapless human beings in the name of equality.

Death, poison, for peace.

Her head tilted while her senses honed in on the one person who had accidentally impacted her life in ways he would never know. Never understand. How could he? She was just the sad infatuated orphan that had been seduced by Force-related dogma and the Jedi. Her teeth ground together for a moment while she banished the thought. It wasn't true. Not completely. No matter what he thought.

It was unintentional.

Cybelle was searching, mostly, for weapons she couldn't see. Words filtered to the top of her mind that she couldn't quite understand. That didn't belong to her. It was full of disjointed memories and fragments that all led back to something she knew rather well. A hollow. A hole in the world. More specifically, it was a hole is HIS world. Populated by his misguided attempts to do something about an external entity that could one day threaten his family. Filled, by loss. Guilt. Her eyes flickered over Baros Sal-Soren with no small amount of distrust. He had knocked out his own son…

It was twisted.

It was an act of love.

"You are the smartest dumb person I've ever met."

The words fell out of her mouth without thinking while she tried to sort through the data without delving too deeply. She didn't like pulling information from others, nor, abusing her gifts to do so. This was different. Things had been this way ever since Exegol. She could do things effortlessly that the old Cybelle would have struggled with, or, would have been incapable of. One word, one name, kept leaping to the forefront of his thoughts. Many emptions, melted, and poured into one desperate amalgamation that bespoke a sense of urgency that she could only recall once before.

When she thought Brandyn was injured or worse after some shuttle went down.

Slowly, Cybelle nodded her head. Her hand fell away and instead she forced both doors of the vehicle open. His wife was in danger. An innocent person was…In immediate danger. It couldn't wait for due process and justice to be served. She approached and slid into the passenger seat with a grace and wisdom that denied her relatively young age. "Drive."

"Understand that from this point forward—You are in my custody, Mr. Sal-Soren. I am responsible for you. Protest later."

Cybelle would turn him into the Alliance for a fair trial in response to his involvement in the New Way. He was an extremely flawed, man. But…He did love his family. That was the only thing she could state with any certainty.

Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren did not deserve to suffer their inaction due to red tape that would inevitably ensue. None one did and she highly doubted it would end with her. That kind of experimentation was evil. With evil came power, the dark, and it was seductive. Those in charge wouldn't simply stop with one Force User. Not two, or twenty. They were all in danger. Cybelle…Would never raise orders or duty over the lives of innocent people. Not now, nor ever. She keyed in the information to the same back up that she had called for Brandyn. Her current status and that of her new detainee and charge. No doubt, her superiors would order that she stand down. Bring him in immediately for interrogation. It was an impossibility.

Baros might have had a silver tongue, full of concealed lies, but his mind betrayed him.

The truth always came to light. One only required…Patience.

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Be careful what you wish for.

“Die with good memories, not with unfulfilled dreams.” ~ Invajy

On a warm afternoon, Jedi Master Caltin Vanagor and Admiral Liram Angellus arrived at the Ee'Everwest Estate in Naboo. Caltin had not visited the planet since he last went to the Vanagor/Angellus compound some years ago, giving it up quietly to that smuggler who bore a striking resemblance to him. The estate was an ancient property that had been in the Vanagor family for centuries. The Jedi Master felt a sense of nostalgia as he stepped on the grounds of Ee'Everwest Estate, feeling the warmth of the sun as he gazed upon the beauty of the estate.

Liram, on the other hand, was not familiar with the estate. He grew up at the Vanagor/Angellus compound but had never really known about this place. As they walked through the estate, Caltin explained to her the history of the estate and how it had been passed down through generations. He also shared stories of his ancestors and the role they played in shaping the region. Liram found the stories fascinating and was eager to learn more. He knew his own, to be sure, but nothing to this level.

Although Caltin did not know the Sal-Sorens of today all that well, he knew them from his time and is paying his respect to them by being here. Brandon Sal-Soren was one of Caltin's students, and he taught him the use of a lightsaber. Caltin wanted to honor the family and show his appreciation for their relationship. For him, this was not a trip down memory lane, but a way to honor the past and the people who had shaped the world around him.

As they explored the estate, Caltin pointed out the many highlights of the region. The gardens were stunning, and the architecture was breathtaking. Liram was incredibly impressed by the beauty of the estate and was happy to be taking such a unique history lesson from someone as knowledgeable as his living ancestor.

For Liram, this was an enriching experience, and he was grateful for the opportunity to learn about the history of the estate and the role it played in shaping the Naboo region. As they walked around, she realized that there was so much more to discover about the galaxy's rich history beyond the books and the holos. For Caltin, this was a way of showing his appreciation for the past and the people who had come before him.

Liram was "on his guard" as he was getting constant updates from not only his people on the ground, but "SERAPHIM", the fleet AI. He would not bring anything up though because if someone as grumpy and paranoid as the big man was not worried about it, he didn't have to be entirely.

