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Searching For One Lost Child [Coruscant - Investigation - Open]

Ash Spiegel

Some of the worst scum in the Galaxy can be found right here on Coruscant. The shining beacon of The Republic. An apple with a rotten core. Well not everyone among the trillion will be good of course. You think they'd be above child-naping though. A sweet little girl. A Pantoran named Soshi Inkone; had been taken from a very well off family. The kidnapers put out a ransom of a million credits for her return. And of course the Inkone's paid up. They didn't expect them not to release the girl though; and brazenly demand another payment three times the original after a week of hearing nothing. The authorities were having no luck in tracking them down either. That's when they hired a Private Investigator; specifically me.

The trail was already cold. I had two things to go on though. A picture of Soshi and a holo-recording of the person they used to make the pickup for the million. I started with the latter, taking a trip down to the scene to pick around for anything interesting. This was not going to be easy, but dammed if I wasn't determined to catch these lowlifes.

Arriving on the scene now over a week old; as I expected it was pretty disturbed. They chose an open location outside a restaurant, a bench in fact. There was a good amount of garbage and other debris on and around it. Most likely people sat on it too. I sighed, "Yep, not gona be easy".
Listeri quietly walked down the street, his hands in the pockets of his overcoat. A Bith man in a greasy and oily shirt ran out of the cantina next door. The large sign, which had The Stargazer printed on it in peeling paint shook violently as he slammed the door behind him. "OI! YA' GONNA PAY YOUR KARKING BILL YA' SCUM?!" He yelled at Listeri, waving his fist. Listeri stopped, and turned around, and flashed him a rude hand gesture. The owner yelled in fury at Listeri's grinning face, and began cursing as loudly as possible. " AH'LL FIND YA', YOU SNIVELLING PIECE A-" Listeri zoned out, not really caring about what vulgar and disgusting words would echo across the crowded area around him.

[member="Ash Spiegel"]


Captain Neema Farron
Neema aimlessly walked through the Coruscant streets. She kept checking her chrono, the coffee in her hand having cooled a long time ago. She had no idea what to do with herself without a standing job, and just schlepping around Coruscant was boring. Placing her unfinished coffee on the ground, she turned a corner, her eyes catching a local restaurant, as well as a man in a coat who seems particularly interested in a bench out front.

Ash Spiegel

[member="Listeri Dalane"] [member="Capt. Neema Farron"]

I didn't come in to this line of work because it was easy. Quite the opposite since I'm a man who loves a challenge. A colorful commotion started from a cantina next door. Seemed someone was skipping out on the bill. Well not at all uncommon, but an opportunity presented itself. I needed to talk with the guy yelling, who was probably the manager. See what information he may have on my lead. So sticking my neck out a bit to save him some credits and putting him in the good books may be worth it. Two steps to the right were all I needed to be in his path. I barreled my chest so at least if he walked in to me I wouldn't be blown over. "So buddy. Having trouble paying your bill"?
Listeri kept walking when all of the sudden, a man who was sitting at the bench got up and stood square in front of him. He ran right into him, his hat falling off. He reached down and picked it up, placing it lightly on his head. " Oh, sorry." Listeri apologized, albeit without much caring in his voice. "Oh, that. He's just a guy I angered way back." He replied, quietly chuckling. "I remember when Kiron held us both up- Wait, why am I telling you this?" Listeri asked, now leaning on the wall. His eyes were half-squinted, gazing at him questiongly.

[member="Ash Spiegel"]
After hearing that a girl had been kidnapped on Coruscant, Ryan feared it had been maybe his sister's daughter. He didn't know much other than they wanted payment. Pissed was a nice way of saying what he felt at the moment. Where to begin? Track the messages, but that was a no go, who ever has did this was good. This would require primitive tracking. Even if it wasn't his sister's girl, he expected some compensation could be attained. "No Ryan that's not the right thing with this situation." He thought to himself. Little girl napping was a horrible thing to do.

Ash Spiegel

[member="Listeri Dalane"]

Man, was this guy on something? Or had one wicked case of attention deficit disorder. Probably neither, but broad assumptions were made in the unknown. Maybe he'd be willing to play ball if I told him what I was doing. "A valid question but one I don't know the answer to. Perhaps you can help me with mine though. Well, more of a problem than a question. I'm looking for this little Pantoran girl". I opened up my coat and withdrew the photo I was given of her to this strange man to view. "She was kidnapped not much more than a week ago. This area is where the ransom money was collected. That man yelling at you is one of the people I want to talk to. Having you pay your bill may put him in a more willing mood to talk with me. If your that broke I can spot ya. So how about you help me out here"?

