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Approved Starship Sciss Class Stealth fighter

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  • Intent: To create an advanced stealth fighter/boarding craft
  • Image Source: Artstation
  • Canon Link: n/a
  • Permissions: n/a
  • Primary Source: n/a
  • Classification: Stealth Fighter
  • Length: 17m
  • Width: 9m
  • Height: 3.1m
  • Armament: Average
    • 1 x ion cannon
    • 2 x rapid fire heavy laser cannons
    • 2 x Variable missle launcher tube
  • Defenses: Average
    • Carbon nanofibre reinforced armour
    • Particle shields
    • Energy shields
  • Squadron count: very low (4)
  • Maneuverability Rating: Very High
  • Speed Rating: Extreme
  • Hyperdrive:
    • Class 1.0 hyperdrive
  • The ship features all of the standard shield, engines, and other systems that would normally be assumed on a ship of this type.
  • Hidden Predator - Sciss fighters have a cloaking device and sensor jammers that render them almost invisible to enemies when running. The Stygian inlays also provide a degree of passive stealth when the cloaking device is inactive but are not perfect.
  • High performance engines - the sublight engines make the ship blisteringly fast and exceptionally agile.
  • Hard to pin down - the HIMS technology and anti-ion emission tracer mean that once it decides to leave, there is little the opponent can do to stop it.
  • Fight or Flight - the cloaking device drawers a lot of power so the weapons other than the torpedo launcher, where power is provided by the projectile, cannot be used. The projectile weapons however will immediately give away the position of the ship.
  • Difficult to fly - The powerful engined and sensitive controls make the fighter hard to fly without significant experience.
  • Ion sensitive - due to the reliance on advanced electronics, Ion hits can easily reduce the performance of the fighters in combat.
Mandalmotors created these starfighters to be a high end interceptor and attack craft. Cass Gemini purchased four of them and had them heavily upgraded into the stealthy monsters they are now.

The ship require a minimum of one and ideally 2 crew to operate effectively. There is also a small compartment that can fit 6 passengers at a squeeze, this i typically used for boarding actions by Cass, the ships lie in wait before attaching themselves to the hull and using their breaching lasers to gain access. The ship has space for approximately 300kg of consumables or loot from boarding.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Cass Gemini Cass Gemini

Nice ship again! One thing; you wrote "Production: Unique", but here you wrote four ships: "Squadron count: very low (4)". So this is a unique ship or a semi-unique? If unique, the Squadron count's rating is "none" i.e. 1. But if you want to keep the very low rating, please modify the prodution scale to semi-unique.

Hi, thanks.

I thought I remembered reading that you could have a unique squadron for starfighters but can't find it now so must have misremembered. I have updated it to semi-unique now and have reduced the defences from high to average to keep it spreadsheet balanced.
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