Some of the worst scum in the Galaxy can be found right here on Coruscant. The shining beacon of The Republic. An apple with a rotten core. Well not everyone among the trillion will be good of course. You think they'd be above child-naping though. A sweet little girl. A Pantoran named Soshi Inkone; had been taken from a very well off family. The kidnapers put out a ransom of a million credits for her return. And of course the Inkone's paid up. They didn't expect them not to release the girl though; and brazenly demand another payment three times the original after a week of hearing nothing. The authorities were having no luck in tracking them down either. That's when they hired a Private Investigator; specifically me.
The trail was already cold. I had two things to go on though. A picture of Soshi and a holo-recording of the person they used to make the pickup for the million. I started with the latter, taking a trip down to the scene to pick around for anything interesting. This was not going to be easy, but dammed if I wasn't determined to catch these lowlifes.
Arriving on the scene now over a week old; as I expected it was pretty disturbed. They chose an open location outside a restaurant, a bench in fact. There was a good amount of garbage and other debris on and around it. Most likely people sat on it too. I sighed, "Yep, not gona be easy".
The trail was already cold. I had two things to go on though. A picture of Soshi and a holo-recording of the person they used to make the pickup for the million. I started with the latter, taking a trip down to the scene to pick around for anything interesting. This was not going to be easy, but dammed if I wasn't determined to catch these lowlifes.
Arriving on the scene now over a week old; as I expected it was pretty disturbed. They chose an open location outside a restaurant, a bench in fact. There was a good amount of garbage and other debris on and around it. Most likely people sat on it too. I sighed, "Yep, not gona be easy".