Rendom Axel

Trooper of the Republic
Hearing of a girl being heild for ransom Rendom decided he needed to get involved he knew he wasnt gonna get any reinforcements if things got ugly but he searched for her he decided to check apartments and found absolutley nothing he searched and searched until he found 1 of the many cantinas and he decided to search for anyone suspicous looking...
Ash Spiegel said:
[member="Listeri Dalane"]

Man, was this guy on something? Or had one wicked case of attention deficit disorder. Probably neither, but broad assumptions were made in the unknown. Maybe he'd be willing to play ball if I told him what I was doing. "A valid question but one I don't know the answer to. Perhaps you can help me with mine though. Well, more of a problem than a question. I'm looking for this little Pantoran girl". I opened up my coat and withdrew the photo I was given of her to this strange man to view. "She was kidnapped not much more than a week ago. This area is where the ransom money was collected. That man yelling at you is one of the people I want to talk to. Having you pay your bill may put him in a more willing mood to talk with me. If your that broke I can spot ya. So how about you help me out here"?
Listeri watched [member="Ash Spiegel"] as he told his story, and he smirked when he saw his quizzical look at his ramblings. As the man took out the photo, he looked it over. Listeri got off the wall and took the photo, trying to remember if he saw her anywhere. He kept drawing blanks, no matter how hard he looked. He held it loosely in his hand as he began talking to the guy. "Fair enough. I ain't broke, we just have a bit of a conflict going. " Listeri said directly, as he pulled out a handful of credits, and began walking over to the dirty cantina.

Ash Spiegel

[member="Listeri Dalane"] [member="Capt. Neema Farron"]

That picture he was looking over was back in my hands. I tucked it back in my coat pocket for safe keeping. Good news now is that this guy was gona cooperate. It does seem a low blow when you say its about a child, but hey, it really was. The cantina was just a hop away. "Thanks for cooperating buddy. This may do more good than you think". I held the door open after a few drunk patrons passed outwards; stumbling in to the grim lite underworld. A quick view around the people out there it seemed like none were a threat. There was a cute blonde dame in a white suit, but no time for women now.
Ash Spiegel said:
That picture he was looking over was back in my hands. I tucked it back in my coat pocket for safe keeping. Good news now is that this guy was gona cooperate. It does seem a low blow when you say its about a child, but hey, it really was. The cantina was just a hop away. "Thanks for cooperating buddy. This may do more good than you think". I held the door open after a few drunk patrons passed outwards; stumbling in to the grim lite underworld. A quick view around the people out there it seemed like none were a threat. There was a cute blonde dame in a white suit, but no time for women now.
Listeri allowed the man to walk on, when the bartender began yelling again. "SO YA' BACK FOR MORE, EH' KARKER? WAH' DON'T YA' PAY YOUR FETHIN' BILL?" He shouted. "Hey, Jorghi." Listeri said, waving his hand as he placed down a couple of credits on the counter. Jorghi scowled at him, and began counting the credits. " Ya' finally got the right amount. For fethin' once." He said glaring at Listeri, as he began to attend to [member="Ash Spiegel"]. "Nah' tha' Im done wit' dat' , what can ah' do for ya'? " He asked, wearing a fake smile.

Rendom Axel

Trooper of the Republic
Having no clues Rendom decided it was interogation time and in the cantina he saw a man holding the door for a blond woman in a white suit and Rendom though "Well he looks suspicous I may need to keep a close eye on him"


Captain Neema Farron
Neema couldn't help overhearing their talk of a missing little Pantoran girl. Apparently she had been kidnapped, and a ransom had subsequently been paid, but if things were resolved this man would not be asking around. She found herself curious, as well a concerned for the safety of the child. She entered the cantina by the restaurant she was eyeing up, taking a second for her eyes to adjust before sitting at the bar, close enough to overhear any conversation.
"Kriffing man didn't even what he'd gotten himself into." Adenn mumbled to himself as he walked into the cantina, where he would most definitely get a drink, not tihaar or anything like that, but still something "Hey," he said to the bartender as he approached "I'll take something cheap, but good." this probably sounded terribly cliché, but he didn't care, he just had to chase after a very fit man (which didn't help Adenn's asthma either), leading Adenn to have just finish the bounty and kill the man, and if he didn't then he wouldn't have gotten any credits at all. The mans drink arrived and he payed for it before asking "Where's the bounty sheet?" he took off his helmet before the bartender responded " it's over there." He said pointing at the wall behind Adenn, grumbled for a moment before walking over to it, with his drink.

