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Approved NPC Scour

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Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one

  • Age: 3500 Years
  • Force Sensitivity: Master
  • Species: Gen'Dai
  • Appearance: A mass of tightly bound corded muscle and nerve bundles Scour has mastered control over himself. Through a combination of sheer force of will and the Force he has managed to condense his body into humanoid shape. As large as a Wookie at his most condensed, his entire body has been tattooed, giving the allusion that he has been dyed black. With piercing orange eyes and rows of sharp teeth the Gen'dai Dark Jedi is a terrifying sight to behold.
  • Name: Scour
  • Loyalties: Ten Thousand Fists, very loosely affiliated with various Outer Rim and Wild Space pirate organizations
  • Wealth: Enough to get around.
  • Notable Possessions: His Fleet and Crew
  • Skills:
    ​Master of Control - A master of his own body, Scour has developed the ability to push his body to the limit. While normally this would make someone an absolute tank, Scour instead utilizes his mastery over Control to keep his body in its own humanoid form without the restrictions of armor meaning instead of tanking artillery he is only able to utilize various aspects of control like increased speed and strength and durability in extremely short bursts, but these bursts are potent.
  • Psychometry - A skill he picked up during his time as a nomadic monk, it allows him to peer into an abject and experience that object's experience
  • Ship Command - He has commanded his band of pirates for over a millennium. While he may not be the most competent, he does know what he's doing when it comes to ship to ship combat.
  • Alter - While his true strength lies in his absolute control over his own body, the Dark Side and his psychosis has corrupted him and led him down a violent path. He has the ability to use these devastating Force powers to a knight level.
    ​Force Lightning
  • Combustion
  • Telekinesis

[*]Personality: Sadistic, cocky, and malicious are all words that accurately describe Scour. He cares very little for life outside of his own, though even that has come into question several times. At the end of the day Scour is happy as long as he can make someone else miserable, with that someone else usually being an unlucky smuggler or freight pilot. He has long since cast off the title of Sith or Jedi or any other term and finds what he perceives as their lack of vision amusing. Having seen hundreds of orders rise and fall he has abstained from the constant push and pull of the Force in the Galaxy and has resigned himself to the pleasurable life of a pirate and a murderer. He has long since succumbed to the psychosis that is common in long lived Gen'dai that makes them incredibly violent and gives them their reputation for merciless bounty hunters and mercenaries.
  • Weapon of Choice: Blastsword and heavy scatterblaster
  • Combat Function: Scour acts primarily as a close quarters fighter. As a pirate used to fighting in the tight quarters of a ship he makes use of scatterblasters, blastswords and a variety of other close range bladed and blunt weaponry. Unless he finds the enemy particularly interesting he will freely use powers such as telekinesis and Force Lightning to dispatch other NPC characters. If he does find a fight particularly promising he will abstain from using altering Force Powers.
Scour was born on the Gen'dai homeworld thousands of years ago. There he grew up within the Force tradition of his home until he came of age to leave the planet and joined the Jedi. After one of the many Jedi Purges he returned home and gathered the few remaining Force Sensetive Gen'Dai and left into space along with their followers and non-force secretive Gen'dai. Over hundreds of years they gained some notoriety in the Outer Rim as traveling monks that aided those in need. Then numbering in the Tens of Thousands they were known as the Ten Thousand Hands of the Force. However as time went on many of the Gen'dai, scour included, became disillusioned with the ways of the Jedi and sought a way to eradicate both the Jedi and Sith once and for all. Their quest would lead them into the Maw in search of a being known as Abeloth. Losing most of their members to the black holes and exploding suns of the Maw, Abeloth's grip drove them into an extremely early psychosis.

Returning from the Maw with much less than ten thousand members, the group of Gen'Dai renamed themselves the Ten Thousand Fists in what would probably be their last sentimental act of their lives. From there they went on to become notorious pirates and thieves in the Unknown Region and the edges of the Outer Rim and Wild Space. They left a path of destruction in their Wake under the leadership of Scour.

At some point he crossed paths with Gilamar Skirata and killed his wife and kidnapped his nearly deceased daughter, selling her off into slaver on some backwater planet where she became a gladiator. Little did Scour know that he had lit a fire in the heart of that Mandalorian. Eventually, not killing Gilamar Skirata would come to bite him in the shebs as after the Mandalorian became Mandalore he established a task force secretly to find and kill or capture Scour. They succeeded in capturing Scour, but not before he and his crew killed nearly every Mandalorian on that war party. Scour was imprisoned along with many of his crew mates in Valyr with Scour being sent to the Anti-Force User wing called Void Sector. For several years Scour struggled to live as a mass of muscle and nerve bundles. Without the Force to keep him together all he had was his will. Eventually he found new ways to give himself form.

When Gil was placed into the prison Scour was the only one that recognized the man and proceeded to make his life a living hell. When the Resistance and Mandalorian Exiles raided the prison, Scour and his crewmates escaped the prison and rejoined the Ten Thousand Fists somewhere in the Unknown Regions. Since then they have been back to raiding and pillaging.
[member="Gilamar Skirata"]

Gilamar Skirata said:
Blastsword and heavy scatterblaster
Could you provide links to these armaments as well?

Gilamar Skirata said:

This is a highly specialized power and not one I would consider appropriate for an NPC, especially one that already has Force Lightning, incredible strength, and super regenerative abilities. Please remove it.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
[member="Feeto Chivaro"]

Feeto Chivaro said:
Could you provide links to these armaments as well?

Feeto Chivaro said:
nd not one I would consider appropriate for an NPC, especially one that already has Force Lightning, incredible strength, and super regenerative abilities. Please remove it.
This NPC is being made not with the intent to be used outside of faction specific threads as an opposition big bad, not general NPC use.
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