Hevana Martin
Hair-triggered Super Soldier
A nod was her only response at first... well nod and a sniff as she fought off more tears. "The Empire wasn't perfect, we all knew that. But it was our country. We were born it in, it took care of us, it fed us, and we fought to protect that stability. I know the Jedi are supposed to be paragons of good and stuff, but that never stopped them from trying to kill me every chance they got. To them I was just another stormtrooper, another faceless drone fighting for the big bad Empire. Can you blame us for wanting to be good enough to survive fighting them?"
Hevana sounded like she was defending herself, but it was only because she did not want Siobhan to dislike her. This was the first friend the scout had made in eight hundred years, and she wanted to be liked. "But all of that is gone," she said a touch of sadness returning. "Every person I knew generations and generations gone. The country I fought for vanished. I have no home."
Now Hevana looked up at Siobhan, tears no longer present. "But if you give me a home, I will fight for it until my last breathe. I don't care about the money, not really. Its the people. The ones I fight along side. The ones I protect. Especially the ones I sleep next to at night." There was a twitch in the corner of her mouth as she said that last one while looking at Siobhan. "I'm not a perfect person, but I'm good at what I do. Something I will prove to you once this CEO Alcori points me at my first target."
Hevana sounded like she was defending herself, but it was only because she did not want Siobhan to dislike her. This was the first friend the scout had made in eight hundred years, and she wanted to be liked. "But all of that is gone," she said a touch of sadness returning. "Every person I knew generations and generations gone. The country I fought for vanished. I have no home."
Now Hevana looked up at Siobhan, tears no longer present. "But if you give me a home, I will fight for it until my last breathe. I don't care about the money, not really. Its the people. The ones I fight along side. The ones I protect. Especially the ones I sleep next to at night." There was a twitch in the corner of her mouth as she said that last one while looking at Siobhan. "I'm not a perfect person, but I'm good at what I do. Something I will prove to you once this CEO Alcori points me at my first target."