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Jedi Academy

Jedi Academy for Structured Learning.

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School Rules

Code of Conduct

  • All students must abide by the Jedi Code, emphasizing peace, knowledge, serenity, and balance.
  • Respect for fellow students and teachers is mandatory. Any form of aggression or bullying is prohibited.
  • Dark Side practices or teachings are strictly prohibited. Academic Studies on the Dark Side will be monitored closely if permission is given.

Training and Classes

  • Attendance: Students are required to attend a minimum number of classes or missions each week. Absences must be communicated to the instructors.
  • Skill Progression: Students will be evaluated based on their growth in the Force, saber combat, and knowledge. They must pass certain trials to advance.
  • Sparring: Sparring is allowed but must be overseen by a Jedi Knight or Master. Serious injuries will result in suspension from combat training.

Saber Etiquette

  • Students must construct their own lightsaber under the supervision / approval of their Master or a Creche Master.
  • Lightsaber combat is only for training purposes. The use of lightsabers outside the academy for personal gain or to incite conflict is prohibited.

Mission Participation

  • Missions are designed to teach self-control, combat readiness, and diplomacy. Each student will be assigned to missions according to their skill level.
  • Padawan Trials: Advanced students will undergo Padawan Trials that include tests of their mind, body, and connection to the Force.

Ranks and Responsibilities

  • Youngling/Initiates: Entry-level students learning the basics of the Force, philosophy, and combat.
  • Padawans: Assigned to a Jedi Knight or Master for one-on-one mentorship and specialized training.
  • Knights: Upon completion of their trials, Padawans become Jedi Knights and are responsible for teaching and leading missions.

Force Powers and Philosophy

  • Students will be trained to understand that Force powers must only be used when necessary and must never be used for personal or selfish purposes.
  • Students are encouraged to study a wide variety of disciplines within the Force (healing, telekinesis, Force visions, etc.), but must choose a specialization after their basic training.

Off-Limit Areas and Curfews

  • Restricted areas within the academy, such as Holocron vaults or advanced training zones, are off-limits to students without permission.
  • Curfew for Younglings and Padawans is at sunset. Jedi Knights and Masters are exempt unless otherwise specified for a mission.

Trial by Trial Progress

  • Students will have a progress bead that must be filled with a gem for each completed trial, marking their growth in training.


  • Students are encouraged to develop open and respectful communication with their peers and instructors. Any grievances should be reported to the Staff for mediation.

Uniforms and Attire

  • Standard Uniform: All students are required to wear traditional Jedi robes during training sessions and formal gatherings. The robes are designed to promote unity, modesty, and focus, ensuring that no one stands out or is distracted by personal attire. The uniforms are comfortable and functional, allowing students to engage fully in their training and duties. They come in a variety of colors, ranging from creams to dark browns, blacks, and muted tones.
    • Core Elements:
      • Bodysuit/Modesty Garment: A flexible base layer that ensures comfort and modesty, essential for training and combat situations.
      • Undershirt: A breathable garment worn beneath the tunic, in muted shades to complement the overall uniform.
      • Over Tunic: The primary garment, tailored for freedom of movement and aesthetic appeal, with subtle embroidery. It is available in a range of colors, reflecting each student's style while maintaining the academy's unified look.
      • Utility Belt: A practical belt used to carry a lightsaber and essential tools, combining function with the uniform's clean design.
      • Boots and Gloves: Sturdy and functional, providing support and protection, matching the uniform's tones. Gloves are optional and can be worn based on personal preference or task requirements.
      • Outerwear Options: Students have a variety of choices for outerwear, including:
        • Leather outer coats or tunics, providing additional durability and style.
        • Padded armor or cloth outerwear for extra protection during combat training or missions, without sacrificing flexibility.
        • Cloaks with hoods that can be worn for formal occasions, meditation, or outdoor training. These cloaks may come in darker hues, adding both elegance and practicality.
  • Padawan Braids:
    • Braid Options: Students may wear the traditional hair braid, or for species that cannot grow hair or by personal preference, a chain of silka beads can be worn instead. This braid or chain is an essential part of the uniform, symbolizing the student's journey as a Padawan. The braid or chain must be worn on the right side (viewer's left), ensuring it is visible at all times.
    • Skill Beads: For each trial completed or milestone reached, skill beads will be added to the braid or bead chain. Each bead represents a significant accomplishment or mastery of a particular area, such as:
      • Crossed Blades (Trial of Skill): Mastery of lightsaber techniques and precision in combat.
      • Phoenix Rising (Trial of Courage): Bravery in the face of danger and overwhelming odds.
      • Broken Chain (Trial of the Flesh): Endurance in the face of suffering and sacrifice.
      • Eye of the Force (Trial of the Spirit): Facing inner fears and personal growth.
      • Open Book (Trial of Insight): Wisdom, knowledge, and the ability to solve complex problems.
      • Crown (Trial of Leadership): The ability to guide others with wisdom and responsibility.
      • Braided Rope (Trial of Teamwork): Collaboration, trust, and unity in the face of challenges.
    • Colored Beads and Bands:
      • Colored Beads represent the student's area of study:
        • Blue for mechanics
        • Green for healing
        • Yellow for lightsaber combat
        • Red for piloting
        • Black for covert operations
      • Bands mark specific stages in their training:
        • Yellow band: Applied when a Master takes on a Padawan before the age of 13, or the equivalent based on their species' lifespan.
        • Red band: Applied after the Padawan turns 16, or its equivalent for non-human species, marking the start of independent study.
  • Combat Gear: For combat training and missions, students may wear sleek armor plating over their robes. The armor is lightweight yet protective, designed to maintain flexibility and the overall cohesive look of the uniform.
  • Formal Ceremonies: For ceremonial occasions or important events, students are required to wear their formal robes, which may include additional layers such as embroidered sashes or capes in lighter shades like cream or muted gold, representing the significance of the occasion.
  • Grooming Standards:
    • All students are expected to maintain a professional appearance at all times. Personal grooming should reflect the discipline and respect of the Jedi Order, ensuring that each student upholds a high standard in both dress and demeanor. Hair should be neat, and uniforms must be clean and well-maintained to promote a unified and respectable outlook during all academy activities.
  • Personal Hygiene:
    • Given the diverse range of species within the academy, personal hygiene standards must be adapted to individual needs while upholding overall cleanliness and respect for others. Students are expected to maintain good hygiene practices suitable for their species, whether that involves regular grooming, cleaning of specialized equipment (such as respirators or breathing apparatuses), or adherence to cultural standards of cleanliness. Students must ensure that their personal hygiene does not interfere with the training environment, promoting a respectful and healthy community.
  • Maintenance: Students are responsible for the care of their uniforms, ensuring they remain in good condition. A well-maintained uniform reflects discipline and respect for the Jedi Order's values.

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