Aedan Miles
Pirate King
Aedan let an almost cheerful smile spread across his face as he looked down at the woman his eyes still demonic above the obviously false smile. "Was that so hard?" His smile turned savage and almost manic as he lifted a hand slowly curling it into a fist suddenly exerting his control over the force to crush the woman's heart giving her the swift death he promised. He turned his eyes on the others not a shred of sympathy in his mismatched eyes as they glared down at them letting them know through this simple glare that he didn't just think he knew they were below him. He turned his back on them looking at Tuula as he did and nodded his head whispering softly to the Gurlanin. "As I said Tuulu slow and painful. I will have medics come over to see to your people and escort them out of here they don't need to witness them. Not all of them at least." He strode away the cloak of darkness and fear following him as he moved his eyes cold and deathly while inside he hated what he had to do sometimes. But as he had vowed long ago he would do what others couldn't for the betterment of the galaxy. He stopped a way away from the rest of the captured Gurlanin's before speaking calmly and slowly so as to not spoke them one hand pulling the ring from his finger and returning it to the necklace. "I believe it is time we got you all somewhere more comfortable but first introductions. My name is Aedan Miles Alor of Clan Cabur Akaata and Warden of Mandalore. I have medical personal on their way right away. I would suggest that you have the young leave this area with some people to look over them of your own species. I feel your previous hosts are about to get their just dues and personally would not like to see the young sit through this." As he spoke the Wookie Admiral was sat on the bridge of his ship having listened in to all of the passing moments he contacted @Ambrose Cedera calmly. "The Southern mountains quickly they are trapped in caverns under them the slavers collapsed the exits to keep them penned in." He next contacted the one person he knew the Admiral and Warden would be needing soon whether he would ever admit it or not. "Captain Maddox this is Admiral Drake it is imperative that you capture those who have arrived and leave them to the Red Fang to deal with. The Warden will have need of your presence as soon as possible." [member="Livia Maddox"]