In the end, the entire experience to this point was memorable, insightful, and thought-provoking. The voyage to the Ee'Everwest Estate had been an adventure back in time, and it left a lasting impression on both the Jedi Master and the Admiral. They left feeling enriched, and with a greater appreciation for the history of the galaxy.



"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (NC-1000 X-wing (Jedi Variant) in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island


Wearing: XoXo
Equipment: None
Location: Unknown
Tag: Ariadne Ariadne

Teyla recoiled back from Ariadne as she moved closer, the woman's touch beginning an uncontrollable chain reaction that caused every muscle in her body to tense, unbidden memories bubbling up from the deepest recesses of her mind like an uncharitable divination set upon her.

In a flash of light, Ariadne’s face twisted into an unrecognizable concoction, a blurred silhouette looming above her until the vague face took shape once more. Icy blue eyes belonging to her first torturer bore down on her, her reasoning mind fighting against what it knew to be true and the image of the apparition.

A violent pang pierced through her skull as the memories shifted to something else, someone else, a figure who hadn’t haunted her since…

The haze dissipated, the hand brushing her ear pulling back as her vision rippled into focus. Respini.

Her eyes closed tightly, head turning off to the side to try and close off the feverish brew of her own hallucinations, lashes wetting her cheek.

It was only the evocation of her lover's name that brought everything crashing back to the surface.

Memories of their life together flared before her in a torrent of blurred images through varying stages.

She remembered holding their newborn infants in her arms for the first time, the pain of that first night, the fears of the unknown. Baros’ face was there, fading in and out of focus as warm, strong arms engulfed her in a familiar moment of pure bliss. Then suddenly, it was years later. No longer was she a young mother, but an older woman, standing beneath a trellis of milla flowers and queen’s heart with the love of her life. The images flickered rapidly between every kiss, every journey they’d shared… until finally they were gone, swallowed wholly by a future of impenetrable darkness.

Was that life she’d known, she’d lived and loved, was it all a lie? Did he know she was here? Had he tried to save her? Teyla's heart sank as the questions poured in one after another, an endless stream of doubts and regrets. She felt like she was drowning, sinking deeper and deeper into a bottomless pit of despair.

“It wasn’t infatuation,” she murmured weakly, unsure if she fully believed her own words, but trying to claw her way above the dark waters that threatened to drown her. “He loved me.” her voice cracked, “and that which I knew of him, I loved in return.”

Her eyes fluttered closed in resignation, a quiet smile bending on her lips, breath hitching as the pit in her stomach grew in the face of imminent death. “As for my life... it has always been in focus,” she whispered, “every moment I’ve lived, every breath I’ve taken, I did so with purpose. Even in the pain there was beauty to be cherished.. Being close to death? It only gives deeper meaning to that focus, knowing I didn’t waste the life I was blessed with.”



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Location: Undisclosed location | Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren

Ariadne let he speak. Her eyes spoke for her. They held a deep curiosity and fascination with Teyla's words. Her head tilted back and forth slowly as she observed the clearly bereft woman speak of love, purpose, pain and beauty. It was all so...informative.

"Beautiful and brave," the blonde woman whispered to herself.

She stood abruptly, face turning emotionless once again. She was already back at her table before she spoke again.

"I think that we could have been friends under different circumstances. My admiration for you increases with each passing moment. It is a shame your lover was weak. My master understands what is necessary to have a free and safe galaxy. Your Baros was not willing to cross the lines required to bring about true lasting change."

They were the words of her employer. She did not believe them. She didn't really believe anything. Belief was the luxury of those with souls. She didn't believe...anything.

"But his plans for useless...pointless change...unlocked a sleeping beast. In his folly...he did this to you. You know? is that love?"

The syringe was now in her hand, vial in the other. The clear fluid within was drawn up. It was time.




Wearing | Location |​

"How long have you been a part of it, Blaire?"

Daddy had not raised his voice but his anger was obvious from the way his fingers dug into her shoulders as he questioned her.

Blaire was stunned. He’d never been so physical with her.

The disappointment in his tone and the concern in his eyes left her feeling as though she’d been struck. Surely this could not have been such a surprise to him?

This was why she kept her involvement from him. This was why she had to tell him.

Blaire knew he would be angry with her and yet a fine mist formed in her eyes all the same. She knew he wouldn’t understand, when of all people it was her father, Baros Sal-Soren who should understand better than anyone.

Relaxing his hold of her, daddy walked across the room. Blaire could not think of a time she had ever seen him look so tired or so old. Whenever she thought of her dad it was the man of her childhood, who would take her by the hand and kiss her brow. A man of strength, of conviction, her protector and her support. This man who stood in the dusty sunbeams of the hotel room was a far cry from the one in her memory.

