Mandalorian Legend
Mandalore burned.
The inferno had not been lighted at any one, specific moment. It had raged for centuries now, first fueled by inter-Mandalorian conflicts before the Sith even set their eyes on the heart of the Mandalorian Empire. When the Sith Empire had struck against their former brethren, it had been the knife in the back. . . but Mandalore was already dying. The Sith had just finished the job.
Since then, the homeworld of the Mandalorian people had been broken. Claimants had attempted to retake it, only to lose it from their grasp when their weakness had been put on display. Thieves had nearly come to kinslaying as they had pillaged the remnants of ruins, vultures among the carrion and bones. All the while the Sith had continued their campaign of genocide against the Mando'ade, with blood traitors wearing beskar and fighting under the banners of the religion that murdered their people. Mandalore was no longer a world of peace, an island of calm in the galactic storm. Idyllic pastures, open fields. . . they were all gone now. Chewed up in orbital bombardments, Sith magicks, and monstrous creatures that burrowed through its surface.
The Enclave's official position had been to steer clear from the conflict. In the eyes of their leader, the Quartermaster, rebuilding their people was more important than vengeance that would just get more Mandalorians killed. But they had been rebuilding for quite a while. And when Mandalorian forces had finally subdued the Yuuzhan Vong presence on Kestri, thye'd experienced a taste of their former power. And it was exhilarating. After that, the Quartermaster had finally acquiesced. The crimes of the Sith would no longer go unanswered, unpunished. The warriors of the Enclave would finally bring justice.
And so they set their sights on Korriban, the birthplace of the Sith. Mandalore was dead. It was time that the Sith lose the same.
Juvntirka par juvntirka.

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