What in kark's name is all this noise?
John Trenway opened his eyes and briefly looked at his rented room. It was depressing, that was to be sure, but the seasoned space pirate certainly got his money's worth. Anyone who knew Long John knew that he was a notorious thrift, among many other things. The pirate grunted, then sat up on his bed, much to the dismay of the springs, which squealed in protest.
"Shut up, ya rusty mess."
He stood up, with a final groan of protest from the bed. Or rather, the other individual in the bed. He had forgotten about the Zeltron woman there. Whoops. She rustled her way out of the covers and gave John a baleful look. He chuckled lightly and gave a slight bow, taking his hat off with his cybernetic hand in a mock florish.
"My apologies, m'dear. Forgot you was in there, I did!"
The Zeltron let go of a few oaths that would've made his mother blush, then rolled back over and went right back to sleep. The pirate exhaled and stretched, popping his back in all the right places. With a satisfied grunt, he moved on to his neck, rolling it about until he heard a sharp crack.
Boy, these joint problems really do get worse with age, I tell ya.
Now, to see what all the commotion was. John took two steps forward to the door (the room was a glorified cell) and opened it, peering into the dingy hostel. A gray haired man was in the main room, the place were guests could 'relax.' He looked awfully suspicious...and familiar. At the main door was a giant of a man, holding two...axes. Odd. Curious choice of weaponry, but John wasn't one to put that down on a fellow. The pirate himself favored his arm, after all, which was loaded with goodies like a blaster cannon and a short vibroblade, ideal for close quarters combat. But axes...that was a new one. He was the first human he'd seen wield those. Other species had 'em, too, specifically those pig ones. They couldn't get enough of those.
Trenway's head poked out the doorway still, awaiting entertainment. He quickly reached over for his flask on his left side, but realized it was empty when he tried for a swig.
No rum? Ya got to be kidding me!
There was more in the main room, a few complementary bottles for guests and some other fancier swill that the pirate found too weak for his tastes. John sighed, realizing he'd have to get through the pair and whatever mess they were in for more of the good stuff. Oh well. He could think of worse ways to go.
Stepping out of the room and keeping the door open just a crack so he didn't have to fumble with the key rented out to him, Trenway sauntered down the hallway, his metal right leg thudding against the wooden floor with every step. He entered the main room and nodded to the man with the axes on his way to the bar. It was better to let those who were in an aggressive stance to think you were docile, even though the pirate could certainly hold his own against the bigger man, and Long John made a point of this as he saddled his way to grab a bottle.
"Don't mind ol' me here, friend! Just grabbing a drink for me and the missus back in me room!"
Reaching at the bar, John came up with a half full bottle of rum. Good enough. With a sigh, the rusty pirate swung back around and prepared to make his way back to the room.
[member="Macoda Haberon"] [member="Mallith Renyl"] [member="Guz McGarion"] [member="Mara Illyrett"] [member="Mason"]