Blaire’s hand twitched with a desire to reach out to him. To comfort him but she could not make herself walk over to him.

"Please. Don't go down this path any further, my not follow me..." Daddy pleaded, his voice cracking.

“Daddy…” Blaire said softly. “I don’t mean to follow you…I mean to walk with you.”

"Blaire. They have your mother," he said, words straining through clenched teeth.


Wearing | Exploring the estate | Dedication Day.

Perhaps she should have chosen something other than black. This was after all a day of positivity. One where they were to remember and celebrate those they had lost and also a day to shine a light toward a better future. Yet, the black had felt most right.

The sharp clicking Blaire’s heels echoed through the empty hall of a place she had once called home. The cataclysm had taken much from her. More probably than she realized. It was not, she knew, the smartest or safest thing to be exploring inside the estate but she had ignored the signs and barricades and slipped inside. She hadn’t been here when it had all gone to hell. She hadn’t been present when the life she had known was taken from her and upon returning home, Blaire was struck with an unceasing desire to see it one last time, to know what that missing part of her heart looked like.

Without meaning to Blaire found herself in a room miraculously untouched by the cataclysm. It was bare–likely emptied when the restoration took place. It was a rather large room with an overhead skylight. She was embarrassed to admit not being to recognize what this room had been before.

She drew further into the room filled with a sense of unrecognizable familiarity. The rays of light from the ceiling window glinted with falling dust like the snows of forgotten memory.

Stepping into the light, Blaire took a deep breath. There was an ache that ran through her, the dull pain of loss and frustrated ineptitude. Today was a day of celebration, remembrance, and hope…for everyone else. She was a Sal-Soren and for her today was about saying goodbye. Goodbye to her home and to a life that no longer existed.

Her body dipped as she bent at the knee, her arms held firm out in front of her as she began a series of movements that were as familiar to her as her own name. She danced across the empty room, her heels clicking with each step and leap as she performed “The Jedi and The Queen.” A movement written about a legendary love that had once decided the fate of the entire galaxy. Had her home not been lost to her, Blaire would have been Naboo’s Prima ballerina. Every move was explosive yet precise, elegant, and awe-inspiring. The performance of her life given in the shell of the past. She collapsed to the floor, breathing heavily, her dress pooling around her.

A chance to put the past away.

“Blaire,” said a voice.

Blaire looked up to see Jaa Ardan. He had that stupid half-smile on his face.

“What are you doing here?” She asked him sharply.

“Looking for you.” He answered.

“Well done.” She bit back.

Blaire made to push herself up from the floor and felt herself be lifted back to her feet. Jaa had slipped his hands under her arms to help Blaire stand. Once she was back to her feet his hands lingered at her waist.

It was an overly familiar gesture on his part. One she should not allow. Never should have allowed. She let herself linger in the way her heart raced.

“I hear your brother is back,” Jaa said, referring to Blaire’s recent adventure with Briana to rescue their brother Brandyn from a group of Force hating extremists.

No thanks to you.

She forced herself to remove his hands and turn away from him.

“Are you–” Jaa began to ask.

She turned back to see him looking at her. Only Jaa looked at her that way. It was only him who understood her the way he did. Loved her the way he did.

She opened her mouth to speak, to tell him to leave, that she didn’t want to see him, but before she could say anything his lips were on hers.

A chance to put the past away.




Wearing: XoXo
Equipment: None
Location: Unknown
Tag: Ariadne Ariadne

Teyla's breath hitched at the droids unflinching honesty. The pain of knowing that Baros was the architect of her current predicament, regardless of his direct involvement, unearthed the aches of their last morning together when the walls of everything they'd built crumbled around her like ash, forever echoing in her mind like a haunting melody.

Love couldn't conquer all, no matter how fierce its flames burned, but even in that moment, her heart yearned with one undeniable truth: her love for Baros was unquenchable, defying reason. If it meant sacrificing her very existence to be with him, she would pay that price all over again, without hesitation. She would choose the pain over regret. For what was love without anguish and the loss that accompanied it? It was the fuel that brought warmth to the coldest winters, the gravity of the universe that guided them through what would be an otherwise blackened void of existence.

"Love is...complicated," Teyla said, her voice shaking slightly. "It's not always rational, it's not always easy. But it's what makes life worth living. Without love, what is there? Pain, suffering, darkness. Love brings light when everything else seems hopeless."

Dulled brown eyes fell to the syringe held in the woman's hands, feeling the blood drain from her face. Her limbs felt leaden, the cool surface of the table grounding her as she braced herself for the inevitable. "Baros' intentions were misguided, but he was never weak. I know underneath it all, there was a good man trying to do what he believed was right." hearing he wouldn't condone these methods, was enough of a confirmation for her to hold on to at least that much. "In the end, that's all that any of us can do." Inhaling deeply, her eyes closed.
"It's what makes us human."



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