[member="Capt. Neema Farron"][member="Rendom Axel"][member="Listeri Dalane"][member="Ash Spiegel"][member="McNeal"]

Ash Spiegel

[member="Listeri Dalane"] @Capt. / Neema Farron / [member="Adenn Gra'tua"]

"Well since you asked. I'm looking for someone". I had a small disk shaped holo-display on me containing some footage of the receiver. The blue tinged light of the holo came to life. Sitting on the bench was a rather plump Weequay fellow. And as far as my knowledge goes there weren't many Weequay's who were so... well fed as this one in the galaxy. I hadn't the time yet to make a still close up image from the recording, so passerby's constantly shifted through. It only ran about sixteen seconds long, so when it ended I just made it play over again. "So you ever seen or know anything about the guy sitting there"?
The crusty, old barkeep stretched over the counter and squinted his eyes. "Eh, naw' ah' haven't seen anythin' like dat'. Now, what the heck do ya wan'?" He said, now pulling out a glass and shoving it over to [member="Ash Spiegel"]. Listeri leaned over, and began whispering something to Ash. " Just ignore it, sometimes he'll just make somebody pour their own drink." He said, hoping the bartender didn't notice. He took a seat at the counter, and looked at his warped reflection in the stained and grimy surface.

Ash Spiegel

[member="Listeri Dalane"] [member="Adenn Gra'tua"] [member="Capt. Neema Farron"]

"Well, thanks anyways. And at least I got this lout to pay you". Another dead end, but not the end of the chase by a long shot. I gave my stranger friend a pat on the arm with my disc griped hand; which was promptly tucked away. "Well all I've accomplished is costing you some credits. Hope you don't take exception to that. Hunting people down sometimes causes collateral damage. But better coin than limb right". Best thing I could do for him now was to at least get him a drink for the trouble. "Hey uhh, Jorghi was it. Mind getting me a whiskey on a rock; and whatever this guys usual is". I took a look over my shoulder, never to many looks can hurt ya. Especially when that cute blonde was back. To bad she came to a seedy place like this. Someone like her should be in a finer establishment than this smoke filled dump. The man who was sitting next to me opposite of my stranger friend was also back further than the girl. Just something I noticed since it freed up some elbow room and that he was looking at a bounty board. Guess it was easy to pick up his profession. Well no worrying for them. I took my seat and waited for my drink to be made.
Ash Spiegel said:
[member="Listeri Dalane"] [member="Adenn Gra'tua"] [member="Capt. Neema Farron"]

"Well, thanks anyways. And at least I got this lout to pay you". Another dead end, but not the end of the chase by a long shot. I gave my stranger friend a pat on the arm with my disc griped hand; which was promptly tucked away. "Well all I've accomplished is costing you some credits. Hope you don't take exception to that. Hunting people down sometimes causes collateral damage. But better coin than limb right". Best thing I could do for him now was to at least get him a drink for the trouble. "Hey uhh, Jorghi was it. Mind getting me a whiskey on a rock; and whatever this guys usual is". I took a look over my shoulder, never to many looks can hurt ya. Especially when that cute blonde was back. To bad she came to a seedy place like this. Someone like her should be in a finer establishment than this smoke filled dump. The man who was sitting next to me opposite of my stranger friend was also back further than the girl. Just something I noticed since it freed up some elbow room and that he was looking at a bounty board. Guess it was easy to pick up his profession. Well no worrying for them. I took my seat and waited for my drink to be made.
Listeri looked at [member="Ash Spiegel"] quizzically, as Jorghi began pouring some whiskey without the rocks. Listeri swiveled on his stool to Ash, and began talking. " Why the feth are you buying me a drink?" He asked, now leaning against the counter. " All I did was anger a bartender, ramble about stuff, and get you nowhere." Listeri simply stated, as Jorghi slid a martini to him, with a scowl on his face. "T'anks." Listeri mumbled under his breath, as he swung his glass up and took a long swig. Suddenly, something involving the girl came to the forefront of his mind. " Oh, and by the way: I have a lot of connections here, so I can get you some info on that girl somehow." Listeri told him, a hint of concern in his voice.
"Piece of shab bounties, at least there's bounties though... Unlike some other times." Adenn sighed before returning to his seat, he didn't feel like going after any more people today, or maybe even the next day too. But tonight he would enjoy himself a bit, fix up his armor and weapons, have a few drinks and sleep for a while "I'll take another one please." he asked, not wanting to lose his manners. He looked around the cantina, without turning his head, thanks to a little something in most Mandalorians helmets, he didn't spot anyone of note, other than the man sitting next to him, he didn't like the look of him, not that he looked like a criminal or anything, he looked like a detective you'd see in the holovids, long coat and a hat, which meant he probably was a detective, or at least, trying to be one.

[member="Ash Spiegel"]
[member="Listeri Dalane"]
[member="Capt. Neema Farron"]

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